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A Whole New Medal of Honor
by Binh Nguyen [ Wednesday, 2nd of December 2009 - 09:02 PM ]
Are you ready for another Medal of Honor game? Well it has been a while since we have seen action in the Medal of Honor universe. What if I told you that this Medal of Honor won’t take place in World War II, but instead it takes place in modern era?  Electronic Arts Inc. announced today that in 2010 an all-new Medal of Honor will introduce the Tier 1 Operator, a relatively unknown entity directly under the National Command Authority who takes on missions no one else can handle. EA has been working closely with Tier 1 Operators from the US Special Operations Community since the earliest stages of development to create the most authentic modern war experience. Greg Goodrich, Executive Producer of Medal of Honor had this to say, “When we first set out to reinvent Medal of Honor, we wanted to stay true to its roots of authenticity and respect for the soldier, but bring it into today’s war. Read More...
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Mass Effect 2 Gets Dated
by Ben Brody [ Sunday, 18th of October 2009 - 04:36 AM ]
Mass Effect 2 now has a solid release date: January 26, 2010. While it's anybody's guess whether or not it actually comes out that day, it can be safe to assume that EA would be idiots to announce such a specific release date then push it back (again). Then again, we've all seen stranger things. The game, which is a direct sequel to 2007's Mass Effect, still features commander Shepard, who for some reason has lost all his abilities from the first game, trying to figure out why large colonies of humans are mysteriously vanishing (geth maybe?) The game will take place 2 years after the first Mass Effect (and was originally supposed to be released 2 years after as well, but who wants to go up against Modern Warfare 2). The game will utilize your save-data from the first game, converting any decisions you may have made for better or for worse. Read More...
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The Sims Enter Social Life
by Corey Dockendorf [ Thursday, 14th of May 2009 - 04:03 PM ]
The Sims 3, which is release on June 2nd 2009, is beginning a media campaign to infiltrate your Social Network! Electronic Arts is going to use three new ways to let players enter the sims world on the web! Make them hang around your browser, send you an e-mail just to see how things are going, and even enter your iPhone. Starting Friday (5/15/09) new players will be able to download a free trial available at and at the Sims 3 fan page on Facebook. Read More...
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