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A New Multiverse Of Madness Is Coming With Flow Weaver VR
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 18th of November 2020 - 06:00 PM ]
Flow Weaver Step back into the VR worlds with Flow Weaver VR getting some new gameplay so you can feel how Flow Weaver VR will dominate your rooms It has been a while since we went all in on a VR title and here we go with Flow Weaver VR. The name is a little misleading for the game but maybe that is what Stitch Media is going for with it to give us the idea of flowing between dimensions to solve some new puzzles. That is the short version of what is going on here for Flow Weaver VR, but it does look like there will be much more when it finally hits the Oculus in 2021. I guess it is also good that we have some gameplay to look at here to better explain how all of this will flow and then most likely look here soon. Read More...
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