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Brütal PR Stünt
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 14th of September 2009 - 07:59 PM ]
Unless you are new to Metal and the internet, you have heard of Brütal Legend. How could you have not with how much PR this game is getting. It was the topic of the entire two hour infomercial for Brütal legend and all things Jack Black Video Game Awards this year, which was just the start of it all. It has been a topic at every game and "geek" convention this year. You could not have missed a single thing for it. Read More...
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Röckin' Gööd Time!
by Binh Nguyen [ Sunday, 9th of August 2009 - 09:57 PM ]
With the release of Brütal Legend getting closer and closer everyday, I am sure someone is wondering what the soundtrack for the game will be like. Well we find it where they take metal to the extreme. Where is that you say? How about Denmark. That's right EA Denmark has the list of over 100 songs for Brütal Legend. After looking over the list, it sure made me feel like I am watching MTV (back when they actually played music videos) when I was younger. Bands like Dokken, Megadeath, Judas Priest and many many more. Read More...
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Activision tells EA to back off Brutal Legend
by Corey Dockendorf [ Monday, 8th of June 2009 - 04:09 PM ]
Ah, the Saga continues... As if Brutal Legend hasn't gone back and forth enough times, we finally start getting excited and WHAM!!! Lawsuit. If you haven't been following the drama here is a brief recap: Brutal Legend was being developed by Double Fine Studios, which at the time had contract with Vivendi Games for Publishing rights.  When the Vivendi/Activision merger happened last year the merged companies decided not to release the game. Jack Black fans around the world were crushed. Read More...
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