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Games to Watch: Way of the Samurai 3
by Kevin [ Friday, 7th of August 2009 - 07:57 PM ]
The original Way of the Samurai title was released on the Playstation 2 back in 2002. It was set in 19th Century Japan, where you would take on the role of a ronin who wanders into a remote village and becomes involved in a conflict between rival clans. One of the best features about this game was the branching storylines that offered some very solid replay value while at the same time offering enough in the way of varying weapons and side content to really constitute different gameplay experiences. Although the story in the first game follows one overall framing narrative, the actual events that the you would engage in really depend on the decisions you make. Some decisions, while seeming small, could affect who lived and died at the end of the story. Read More...
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A price drop afterall?
by Binh Nguyen [ Friday, 26th of June 2009 - 02:21 PM ]
So everyone has been reading since E3 that Sony has no plans for a price drop. Activision's CEO, Bobby Kotick, laid down the hammer on Sony last week encouraging that Sony needs to consider dropping the price on the PS3 or else they could see a full-stop on Activision games for the PS3. Can I see a raise of hand who thinks the PS3 is still over priced? *raises hand*Well this week in Australia it seems the Target stores care cleaning house on the 40 gig model PS3 the sale price is 199 AUD (160 USD). This price drop was first discovered unadvertised by the Whirlpool forums. Read More...
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*UPDATE* Left 4 Dead 2 for the PS3?
by Binh Nguyen [ Sunday, 21st of June 2009 - 04:04 PM ]
 "But wait I thought Left 4 Dead was an XBox/PC exclusive and Valve is not a huge fan of the PS3?" You are correct on that view. At E3 when Valve announced that there will be a sequel for this zombie-fest of a game a lot of people were a bit surprised that Valve is releasing the sequel so quickly. But is the game also going to be appearing for the PS3? According to EA official website, not only did they list the game for the PS3 as a “Coming Soon”, but also a cover art for the PS3 version of the game. Read More...
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Greatest Hits Round 2
by Binh Nguyen [ Thursday, 28th of May 2009 - 04:19 PM ]
Do you smell it? It’s going to be all over the place. It’s the PS3's newest additions to the greatest hits library, all of which will be priced at $29.99 and on shelves by June 16th. Here is the list: Army of Two, EA (March 4, 2008) Battlefield: Bad Company, EA (June 23, 2008) Devil May Cry 4, Capcom (February 5, 2008) Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, SCEA (April 15, 2008) Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Konami (June 12, 2008) Ratchet&Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, SCEA (October 23, 2007) So I really have questions about this list, as in where is Heavenly Sword, and what about Uncharted? Yes, the games listed above are valid and have the right to be a part of the Greatest Hits library, but some of the titles are not even a year old yet. Now they are already part of the Greatest Hit library? Read More...
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A Game You May Have Missed: Noby Noby Boy
by Kevin [ Monday, 2nd of March 2009 - 03:33 PM ]
Every now and again, I'll look for a title that may have fallen through the cracks or that I know is new to some and familiar to others. More often than not it'll be a title that either caused my head to implode or really seemed to fall below the radar.Noby Noby Boy is a little title for the PS3 by Keita Takahashi, the creator of the Katamari Damacy series. I picked up solely on that premise alone - becuase of the inventiveness of the original and the expectation of something just as entertaining. That being said, I'm not sure what this game is. Read More...
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Flower Set for Release
by Jesse [ Wednesday, 21st of January 2009 - 12:42 AM ]
In 2007, ThatGameCompany released their first game for the PS3. The game entitled Flow, was a vastly enhanced remake of the original award-winning flash game that had been released for Windows and Mac. Now they’re set for their second PS3 release with Flower, a game that is a successor of sorts to Flow. Officially set for release on February 12th on the PlayStation Store, Flower has players control flower petals as they float in the wind through a variety of environments. As with Flow, Flower’s biggest attractions thus far is its unique and artistic design. Read More...
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OpEd: Sony Just Says NO to PS3 Price Cuts for the Holidays
by Ben Brody [ Wednesday, 8th of October 2008 - 10:13 PM ]
A Sony exec, namely Patrick Seybold, told potential Playstation 3 consumers that no holiday price cuts, let alone permanent, would be in the works as it would cost the company too much money. *FACTOID: Sony made $88.7 billion in revenue last fiscal year while Microsoft, whose company recently permanently dropped prices of their XBOX 360's at least $50, made $60.4 Billion in revenue last fiscal year, $28.3 billion less than Sony* While people with an HDTV are getting a 2 for 1 with the $399. Read More...
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