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Supernatural Has Now Seeped Out There Into The Real World
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 15th of July 2024 - 09:00 PM ]
Supernatural The launch of Supernatural is finally here with Supernatural hitting the PC and offering up all manner of frights out there The day is finally here and Supernatural has launched out there on the PC via Steam. Another of the creepy titles that Hitori De Productions has been pumping out there and on that is looking to shake things up a little bit when it comes to the haunted house walking simulation games out there. Supernatural is the one where we will be able to interact and speak to the entity in the game via our microphones. Along with the fact that our protagonist will also not be defenseless while walking through. Read More...
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Supernatural Will Be Sounding Off Some New Horror Next Month
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 18th of June 2024 - 09:00 PM ]
Supernatural The release date for Supernatural is set with only a month from now to wait until we can experience something Supernatural again It feels like we just heard about Supernatural coming to our PC and with a soul developer, it felt like it was going to take a while to actually launch. Thankfully, we were wrong about that feeling as it looks as if Hitori De Productions is ready to drop the game out there soon. How soon? Well, we now have the release date for Supernatural and by soon we are talking July 15th. Read More...
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Walking & Our Microphones Are Going To Be Adding In Something Supernatural
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 15th of May 2024 - 09:00 PM ]
Supernatural A new horror title, Supernatural, is on the way with Supernatural using our microphones to talk to the entities in the game We just cannot seem to get enough of the horror walking simulation games out there, and now we have Supernatural on the way to us on the PC to give us more. As long as it is able to keep the July timeline that it is currently set with. Not much time if they need to change the title of the game with Supernatural being used so many times over with other IPs out there, but it does still fit the game we have here. A game that will have us facing off with something from the other side while also allowing us to use our real-world microphones to interact with it all too. Read More...
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Review — Drawn To Death
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 1st of May 2017 - 09:00 PM ]
Drawn To Death We sit down and review Drawn To Death. It's a new shooter/brawler that take place on a teenager's notebook of doom. Here's our review of Drawn To Death Today is the last day that you PS Plus members can pick up Drawn To Death and then it flows on out into the purchase arena for everyone. Given that fact, we thought it would be high-time to throw together our review of the game and how Bartlet Jones has done with it all over the last month so you can figure out if it is worth the time and money to add it to your PS4. We also wanted to make sure we took our time and watched as Drawn To Death grew and evolved as a good multiplayer title must to keep the fans happy. Read More...
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Drawn To Death Is Coming Free For PS Plus & Bringing Amazing New Things
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 15th of March 2017 - 07:00 PM ]
Drawn To Death It has just been announced that Drawn To Death will be free for all PS Plus players out there and Drawn To Death will be bringing more exciting extras Back in February we had word that Drawn To Death finally had a set release date of April 4th but also that it was going to run the cost of $20 USD when it was first brought up as free-to-play. This brought on a lot of concern and questions for Bartlet Jones as to what had changed and if it would eventually become one of the titles that PS Plus brought us for free on our PS4. As it turns out, Drawn To Death will be coming to the PS Plus service for free and that "eventually" timeline asked is the same as its launch date. Read More...
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It Is Time To Go Behind The Notebook With Drawn To Death
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 22nd of February 2017 - 08:00 PM ]
Drawn To Death A new video for Drawn To Death is out and this one gives us a look at how and why some of the Drawn To Death artists crafted the world the way they did Unless you are blind and living under a rock, you should know that Drawn To Death has a very unique style in terms of the art direction. It's not the first of its kind but it definitely shows off the direction that Bartlet Jones wanted to go with in the game and it has captured the eyes of many and the disdain of others. Drawn To Death is definitely not going to be for everyone but at least it is something new and with some solid gameplay to back it all up and I look forward to April 4th when it finally is released in its final form on the PS4. Read More...
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Drawn To Death Has Now Written The Release Date In The Notebook
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 6th of February 2017 - 06:00 PM ]
Drawn To Death The release date for Drawn To Death has been set now and we are also treated to a little more on how Drawn To Death came together in the end If you were a fan of Drawn To Death and enjoyed the fuck out of the early access or beta version of the game then you will also be glad to know that it finally has set a release date for all to be able to give the game a go on the PS4. It looks like the team over at Bartlet Jones has finally got everything wrapping up and we can look to be diving into the pages of the game on April 4th here. Yes, that will be the day that we can all get our hands on Drawn To Death and finally get back into the mix of things since the testing and access was shut down what feels like ages ago. Read More...
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Drawn To Death Will Be Bringing Us A Lot Of Great Content At Launch
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 14th of November 2016 - 06:00 PM ]
Drawn To Death The launch date for Drawn To Death is still out in the æther but we have a list of what will come to Drawn To Death at launch Hopefully by now you've had a chance to give Drawn To Death a play through the Limited Access that took place a little while back or at the many different conventions it has been on display at. It's been going through a great evolution since the F2P battle arena game first was shown on the PS4 back at the first PSX but it looks like Bartlet Jones took all the feedback as they promised too and have crafted the game more and more to what we all wanted to see. It looks like there is still some time until Drawn To Death comes to our systems though but that doesn't mean we have to be left wondering what will be coming with it all when it does. Read More...
