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This Week In Video Games 10/19/15 — 10/23/15
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 23rd of October 2015 - 11:00 PM ]
Video Games A Lot Has Gone On This Week. Here's A Recap Of What We Covered In Video Games Well that wraps another great week in video games for us here. All kinds of news and review popped up this week for all of our favorite video games now didn't they? I mean this was a heavy Call Of Duty: Black Op 3 and Rise Of The Tomb Raider week but we did manage to squeeze out a few reviews for Blood Bowl II, Minecraft: Story Mode, and Skylanders SuperChargers too. And to think; that is only the tip of the iceberg now that we are in the heavy release season for all video games. So many more to come and so much more news to read for our favorite franchises in the world of video games. Read More...
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Review — Skylanders SuperChargers
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 21st of October 2015 - 07:00 PM ]
Skylanders We Sit Down And Review Skylanders SuperChargers. Does the addition of vehicles drive the franchise forward or just add more toys to the ever-growing shelf? Here's Our Review of Skylanders SuperChargers It's been another year and that means that it is time for more toys-to-life video games with the addition of Skylanders SuperChargers to the ever-growing franchise. Skylanders are back from Vicarious Visions and this time they have brought vehicles to mix things up and try to stop the evil lord Kaos in his tracks. Kaos and all of the other evil beings that seem to be under his employ or just trying to run amuck in the world of Skylands. Read More...
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Skylanders SuperChargers Is Going Dark For Another Edition
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 8th of July 2015 - 04:59 PM ]
A new Dark Edition has been announced for Skylanders Superchargers and it allows for more Kaos gameplay in the franchise In the last edition of Skylanders we had a cool Dark Edition as we had villains in tow and it looks like Skylanders SuperChargers is also going to be doing the same thing. As if adding in vehicles wasn't enough for Vicarious Visions it looks like they wanted to make sure we all had the option to play the "evil" versions when we finally get the game on September 20th. Before you get worried about it Skylanders Superchargers' Dark Edition will be available in starter pack form for the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and Wii U versions of the game. No need to worry outside of being able to find the edition for sale anywhere. Read More...
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E3 2015 Impressions — Skylanders SuperChargers
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 23rd of June 2015 - 05:00 PM ]
While At E3 I Was Able To See Skylanders SuperChargers In A More Intimate Setting Than Just The Trailer. Here's My Take On It One of the guilty pleasures that I have had over the years have been seeing the next Skylanders title in action at E3 and this year was no slouch as Skylanders SuperChargers was on the scene and showing off all of the new hardware and story coming to the franchise. This would be the latest from Vicarious Visions that is bringing vehicles to the mix of Skylands and to bring down the Evil Lord Kaos and all of his Doom-machines. If you knew the franchise that explanation of Skylanders SuperChargers would make perfect sense but none the less we have new, or newish, characters and their vehicles that also brings new gameplay and we were on the scene to see what we can expect to be new to the franchise with Skylanders SuperChargers when it launches on September 20th on the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PC, Wii U, and 3DS. Read More...
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Skylanders SuperChargers Will Let Us Drive Evil Crazy
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 3rd of June 2015 - 07:00 PM ]
A new Skylanders title is coming with full speed in the way of Skylanders SuperChargers which also adds vehicles to the mix of the game By this point I know I have been questioning where the Skylanders franchise might and can go. It started the toys-to-life genre of video games and others have tried to follow suit. It looks like Vicarious Visions and Activision are again pushing things forward a little bit with Skylanders SuperChargers. This would be the most recent title just announced which now adds vehicles to the video game world as well as to all of the 300+ Skylanders toys already available. Read More...
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Review: Wii ElectroFlow Inductive Charger
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 26th of October 2009 - 03:09 PM ]
Since the Wii has come to market and the need for keeping those WiiMotes charged and useable has been a concern for hardcore gamers. So then the rechargeable AA batteries got pulled back out and WiiMote specific chargers began to get pumped onto the scene. Some were good. Some just horrid. But they all kept things working as long as it was just the WiiMote you had and nothing else. Not even the gel jacket to protect TV's around the world. These chargers were workable as long as you didn't care taking the extra time to slide out and disassemble everything to charge the batteries or swap in new ones. Read More...
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