So everyone has been reading since E3 that Sony has no plans for a price drop. Activision's CEO, Bobby Kotick, laid down the hammer on Sony last week encouraging that Sony needs to consider dropping the price on the PS3 or else they could see a full-stop on Activision games for the PS3. Can I see a raise of hand who thinks the PS3 is still over priced? *raises hand*
Well this week in Australia it seems the Target stores care cleaning house on the 40 gig model PS3 the sale price is 199 AUD (160 USD). This price drop was first discovered unadvertised by the Whirlpool forums. Needless to say those Target employees were the first to pick up the system and the PS3-hungry players came and got the rest.
Are we seeing the future with this price drop? Will Sony officially announce anytime soon? Is this a way of Sony of telling us that there is a new model coming soon?
Well regardless of what Australia is doing, I believe that Sony needs to do something drastic right now to stay afloat even with titles like God of War III, Final Fantasy XIII coming out later on this year / early next year. Sony needs to announce some sort of price drop and better titles. Please, for the love of all that is holy in the video game world, stop thinking that nothing will affect you and start thinking about the consumer that is willing to purchase your system.
Hopefully Sony will lower the price to the PS3 sometime soon so everyone can stop complaining about how expensive the system is.