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10 Things You Ought To Know: The Sims Social
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 31st of October 2011 - 10:04 PM ]
Love 'em or hate 'em, Facebook games are a part of today's general gaming landscape. They come in many shapes and sizes – requiring various amounts of your time and (the developers hope) money. It's hard to give a hard and fast review on Facebook games, which like any other Massively Multiplayer Online game, it is constantly evolving. In lieu of a review, I decided to pull out my 10 Things You Ought to Know-style article and take a look at The Sims Social. You’re going to ask a lot of your friends. Read More...
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10 Things You Ought To Know: Final Fantasy XIII
by Brian Bentley [ Tuesday, 11th of May 2010 - 06:18 PM ]
It has been two months since the release of Final Fantasy XIII on the PlayStation 3 and XBox 360. Some – including myself – were among the many people who began playing on release day, just clamoring for the return to the Final Fantasy series. Meanwhile, others lost interest in the game or are saving the experience in order to play titles that were released around the same time (read: God Of War III). I’ve compiled a list of things to remember about the game as you ready yourself for a 60+ hour dive into this mammoth role playing game. The voice acting is not movie quality. Read More...
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