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Tekken 7 Is Bringing Us Kunimitsu In The Roster Soon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 7th of October 2020 - 05:00 PM ]
Tekken The next character to join Tekken 7 is now set with Kunimitsu coming back to Tekken this Fall The characters keep coming out for Tekken 7 as we have Season 4 coming soon and with it brings another old character back into the fight. It has been a good bit since we heard anything out of Bandai Namco for this one and it looks like the wait might have been worth it. I say that it looks like Kunimitsu is coming back in with a new look and ready to destroy everyone. Another character that has not been around since Tekken 2 and now will be back in to hop onto the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Read More...
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Unleash The Thunder Of Fahkumram In Tekken 7 Next Week
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 20th of March 2020 - 05:00 PM ]
Tekken The release of the next character in Tekken 7 is almost here with the next big thing for Tekken dropping on us all next week The wait is almost over for the next DLC character to finally hit Tekken 7 over on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. We all knew that Fahkumram was on the way as Bandai Namco has been fairly open about showing him off in the game. Now we have the date on when he will be joining the roster of Tekken 7. A date that is now set down as March 24th for all of those out there who have the season pass of content added on. Read More...
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Fahkumram Is Dropping Into The World Of Tekken 7
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 9th of December 2019 - 10:00 PM ]
Tekken The newest character for Tekken 7 has been given a showcase with Fahkumram being the next DLC fighter coming to Tekken 7 soon-ish Look no further for the next character that will be heading toward Tekken 7 here as we now have a visual to go along with it. Here we have Fahkumram that will be bringing his Muay Thai style into the fight via the Season Pass DLC that Bandai Namco is still rolling out. We are in the third season of it all and have four more characters getting added into Tekken 7 when all is said and done. One more is to hit the PS4, Xbox One, and PC versions soon but for now we will focus on the next character shown off and to come at a later date as everything rolls out. Read More...
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Season 3 Begins With New Fighters Coming To Tekken 7
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 5th of August 2019 - 09:00 PM ]
Tekken The next season of DLC is on its way to Tekken 7 with more fighters on the roster and one a fully new character for Tekken Here we go with more characters on the way to Tekken 7, as we now have the announcement of the third season of DLC here fresh from EVO. I honestly do not remember the second season flowing out there from Bandai Namco, but here we are today. It is good news for anyone out there looking to have more for Tekken 7, obviously, but it is also some good news for those looking for something completely new for the franchise. That would be a whole new character coming to the title and not just a reused or guest character as we have had over its run so far. Read More...
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Julia & Negan Are Getting Into The Mix Of Tekken 7 Soon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 19th of February 2019 - 06:00 PM ]
Tekken The next big DLC for Tekken 7 has been given a release date and fans will soon see Negan join in the fight of Tekken 7 with Julia There is nothing new here in terms of knowledge that the characters here are coming to Tekken 7 as part of the Season Pass and list of other characters we have already seen and had a chance to pick up for the game. Bandai Namco has not been too coy about these characters coming, but has been holding back on when they would be coming to the game. It would have made sense for The Walking Dead character to have landed when the new season kicked off. Read More...
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Piss Your Pants As Negan Gameplay For Tekken 7 Is Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 3rd of December 2018 - 06:00 PM ]
Tekken The gameplay for Tekken 7’s Negan DLC is here as well as a look at the next new characters for Tekken 7’s Season Pass 2 are fully revealed Way back during EVO we caught wind that Tekken 7 was going to be scoring one of the weirder crossover characters in fighting games as Negan from The Walking Dead was going to join the roster. It was right after the huge hype that the TV show had around the characters and it felt like Bandai Namco wanted to capitalize on that. Not a bad call, but it felt off to me. Read More...
