Another rating for BioShock Collection has been spotted and more rumors about the possible boxed collection of all BioShock titles are back
Looks like another ratings board has shown some form of existence for a BioShock Collection. This time it comes out of Taiwan and also happens to include possible box art for the collection. All of this and there is still no official word out of 2K Games on the possible collection but signs are still pointing to the fact that we will be seeing some or all of the BioShock titles coming together in some form on the PS4 and Xbox One. Unless this is one major troll out there.
All of this came from a Twitter user, lifelower, who has spotted many other "leaks" like this in the past. Of course there would be no validity to the claim of the BioShock Collection getting rated again with box art if there wasn't a direct link to the source. They happened to provide it as you can see below.
BioShock: The Collection rated for PC/PS4/XB1 in Taiwan. https://t.co/UTJqx7RJDO pic.twitter.com/VA8aY2NPIi
— lifelower (@lifelower) March 17, 2016
That now makes it officially three different countries rating the BioShock Collection so I would go on a limb and say that it is most definitely going to be a thing. Knowing how 2K Games works a bit I think we will get some form of official announcement by E3 at the latest and hopefully see everything all bundled up by the end of the year. That of course is wishful thinking and who knows what is really going on. Either way I am hopeful to play BioShock on the current gens systems.
What is your takeaway from this latest BioShock Collection rating? Do you agree that it is about 90% confirmed now or are you still waiting for the official word to come out? What do you think about the possible box art that has been added into the mix? Let us know and discuss away in the comments below. For more on all things BioShock be sure to stick around here. As the news, updates, and "leaks" come out we will have them all right here for you.