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Let's Play Some BioShock: The Collection To See How It All Looks
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 26th of August 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
BioShock Some early looks at BioShock: The Collection have been uploaded and now we get to see all three BioShock titles up and running for us to dissect I knew that with BioShock: The Collection coming out soon it would only be a matter of time that we started to see some "let's play" videos popping up. They are all the rage and I'm sure that 2K Games would love the free publicity that goes along with them. It looks like they couldn't wait to get BioShock: The Collection out there on September 13th for us all. Read More...
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It's Time To See If BioShock: The Collection Has Been Upgraded Perfectly
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 18th of August 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
BioShock A new comparison video for BioShock: The Collection has been released and now we can see if the original BioShock titles have been upgraded enough to justify the collection It took so long for BioShock: The Collection to finally get the announcement and date for us but now that September 13th is quickly approaching it would be nice to see if there is good reason to repurchase all of these titles again. I'm sure 2K Games would want me to tell you that you have to right now but that wouldn't dictate if Blind Squirrel did an amazing job or not. There are three BioShock titles here that needed some touchups and now we have a good view at the upgrades that have been done from the originals. Read More...
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BioShock: The Collection Finally Gets Its Official Announcement
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 30th of June 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
BioShock After many leaks, BioShock: The Collection has finally been announced and now we are getting all the BioShock titles in one location for the current gen Here we go with yet another one of the worst kept secrets in the video game industry as BioShock: The Collection has now been given the full announcement, details, and release date from 2K Games. It only took five different "leaks" and ratings to show up but now we have a nice new collection put together from Blind Squirrel that puts everything in one place for new and old fans alike. All of the BioShock titles bundled up, remastered, and heading out to the PS4, Xbox One, and PC on September 13th for $59. Read More...
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BioShock Collection Has Been Rated Again With No Official Word Still
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 1st of April 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
BioShock A rating for the BioShock Collection has popped up again and this time the BioShock Collection was spotted on the ERSB site Looks like that rumored BioShock Collection is popping up for the fourth time now as it looks like it has been rated yet again. This time the rating was spotted over on the ERSB site and has since been removed. Most likely at the request of 2K Games as they are the listed publisher but this is the internet age and things like that don't get lost at all. It looks like it should just be time for the BioShock Collection to get the official announcement now for the PS4 and Xbox One but is going to sit in the rumor mill for just a bit longer. Read More...
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BioShock Collection Rated Yet Again…This Time With Box Art
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 17th of March 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
BioShock Another rating for BioShock Collection has been spotted and more rumors about the possible boxed collection of all BioShock titles are back Looks like another ratings board has shown some form of existence for a BioShock Collection. This time it comes out of Taiwan and also happens to include possible box art for the collection. All of this and there is still no official word out of 2K Games on the possible collection but signs are still pointing to the fact that we will be seeing some or all of the BioShock titles coming together in some form on the PS4 and Xbox One. Unless this is one major troll out there. Read More...
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The BioShock Collection Gets Rated Yet Again For Possible Release
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 22nd of February 2016 - 10:00 PM ]
Bioshock The BioShock Collection has been rated again, this time in Brazil, and it looks more like the BioShock Collection could be a real thing In September of 2015 we had our first "leak" of a supposed BioShock Collection from the South African ratings board. It was claimed that it was in the works from 2K Games, heading to the PS4 and Xbox One, and heading to them on November 27th of 2015. Seeing as that day has come and passed it was easy to think that a BioShock Collection was just a fleeting thought and nothing of truth. That was of course until it was rated yet again and put a bit more substance to the possibility that we will head to Rapture again on the next gen systems. Read More...
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Rumor — BioShock Collection Might Have Been Leaked
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 21st of September 2015 - 09:00 PM ]
Bioshock A video game retailer may have spilled the beans on BioShock Collection and its existence in the latest BioShock rumor out there If you've been holding out for BioShock to make it to the next gen consoles then it looks like the wait may be paying off. If rumors are to be true here it looks like something called the BioShock Collection will be making its way to the PS4 and Xbox One here on November 27th. I believe we in the states here call that Black Friday. But that is the rumor that has made it online so take the news of a BioShock Collection however you will just know that 2K Games has already refused to address the claims with the usual "we do not respond…" style of answer. Read More...
