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Ninja Gaiden 4 Is Officially On The Way To The World Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 24th of January 2025 - 06:00 PM ]
Ninja Gaiden The next Ninja Gaiden is officially in the works with Ninja Gaiden 4 getting a full announcement out there A new developer direct that took place offered up a whole lot of video games on the way to us with Ninja Gaiden 4 getting the official announcement in the mix too. Along with a whole lot of remasters that are on the way too, but this is all about how Team Ninja and PlatinumGames are coming together to give fans of the IP something they have been waiting for. So, get ready for a whole new no-holds-barred bit of ninja combat in the Ninja Gaiden line as it is slated to come to the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC sometime in 2025. As long as things are not slowed down and that it comes to all of the platforms at the same time with Xbox doing the publishing on this one. Read More...
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Cereza & Cheshire Shows Off More Gameplay For Bayonetta Origins: Cereza & The Lost Demon
by Julia Schoebel [ Monday, 13th of February 2023 - 06:00 PM ]
Bayonetta Dive into the gameplay for Bayonetta Origins: Cereza & The Lost Demon so you can fully understand the origins of Bayonetta The origin of Bayonetta is almost here with the latest title that Platinum Games on the way to the Nintendo Switch on March 17th. There was the tease we had back at the Game Awards and not much more for us to talk about. That was until the most recent Nintendo Direct that went down where they offered up a solid gameplay overview for us. Something to remind us that Bayonetta Origins: Cereza & The Lost Demon is on the way as well as a bit of a heads-up on what we will have to do in the game itself. Read More...
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Bayonetta Origins: Cereza & The Lost Demon — Announcement
by Julia Schoebel [ Friday, 30th of December 2022 - 10:00 PM ]
Bayonetta Check out the new trailer for Bayonetta Origins: Cereza & The Lost Demon that has dropped out there for our viewing pleasure Bayonetta Origins: Cereza & The Lost Demon is an action-adventure title for the Switch coming from Platinum Games and Nintendo on March 17th, 2023.     Bayonetta Origins: Cereza & The Lost Demon — Announcement Turn back the pages of the Umbra Witch's story to learn where it all began. Take control of Cereza and her first demon Cheshire to fend off faeries and solve puzzles when Bayonetta Origins: Cereza & The Lost Demon releases on March 17, 2023, only on Nintendo Switch. Pre-orders are now available! Read More...
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Now Is The Time The Coven Is Charging Forward For Bayonetta 3
by Julia Schoebel [ Friday, 14th of October 2022 - 09:00 PM ]
Bayonetta Bayonetta is everywhere in the latest gameplay we have before the launch of Bayonetta 3 The final weeks of waiting for Bayonetta 3 are upon us all now. October 28th is almost here and we will be able to get into our witchy ways once more when the game launches. This is an interesting thing to say and see here, with the latest gameplay that is out there for the game from Platinum Games. A new bit of gameplay that is looking to highlight the massive coven, of sorts, that we will have at hand in Bayonetta 3. Even as it all boils down to us heading out and killing all of the demons and angels that we can set our guns upon. Read More...
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Bayonetta 3 Will Offer Up Her Witchy Ways This October
by Julia Schoebel [ Wednesday, 13th of July 2022 - 07:00 PM ]
Bayonetta The release date for Bayonetta 3 is set with Bayonetta hitting the Switch again this coming October It has been some time since we saw Bayonetta out there saving the universe and it looks like she will be back in the mix on the Switch very soon. It feels as if Platinum Games announced this with Nintendo so long ago that it should have already released. Yet, here we are still waiting for Bayonetta 3, but the wait is almost over. As of now, the game is set to launch out there on October 28th for those that have been patient up until now and can still hold out a few more months to have her withy ways back in your life. Read More...
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Learn How Combat Will Set Us Free In Babylon’s Fall
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 24th of February 2022 - 10:00 PM ]
Babylon’s Fall Babylon’s Fall latest explains to us the inner workings of some of the combat coming in Babylon’s Fall In just over a week from now, we will be able to start our combat path in Babylon’s Fall on the PS4, PS5, and PC. It is rather crazy how fast March 3rd rolled up on us here and I am sure Platinum Games is ready to get the game in our hands. That would be one of the reasons that we have a new 101 video for Babylon’s Fall that will walk us through some of the basics of the game's combat. It will have a few different weapon styles and ways to defend ourselves in the game, so it will be worth taking the full note of it all and get ready for that bigger launch next week. Read More...
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Babylon’s Fall Will Let Players Give It All A Test Drive
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 14th of February 2022 - 06:00 PM ]
Babylon’s Fall Those looking to give Babylon’s Fall a try will be able to download a demo for Babylon’s Fall very soon It looks like those looking to test drive Babylon’s Fall before it hits the PS4 and PS5 will have their chance to do so. We are getting a demo on the platforms on February 25th as Platinum Games gears us all up for it all. Sadly, the PC will be missing out on this, but it is only a few days before Babylon’s Fall officially hits on March 3rd. That is unless you opted for the Deluxe Edition and want to start playing it all on February 28th. Read More...
