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Hell Or Rapture?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 18th of September 2009 - 04:48 PM ]
Damn you 2K and EA! Damn you both to Tartarus! Jokingly that is. But you both have made my February and thus Valentines Day/Desperation Day much more stressful than I was hoping for. Hopefully the little lady will understand why I am glued to my PS3 and PC. First Dante's Inferno and now BioShock 2 on 2/9/10. That's right. Just announced, BioShock 2 will be out simultaneously on all three platforms on the ninth day of February in our Lords 2010th year. Read More...
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Review: NHL 10
by Ben Brody [ Friday, 18th of September 2009 - 12:30 PM ]
NHL 10. NHL 09 was hands down the best hockey game of all time, and NHL 10 builds on that. So it's not as much of a leap from NHL 09 as Madden 10 was to Madden 09, but it is a big step in the right direction. And perhaps not taking a leap from NHL 09, which won a slew of sports game of the year awards, is a good thing. NHL 10 keeps the tradition that NHL 09 had, mix in a fairly realistic mode (an ultra realistic mode can be played in the game, with 20 minute periods and everything) with enough arcadiness to not turn off casual players, and have yourself some fun. The graphics are the same as is the audio, another job well done by Gary Thorne and Bill Clement (although they probably only spent about 5 hours recording the new audio), and the new crowd sounds make it feel that much more real. Read More...
Tags: NHL 10, Review, XBox, PS3,
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Assassinating Variety
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 16th of September 2009 - 07:38 PM ]
In Assassin's Creed the missions were awesome the first time you played the mission type. After the 20th time you had to find an informant before you could go and assassinate someone it got very repetitive. I know I got bored with these missions very fast and wouldn't have completed the game had it not been for a very intriguing story. But that was the saving grace for me. That and my unmatched need to finish a game while grabbing all the little story elements as possible. Read More...
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Microsoft Hits Jackpot With Modern Warfare 2 XBox 360
by Brian Bentley [ Wednesday, 16th of September 2009 - 05:31 PM ]
Yesterday Microsoft and Activision announced that a special Modern Warfare 2-themed Xbox 360. 250 gig hard drive, two wireless controllers, a wired headset and a copy of the game for 400 dollars. has a list of what is in the box: Limited Edition Xbox 360 Console with exclusive Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Design Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Standard Edition (Rated "M" for Mature.) 250GB HD 2 Black Wireless Controllers 1 Black Xbox 360 Wired Headset 1 Ethernet Cable 1 Xbox 360 Composite A/V cable Free one month subscription to Xbox LIVE Gold (Xbox LIVE Silver subscription is included with console) Free Netflix trial offer The men and women working at Microsoft who got this deal done are getting promotions this Christmas. Having a themed console for what will probably be the best selling game of the year and strong contender for Game of the Year is a huge boon for Microsoft. Read More...
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Sneaking In Early Is Totally Metal
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 15th of September 2009 - 10:19 PM ]
So I'll be honest and tell you that I have yet to watch the video below. In fact, I refuse to watch it. But that shouldn't stop me from letting other people who want to watch it from enjoying it. In case you haven't skipped my words yet and just clicked play, the video below is the first 5 minutes and 46 seconds of what you can expect to be at the beginning of Brütal Legend. The opening cinematic to be exact. Why have I not watched this clip yet? Read More...
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Have I Got A Story For You
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 15th of September 2009 - 04:26 PM ]
It is the job of trailers to get people excited about the product coming out. It's generally short version of the awesome that is in store for you when you get the full version. That or a small release of information that makes you look at the product and say, "Well shit the bed! That is awesome!" Something that they new Character Trailer for 2K Games and Gearbox Software's upcoming game Borderlands. I will admit that this game was a very small blip on my radar. I won't lie like those sites that review games with out playing them. Read More...
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Review: Section 8
by Ben Brody [ Tuesday, 15th of September 2009 - 01:45 PM ]
At first glance, Section 8 looks like a Halo wannabe. At second glance it looks like a Tribes wannabe. At third glance it looks like a Battlefield wannabe. I'm not saying that a game that plays like those 3 games would be bad (heck, it'd probably be the best online shooter ever), but Section 8 seems to be lackluster in areas that each of those 3 game excelled in. The problem with that is while that Section 8 may be a solid game, the fact is that people are going to be playing the other 3 games that it is trying to emulate. Section 8 is a multiplayer only game, don't be fooled by the Corde's story campaign mode, it's basically a glorified bot mode with some random bits of story thrown about. Read More...
