You Greedy Bastards

In this Dev. Diary, you do get to see how and why Dante has that cross sewn to his chest. Not all that creepy, but they explain why and then you can start to think further on why he kind of belongs in the area he is venturing through. It goes so far as to explain the major story points Visceral Games has and had to change to make Dante's Inferno a work able game. Most of which is butching up Dante and making him more of a hero than a whiny little bitch. But that was a given as this is an action game right?

One other little fun fact about this diary, is it came out on the day that Team Dante is running a promotion through game stop. Today (9/9/09) you can pre-order the game on and save $6.66 from the retail price. Not as cool as getting some cool exclusive in-game item, but it fits really well for those who are into the Christian Numerology. Or just want to save a few bucks.