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Take To The Sky With New Gameplay For The New Title
by Duke Searles [ Friday, 17th of November 2017 - 06:00 PM ]
Sky We have some new gameplay for Sky to look at and see how Sky will be the same but different from the dev's other titles out there It has been a bit since we all first heard about ThatGameCompany's upcoming title Sky or at least saw any gameplay for the iOS title. A few months at this point, but now we are back to see some new footage for the game as well as have some of the developer's commentary on just what is going on in the game. We already knew that there would be a social aspect to it all as well as the ability to fly around the world, but here we get to see just how some of that plays into the larger side of Sky at the end of the day. It also looks like Light and Darkness will play into the core of it all as well which is something we have not seen until now. Read More...
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Get Ready To Take To The Sky With ThatGameCompany's Next Title
by Duke Searles [ Wednesday, 13th of September 2017 - 09:00 PM ]
Sky The next title from ThatGameCompany has been announced, Sky, and it looks to do just what the title says by taking us on an adventure in the Sky It looks like the wait for whatever the next title ThatGameCompany is working is now over as we just had the announcement that it is a title named Sky. It is nice, simplistic, and looks to use the same gameplay modes that the developer has used for so long to make some amazing title. The only truly weird part is that Sky will be coming to the iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV before anywhere else. Read More...
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Journey Is Making The Leap To PS4 On July 21
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 8th of July 2015 - 06:59 PM ]
A new look for Journey as well as the PS4 release date have been shared so we can all experience the fun of Journey That wait is almost over as Journey will be making the final leap onto the PS4 here on July 21st. No messing around with any jibber jabber we just get right into the point here just as ThatGameCompany did with the announcement for the move. It's not the biggest of news as there isn't all too much to add to Journey as a whole but now we will have it on every PlayStation platform available as Journey is fun enough to dictate more play throughs. If you don't want to believe me then give it a go on the PS3 and tell us all otherwise. Read More...
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Review: Journey
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 7th of March 2012 - 10:16 PM ]
Before I go on, let me make it clear this is a review for the 2012 video game Journey and not the band of the same name. Don't need the confusion. Anyway, here we go with thatgamecompany's next title hitting the PSN. They've made huge waves with flOw and Flower and here they try again with Journey. Though, you don't need a full history lesson here. You need to know if you should drop your cash here so let's just get down to it. Story You take the role of a weird "robed" figure, which seems to be made completely out of said robes, that is on a journey to the top of a glowing mountain. Read More...
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Flower Set for Release
by Jesse [ Wednesday, 21st of January 2009 - 12:42 AM ]
In 2007, ThatGameCompany released their first game for the PS3. The game entitled Flow, was a vastly enhanced remake of the original award-winning flash game that had been released for Windows and Mac. Now they’re set for their second PS3 release with Flower, a game that is a successor of sorts to Flow. Officially set for release on February 12th on the PlayStation Store, Flower has players control flower petals as they float in the wind through a variety of environments. As with Flow, Flower’s biggest attractions thus far is its unique and artistic design. Read More...
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