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Tekken 7 Is Getting More Fighters In The Mix With One From The Walking Dead
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 6th of August 2018 - 05:00 PM ]
Tekken 7 The second season pass of fighters for Tekken 7 was shown off recently with two fighters revealed and word that Tekken 7 is getting one from The Walking Dead The grand finals for Tekken 7 out of EVO have come and gone and with it we have more to look forward to for the game as a new season of character DLC will be on its way soon. There have been a lot of characters already added in by Bandai Namco, but there is always room for more of the past and future characters to get added into the PS4, Xbox One, and PC game here. It also allows for them to open up even more crossovers from other franchises to happen and make more money for Tekken 7 than before. Read More...
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Tekken 7 Is Crossing Games Again As Noctis Joins In The Fight
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 14th of November 2017 - 06:00 PM ]
Tekken The third DLC character for Tekken 7 is here and it looks like Tekken 7 is going to be getting a bit of Final Fantasy XV in it Someone was sitting around and wondering what else needs to be part of Tekken 7 and what the game needed more of it seems. At least that is how I like to think about the process that Bandai Namco starts off with when they try to figure out what their game needs to have added to it to improve it all. That is also how I think Tekken 7's latest DLC character has come to light as I see someone thinking, "You what this game needs more of? Final Fantasy XV. Read More...
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Tekken 7 Is All About Who Is Left Standing In With The Opening Cinematic
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 23rd of May 2017 - 09:00 PM ]
Tekken 7 The opening cinematic for Tekken 7 has been released so we can all get a feel for Tekken 7 just before it launches in June In just over a week from now Tekken 7 will be landing on your PS4, Xbox One, or PC. In just over a week we'll all have a chance to see what has been crafted here by Bandai Namco for the next installment of the title to bring us all back into a fighting mode. As if we didn't have something like that going for us already, but this is Tekken 7 and not the others that have already released for us at this point. But I digress for now as that is not what we have here today besides getting a reminder that June 2nd we be the day that we all get to experience this title all over the world. Read More...
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Roger Jr Will Not Be In Tekken 7, But Not For The Reasons You Think
by Dakota B. Johnson [ Monday, 1st of May 2017 - 05:00 PM ]
Tekken 7 Contrary to rumors going around about Tekken 7, but PETA isn’t the cause of the reason for occlusion of Tekken 7's resident marsupial Well, it looks to be true that Roger Jr. will not be in Tekken 7, but not due to any complaints from animal rights activists or any weird call from Bandai Namco in terms of development. While Google translate can be a bit dodgy when translating Katsuhiro Harada’s tweets; a bunch of uninformed journalism combined with the rabid Tekken fan base has led to a lot of misinformation to spread like wildfire in the fields of the internet. From what I can gather Harada and the rest of the team are just trying to make the best game they can. Read More...
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Rage & Sorrow Will Drive Tekken 7 When It Releases Soon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 23rd of January 2017 - 06:00 PM ]
Tekken 7 A release date for Tekken 7 has been set for the console and PC version of the game as well as some new mechanics coming to Tekken 7 for us all A lot of gamers have been sitting and waiting to find out when Tekken 7 would be coming to the PS4, Xbox One, and/or PC and it has been one long wait to find out. So far Bandai Namco has only shown the game off in its full arcade box form and little has been discussed on the home versions of the game. Now it looks like we have June 2nd to look forward to as that has been the date set for when Tekken 7 will be coming into our homes across the globe. Read More...
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Tekken 7: Fated Retribution Announced & Houses…Akuma?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 14th of December 2015 - 10:00 PM ]
Tekken 7 A sequel to Tekken 7's arcade version, Tekken 7: Fated Retribution, has been announced and looks to employ Akuma into the main story We may still have a bit of a wait to get Tekken 7 on the PS4 and Xbox One but it looks like the arcade version is already getting a sequel called Tekken 7: Fated Retribution. Well more of an updated unless Bandai Namco is taking a page from Street Fighter in terms of naming and alterations. Of course that wouldn't be a huge surprise right now as it does look like Tekken 7: Fated Retribution will be lifting at least on character from the other franchise in the way of Akuma. Read More...
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