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Drawn To Death Gets Some New Characters, Maps, & Content To Look At
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 2nd of September 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
Drawn To Death The brawler/shooter Drawn To Death has been progressing along well and now we have a lot of new stuff to look at for Drawn To Death right from PAX It's been a while since we've had the pleasure of writing about Drawn To Death and just how the game has been progressing. Bartlet Jones recently ended the closed access to the game and there were always things changing in the back-end for the game during that but nothing specifically selected to be given out to the public by the team. Well short of all of the streaming of the game and small video clips for Drawn To Death that we all have been putting out there. But for the gamer that has been holding off to give the game a play until its full launch then you will be glad to see two more characters have been added to the roster, a new map, and a whole lot of new content. Read More...
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Drawn To Death's Trophies Tell Their Own Story As Well
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 25th of November 2015 - 10:59 PM ]
Drawn To Death The trophies for Drawn To Death have shown up online and they add their own flare to the system as well as expand on Drawn To Death's story hidden in the game If you've been following along with Drawn To Death and everything up to now you may have seen the fun way that Bartlet Jones is telling a story in this third-person arena shooter title. More or less it is the inner thoughts of a teenage male and everything he is seeing and experiencing in life. A lot of which makes a perfect mirror for Drawn To Death to real life but that is getting a little more thought provoking than needs to be the case. Read More...
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Two More Possible Characters For Drawn To Death Shown Off
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 16th of July 2015 - 07:00 PM ]
Two more characters for Drawn To Death and their design process have been shown off and the design team wants to know your opinion It's only been about a month since we had our fist look at a new character for Drawn To Death so it seems about right for us to get another. How about two more? Well that is what we have eyes on here as the Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency has released the high concepts for two more possible character for Drawn To Death. One tentatively named King Tut who employs ancient Egyptian style weapons and the other being tentatively named Sci-Fi Ninja. That character's abilities and weapons in Drawn To Death should be kind of self explanetory for the most layperson out there. Read More...
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E3 2015 Hands On — Drawn To Death
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 25th of June 2015 - 09:00 PM ]
While At E3 I Was Able To See Drawn To Death In A More Intimate Setting Than Just The Trailer. Here's My Take On It There were games at E3 I had to see and then there where games like Drawn To Death that I HAD to see on the show floor. The prior meaning a work required viewing and the later a personal need and the Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency and Sony San Diego were able to comply in both a booth format as well as a fan experience while out there at E3. No better way than to show off how far Drawn To Death has progressed since PSX and get us all excited for this PS4 exclusive to launch sometime in the near future. At least hopefully near future as after playing Drawn To Death again I want to have it at my beckon call at all times. Read More...
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New Character & Level Shown Off For Drawn To Death
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 12th of June 2015 - 07:00 PM ]
During one of the E3 kickoff video streams from Sony San Diego Studios we had a nice look at Drawn To Death as well as a new character and level for Drawn To Death Last week we got our first really good look at one of the characters for Drawn To Death as we lead into all of the big news for E3. Last night (6/11) though during the Sony San Diego Studios stream of Drawn To Death, the team from Bartlet Jones showed off the build we are all going to get to play out there but also a new character and a new level for the game. Not only that but a few more details that have yet to be completely nailed down for Drawn To Death since its first showing during the PlayStation Experience. All kinds of news for this 3rd person free to play PS4 exclusive. Read More...
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Let's Get To Know Drawn To Death's Johnny Savage
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 5th of June 2015 - 07:00 PM ]
The first major character bio for Drawn To Death has been released out to the world and it details Drawn To Death's Johnny Savage with moves and a bit of backstory Up until now we have had a very basic story and character breakdown for Drawn To Death. Bartlet Jones has given us some between last year's PSX show and now but nothing too substantial. I'm guessing this is partly because they were still working on all of the kinks and partly because they wanted to have something amazingly over the top to show off at E3. This is the company's first big title and as it is an exclusive on PS4 Drawn To Death has a lot to deliver for us all. Read More...
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Drawn To Death Looks To Be Getting A Splash More Colorful
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 20th of March 2015 - 05:00 PM ]
New information and screenshots for Drawn To Death have been released out and things are looking more colorful in the backgrounds It's been a few months since we first saw Drawn To Death during the PlayStation Experience. The people over at the Bartlet Jones Supernatural Detective Agency have been very adamant on keeping all of the fans in the loop as they can. This is in the form of answer questions, listening to player feedback from, as well as having rather spirited back and forth conversations where it feels like fans truly have some input on how Drawn To Death is being developed. Hopefully you've had a chance to goof around over there and see what is coming for the PS4 in way of this title. Read More...
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