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A New Multiverse Of Madness Is Coming With Flow Weaver VR
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 18th of November 2020 - 06:00 PM ]
Flow Weaver Step back into the VR worlds with Flow Weaver VR getting some new gameplay so you can feel how Flow Weaver VR will dominate your rooms It has been a while since we went all in on a VR title and here we go with Flow Weaver VR. The name is a little misleading for the game but maybe that is what Stitch Media is going for with it to give us the idea of flowing between dimensions to solve some new puzzles. That is the short version of what is going on here for Flow Weaver VR, but it does look like there will be much more when it finally hits the Oculus in 2021. I guess it is also good that we have some gameplay to look at here to better explain how all of this will flow and then most likely look here soon. Read More...
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Review: Wii ElectroFlow Inductive Charger
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 26th of October 2009 - 03:09 PM ]
Since the Wii has come to market and the need for keeping those WiiMotes charged and useable has been a concern for hardcore gamers. So then the rechargeable AA batteries got pulled back out and WiiMote specific chargers began to get pumped onto the scene. Some were good. Some just horrid. But they all kept things working as long as it was just the WiiMote you had and nothing else. Not even the gel jacket to protect TV's around the world. These chargers were workable as long as you didn't care taking the extra time to slide out and disassemble everything to charge the batteries or swap in new ones. Read More...
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Fresh Flowers for $9.99
by Andy [ Thursday, 12th of February 2009 - 11:26 PM ]
So it seems today is the day that Flower is now available for purchase on the US PSN store. After much talk about this anticipated game, this is surely going be very interesting for games to come. As we've seen games like flOw come into the market, a new type of game has emerged. I think Flower will do well, and I definitely think it will spark more games to come like this. So if you've got the extra 10 bucks, go grab it! Read More...
Tags: flowers, <3, ps3, psn,
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Flower Set for Release
by Jesse [ Wednesday, 21st of January 2009 - 12:42 AM ]
In 2007, ThatGameCompany released their first game for the PS3. The game entitled Flow, was a vastly enhanced remake of the original award-winning flash game that had been released for Windows and Mac. Now they’re set for their second PS3 release with Flower, a game that is a successor of sorts to Flow. Officially set for release on February 12th on the PlayStation Store, Flower has players control flower petals as they float in the wind through a variety of environments. As with Flow, Flower’s biggest attractions thus far is its unique and artistic design. Read More...
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