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Minerva's Den Is Where All The Cool DLC Was Hidden
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 6th of August 2010 - 06:08 PM ]
Just when you thought that maybe there was nothing left to be done in BioShock 2 another DLC pack is sent our way. First it was more multiplayer. Then it was more "single" player in the form of harvesting challenges. Let's see what 2K Game is going to try and milk us for this time. Most likely more map packs for a multiplayer mode that is getting a little on the light side. *[Insert Press Release Opening Noises]* Oh, well isn't this interesting? New DLC that is all about expanding the best part of the game, THE STORY. Read More...
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Heading Back Into Rapture With New BioShock 2 Single Player DLC
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 1st of July 2010 - 10:34 PM ]
After waiting for more of Rapture and BioShock to be announced at E3 in the form of BioShock 3 or a BioShock MMO. I was dubiously let down in my search for that. But at least I found a Big Daddy and a Little Sister there. That and 2K Games just announced some upcoming DLC that adds onto the single player mode of the game. Awesomely Epic. Here is what we will be getting for $4. Read More...
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Visiting Rapture One More Time
by Binh Nguyen [ Wednesday, 28th of April 2010 - 02:56 PM ]
After reading the Brian G article on DLC, I bring to you another DLC in the works from 2K Games that they will be releasing; The next BioShock 2 DLC called Rapture Metro Pack. This add-on will be available for the XBox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. Here is some of the details that will be included in the next DLC. Six all-new maps built, some built from the single-player portion of the game. Three new Achievements/Trophies. Read More...
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Review: BioShock 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 5th of March 2010 - 08:49 PM ]
The time has finally come for us all to head back into Rapture and see what has transpired since the fall of Andrew Ryan and get some questions answered. Is the city still standing up well? Have the splicers died off? What happened to those pesky ADAM filled Little Sisters? All kinds of questions that we were left to wonder when escaping from the underwater city in the first BioShock. The Story: Picking up almost ten years after Jack escaped from Rapture, BioShock 2 starts you out in a similar WTF moment forcing the start of the game. You just kind of wake up as a Big Daddy and have only clouded memories on what the hell is going on. Read More...
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Big Daddy Got Wood!
by Binh Nguyen [ Friday, 26th of February 2010 - 10:34 PM ]
Ever been so obsessed with a game or character that you needed to draw them or have it everywhere? Myself, I have anime, Super Sentai stuff on my PC, PSP Go, toys (or in Mike's case, dolls), etc. Well this Japanese man takes things to a whole new level as he takes the time to carve out a nearly life size wooden statue of Big Daddy from BioShock. In this nearly ten minute video, you will see how much detail this Japanese Jason took to create Big Daddy. I could not imagine how long it probably took him to finish the project, but needless to say it is worth a watch. Read More...
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Got BioShock 2 Question? We Might Have Answers.
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 8th of February 2010 - 06:59 PM ]
So on Friday (2/5/10) the people who are bringing us BioShock 2 and who helped in porting BioShock over to the PS3, held a nice round of "answer some submitted BioShock 2 questions." A nice game that I was able to sit in on and have some questions answered. For you, our readers, as well as for my personal needs. We all know I can be needy now and then. Here is my understanding of what the guys were trying to get across while answering all of our needy questions. Read More...
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Get All Cuddly With Big Daddy
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 8th of February 2010 - 02:47 PM ]
We've seen the BioShock 2 Launch Trailer or seen the ending that teased the sequel oh so long ago. In these trailers you may have spotted something that the Little Sister was carrying around. A nice little plush doll, made from random junk from Rapture, fashioned to look just like her Big Daddy savior. If you haven't seen it, then watch one of those videos and you will understand what I am talking about. Getting back on track, NECA has decided to add that plush doll from the game to their list of licensed BioShock 2 merchandise. Read More...
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BioShock 2 Says We Will Be Reborn
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 3rd of February 2010 - 04:48 PM ]
It almost seems like it has been ages since the first BioShock came out and rocked the gaming world and Survival Horror and FPS genres. With deep intriguing story and creepy as fuck visuals and audio. All wrapping up into what seemed like a nice ending to it all. Well at least if you didn't see the continuation video that did more than just tease BioShock 2. Then after that, we had to wait almost two more years to get the sequel we fans were all hoping for. Which, here we sit a mere week away from that day. Read More...
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