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Batman Goes Totally Insane
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 15th of September 2009 - 03:02 AM ]
There is no denying that Batman: Arkham Asylum is an awesome game. It is what a Batman game should be. I don't think anyone could deny that. At least without getting spammed and flamed on every gaming site out there. I smell attention whoring out there now that I mentioned that. In any instance, the core game didn't end the whole experience for gamers who loved this game. There were the challenge maps after all was said and done. 16 of them for Batman if you completed a good chunk of the Riddle's riddles. Read More...
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Base Jumping In Just Cause 2
by Corey Dockendorf [ Monday, 14th of September 2009 - 09:57 PM ]
I'm nauseous just watching the video. Just Cause 2, which will be release in 2010, is already turning some heads by it's awesome new style of gun toting gameplay. The game is not only beautifully rendered, but it gives such a stunning realism while in the air that players could probably spend all day base jumping off mountains or buildings and be completely satisfied by the gameplay. Honestly it reminds me of Pilot Wings for the Nintendo 64, but with more action, guns, and death from above. Check out the latest developer diary for Just Cause 2 and be amazed by the things you can do with a grappling hook and a parachute. Read More...
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Brütal PR Stünt
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 14th of September 2009 - 07:59 PM ]
Unless you are new to Metal and the internet, you have heard of Brütal Legend. How could you have not with how much PR this game is getting. It was the topic of the entire two hour infomercial for Brütal legend and all things Jack Black Video Game Awards this year, which was just the start of it all. It has been a topic at every game and "geek" convention this year. You could not have missed a single thing for it. Read More...
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LucasArts Announces Lucidity For Xbox Live Arcade & PC
by Corey Dockendorf [ Friday, 11th of September 2009 - 11:20 PM ]
LucasArts today announced their new title Lucidity. The latest Puzzle Game will be available on Xbox Live arcade and PC. Players will play Sofi, a little girl who is dreaming, and as she drifts deeper and deeper into the dream world players will need to keep Sofi safe. Apparently this will be done by putting puzzle pieces in her way to "guide" her where she needs to go. LucasArts plans on bringing more games similar to "The re-imagining of The Secret of Monkey Island" and "Lucidity" to gamers. This is a pretty cool concept. Read More...
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Civil War Sides Will Be Chosen Soon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 11th of September 2009 - 09:11 PM ]
Just in case you didn't know by now that Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 is coming out in under week, the great video protectionists at Activision have pumped out am awesome trailer showing off what we can all expect to be playing over the next few weeks. Something to wet our whistles in anticipation for this game. As if the Juggernaut video hasn't been enough right? Right? Read More...
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Avatar Droppings
by Kevin [ Friday, 11th of September 2009 - 04:02 PM ]
"Ever want to watch your Xbox Live Avatar plummet helplessly through the air and smash into things? Well now you can in the humorously cruel new game "Avatar Drop"! You and your friends can experience the side-splitting hilarity of watching your digital alter-egos bump, scream and crash their way through random obstacles." This is the official description of this indie title by the name of Avatar Drop. Now, from that description it sounds like Xbox Live has found it’s equivalent to Playstation favorite, “Pain. Read More...
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You Greedy Bastards
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 9th of September 2009 - 11:22 PM ]
While the last developer's diary made it seem that Dante's Inferno was going to be full of Poo Jokes, this new one starts to add the creep back into hell. No I don't think that the monsters of Gluttony pooing on me is all that creepy. I also didn't think that they would be able to get creepy with the fourth circle, Greed, but this new video adds a little more depth, pun intended, on Dante. Not so much on the Greed. In this Dev. Read More...
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Review: Darkest of Days
by Binh Nguyen [ Tuesday, 8th of September 2009 - 07:54 PM ]
Time travel is the one thing that we all wish we had in today's world. It would be easy to travel back in time and change a few of the mistakes we have made. Sadly, it is only a reality in movies and video games. While this ability is not totally unfettered in Phantom EFX's newest First Person Shooter, Darkest of Days, you do get to travel back in time and see some of history's more iconic eras and famous battles. The difference between this and other time travel games is that you actually have the opportunity to change the outcome of some of these events and battles. The Characters: You used to be Alex Morris, a recently transferred solider under the command of General Custer. Read More...
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