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Watch EA's E3 2019 Press Conference Right Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Saturday, 8th of June 2019 - 04:00 PM ]
E3 2019 Can't Be At E3 2019 Or The EA Press Conference? We Have You Covered With The Live Stream Straight From E3 2019 Not everything is going to be on the show floor of E3 2019 and because of that we have these huge press conferences and here we go with EA's huge event just before the doors open for us all. Just as the games and announcements they have for E3 2019 not all of us will be able to be there on the show floor to see them as well. Thankfully we live in the age of live streaming and we can watch the press conference through multiple online avenues. Read More...
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Watch EA's E3 2018 Press Conference Right Here
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Saturday, 9th of June 2018 - 06:00 PM ]
E3 2018 Can't Be At E3 2018 Or The EA Press Conference? We Have You Covered With The Live Stream Straight From E3 2018 Not everything is going to be on the show floor of E3 2018 and because of that we have these huge press conferences and here we go with EA's huge event just before the doors open for us all. Just as the games and announcements they have for E3 2018 not all of us will be able to be there on the show floor to see them as well. Thankfully we live in the age of live streaming and we can watch the press conference through multiple online avenues. Read More...
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Did You Miss That EA Gamescom Conference? We Got You Covered
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 13th of August 2014 - 07:00 PM ]
Couldn't Be At Gamescom 2014 Or The EA Press Conference? We Have You Covered With The Live Stream Below Just like Microsoft's press event, EA had their event at a non-gamer time for those not living in Europe or night owls; 1 a.m. here on the west coast of North America. Just like the Microsoft event it should be no surprise that most of us gamers may have slept through or played through the huge event that EA put on at Gamescom in their booth. Luckily, like yesterday, we were able to get the event's full stream for all of us who were late to the game to catch up. Or at least see everything they had to offer outside of the trailers making the rounds already. Read More...
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EA's E3 2014 Press Conference Recap
by Kenton Winkfield [ Friday, 13th of June 2014 - 05:11 PM ]
A transcript of EA's 2014 E3 press conference Like any press conference should start, EA's began with the CEO Andrew Wilson taking the stage and welcoming everyone to E3 and their press conference. He immediately sets the show off by announcing a video for Star Wars: Battlefront will be shown at E3. He announces that the conference will be showing games releasing in the upcoming months and other games that will take longer but we'd get more in-depth looks. He continued by saying that there would be various ideas on what to expect given to us by the creative leaders of the studios they are working with. Read More...
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10 Things You Ought To Know: The Sims Social
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 31st of October 2011 - 10:04 PM ]
Love 'em or hate 'em, Facebook games are a part of today's general gaming landscape. They come in many shapes and sizes – requiring various amounts of your time and (the developers hope) money. It's hard to give a hard and fast review on Facebook games, which like any other Massively Multiplayer Online game, it is constantly evolving. In lieu of a review, I decided to pull out my 10 Things You Ought to Know-style article and take a look at The Sims Social. You’re going to ask a lot of your friends. Read More...
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We Will Soon Be Able To Torture More Sims On Consoles
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 28th of April 2010 - 05:10 PM ]
We all knew it was only a matter of time - with that time being yesterday (4/27/10) - before we could begin playing Hostel Sims 3 on our consoles. A game that we all know is the most fun when you are torturing these poor defenseless people or forcing them into really messed up relationships just in hopes of seeing two chicks hop into bed with each other. Don't deny it. You've tried and most likely succeeded in doing so. Read More...
Tags: Sims 3, EA, PS3, XBox, Wii, DS,
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Exactly what the Dr. ordered
by Corey Dockendorf [ Friday, 8th of January 2010 - 07:37 PM ]
Starting today, drinkers of the tasty beverage Dr. Pepper can now enjoy free DLC from EA games such as Battlefield Heroes™, Battlefield: Bad Company™ 2, Mass Effect™ 2, Spore™ and The Sims™ 3.   The promotion will continue on until 12/31/10.According to EA, the rules are simple:  1.  Enter your favorite convenience store 3.  Purchase a Dr. Read More...
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Sims 3 World Adventures Expansion Pack announced
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 4th of August 2009 - 03:39 PM ]
Now you can take your sims on an exotic vacation! EA and The Sims 3 has announced, via twitter, the new Sims 3 expansion pack known as World Adventures. For those players that are still addicted to this fine long time running game, and have wanted there Sims to fall off a Pyramid/Eiffel Tower/Great Wall, *hee hee* now you can! From the The Adventure is Near… Take your Sims on the adventure of their lives with The Sims 3 World Adventures. Read More...
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The Sims Enter Social Life
by Corey Dockendorf [ Thursday, 14th of May 2009 - 04:03 PM ]
The Sims 3, which is release on June 2nd 2009, is beginning a media campaign to infiltrate your Social Network! Electronic Arts is going to use three new ways to let players enter the sims world on the web! Make them hang around your browser, send you an e-mail just to see how things are going, and even enter your iPhone. Starting Friday (5/15/09) new players will be able to download a free trial available at and at the Sims 3 fan page on Facebook. Read More...
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