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Babylon’s Fall Gives Us More Of The Power We Will Ascend With
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 16th of December 2021 - 06:00 PM ]
Babylon’s Fall A new look at Babylon’s Fall is here to give us one more look at the power we will hold within Babylon’s Fall More footage for Babylon’s Fall is finally out there to get us all further amped up for the March 3rd release date out there. It is a bit of a wait still, sure, but we will always take a bit more to look at for the game from Platinum Games right now. Even if it is more of a quick look at things instead of a deep dive into Babylon’s Fall gameplay for the PS4, PS5, and PC. That is what we should be getting soon to keep us interested in this RPG, but we will need to take all that we can for now. Read More...
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Babylon’s Fall Has Some New Gameplay Out There From The State Of Play
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 10th of December 2019 - 08:00 PM ]
Babylon’s Fall New gameplay for Babylon’s Fall is here to give us all a feel for what we can expect from Babylon’s Fall before next year Talk about another surprise during the State Of Play here as we now have a bit more gameplay out there for Babylon’s Fall. This would be that title that was announced back in 2018 during the Square Enix presentation that Platinum Games is working on and now shown off again for the PS4 and PC today. With another longer wait set as more for Babylon’s Fall will not be given out until the Summer of 2020. This, of course, makes one wonder why we even had anything now, but we will all take what we can when it comes to a bunch of knights fighting each other with “spectral swords. Read More...
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Scalebound Has Been Officially Cancelled By Microsoft Studios
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 9th of January 2017 - 10:00 PM ]
Scalebound After being a staple title at conventions it looks like Scalebound has been given the axe as Microsoft has cancelled Scalebound officially now I hope you weren't too invested in the Scalebound hype that had been pushed out there since its first announcement back in 2014 as it looks like the game is now dead and cancelled. It is official from Microsoft Studios that they have decided to end production on the game to focus on other titles that are still slated for 2017. This is also after opting to delay Scalebound back in 2016 to give Platinum Games more time to bring us the game that was envisioned and also shown off at the many gaming conventions since it was announced. Read More...
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Meet All Of The Turtles Here For TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 11th of May 2016 - 09:00 PM ]
TMNT A set of new video clips for TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan have been released and each gives us a look at the different TMNT fighting styles and personalities we're getting By now it should be safe to assume that most people know who the characters are for TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan. In terms of the main character we are going to get to control in the game. Sure Platinum Games may have tweaked a few things to make it fit into the game's world and also for gameplay reasons but it should be safe to assume. If not then it looks like you are in luck as Activision is bringing us all more to look at for TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan in terms of just how each of the turtle's will be fighting and fitting into the video game universe here. Read More...
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Pre-Order TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan & You Could Get Rockin' Duds
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 13th of April 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
TMNT The pre-order bonuses for TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan have been shown off and it looks like the TMNT are getting some cosmetic changes based on where you buy We are closely approaching the May 24th release date for TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan so of course it is time to hear about the pre-order bonuses that will be available for those fans who want to shell out the cash early. It is an Activision title coming here and you would be daft to think that they wouldn't pay Platinum Games to pump out some form of DLC for the game. Thankfully they have but sadly all of it is only if you pre-order TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan and also based on where you actually go to pre-order at that. Read More...
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TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan Gets A Release Date & New Bosses
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 15th of March 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
TMNT New gameplay for TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan has been placed out there and it shows off the turtles in action as well as TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan's release date While a lot of the wait for TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan news has been all over the place it looks like the wait for the actual game to release is a lot closer than we could have imagined. Platinum Games has stepped up and it looks like we are now getting the game on May 24th. Just as I assumed from before so that Activision could work in tandem with the new film's release and TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan to try and capitalize on that extra dollar. Read More...
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Leonardo Takes Action In Latest TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan Video
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 15th of February 2016 - 08:00 PM ]
TMNT New gameplay footage for TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan has dropped and it shows how the leader of the TMNT is going to kick ass and take names in the game this summer That didn't seem like too long of a wait since TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan got the official announcement that now we have some gameplay and a character showcasing. Looks like Platinum Games was eager to show us all Leonardo in action for the game. While it may not be too much to look at and very descriptive we do get a solid look at the leader of the TMNT in action and beating down some Foot Clan here in Mutants In Manhattan. Read More...
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TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan Officially Announced & Coming This Summer
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 26th of January 2016 - 06:00 PM ]
TMNT The official announcement for TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan has been made, finally, and we have the first details for TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan along with a trailer It only took a little over a month and a whole lot of "leaked" info but TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan is a real thing and now we have the official statement of so. I am still not completely certain why it took Platinum Games or Activision to fully embrace the leaks and plug them by officially announcing TMNT: Mutants In Manhattan but what is done is done. Now we just get to look forward and onward for this TMNT video game to hit this summer on the PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC. Read More...
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