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Humanity Is About To End With The Launch For The Dead Space Remake
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 12th of January 2023 - 06:00 PM ]
Dead Space Dead Space is almost back for us to enjoy with the pending launch we have here for the Dead Space Remake All of us out there need to start preparing for the end of humanity with the impending launch for the Dead Space Remake. There are only a few more weeks until that is out there and we can see if Motive Studios was able to bring the original horror fully back to life and give us something new to freak out over. I have all the faith that it will be a great new look at the Dead Space IP. More so, with the latest trailer we have to remind us all that the game is coming on January 27th for the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Read More...
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The Insanity Continues With Extended Gameplay For Dead Space Remake
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 14th of October 2022 - 07:00 PM ]
Dead Space More footage for the Dead Space Remake is here to show off some other massive updates over the original Dead Space The gameplay keeps flowing out for us all for Dead Space Remake and this time it is even more extended than we had before. Almost four times the amount of gameplay and whole new sections we did not get from Motive Studios in the last update. All of which is fine, but this new bit is where it shows off how much further they have advanced since the original Dead Space out there. Not just in the visuals we have seen but in the extra abilities that the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC will be able to do as of today. Read More...
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Dead Space Remake Offers Up The First Bit Of Gameplay To Entice Us All
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of October 2022 - 05:00 PM ]
Dead Space The first official gameplay for the Dead Space Remake is here so we can see how different this Dead Space will look The teasing is finally over and we can finally see how the Dead Space Remake is truly going to play. There have been some bits here and there from Motive Studios to show how they are rebuilding the full game once again, but none of that was truly the final slice we should expect to have. Now, we get to see the new version of Dead Space that will be hitting the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC on January 27th, 2023. Most of which looks and feels like sections we have had before in the original title, for those trying to not see any spoilers, but do not let that make it feel like it is just a remaster over a remake. Read More...
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Shudder At The New Looks We Are Getting In The Dead Space Remake
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 12th of May 2022 - 09:00 PM ]
Dead Space New footage for the art and design we are getting in the Dead Space Remake is out here along with some new gameplay to help this Dead Space stand out more Well, it was a huge day for the Dead Space Remake here as we had a nice long look at the way that Motive Studios is giving it all a huge overhaul. This time it is all about the visuals and how the world, characters, lighting, and effects in the world have made some leaps and bounds since the game first launched so long ago. That should be expected given the run that the Dead Space IP has had up to now, we just get to see it all in some kind of action as well as how the team has put it all together for us. Read More...
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Hear More On How Things Will Be Changing In Dead Space Remake
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 11th of March 2022 - 10:00 PM ]
Dead Space A new developer stream for the Dead Space Remake is offering up a listen to how things have changed since Dead Space launched We were all promised something big for the Dead Space Remake this week, and now we have it here. In fact, we have a few big things to talk about here for the remake with the first being that Motive Studios is aiming for an Early 2023 release for the game. With any luck, that means we should see it all in the next year or so. The second bit being a new showcasing of the audio design and tech that has been put into this new version of the game to help make it stand out vastly further than the original Dead Space. Read More...
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We Have Our First Semi-Look At How Things Have Progressed For The Dead Space Remake
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 8th of September 2021 - 05:00 PM ]
Dead Space The developers of the Dead Space Remake have answered some questions on what to expect from this upcoming version for Dead Space We have been teased with a new Dead Space Remake and we had a very short teaser to get us all amped up for it. Then we sat back and let one of the bigger cons happen and then wait until Motive Studios chose to go live and show us more for the game. That is, show us a very, very early stage of this version of Dead Space and how it is all looking for now. That and a bunch of different ways that the team will be altering things to keep things fresh but still the same. Read More...
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Dead Space Is Back With A Remake On Its Way To Next-Gen
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 22nd of July 2021 - 07:00 PM ]
Dead Space A remake for Dead Space was announced recently and it aims to bring the terror of Dead Space to a new generation of gamers The rumors and speculation are true, we are getting another chance to head into the Dead Space universe with a new version of the game coming right for us. Not only that, but the rumors that it was Motive Studios working on this title were also true. That parts that were a little iffy were if it was a sequel or a spin-off of some sorts and now we have the full answer. We are getting a remake of Dead Space for the PS5, Xbox Series X, and PC now. Read More...
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Star Wars: Squadrons Shows How The War Has Never Ended
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 16th of September 2020 - 05:00 PM ]
Star Wars A new cinematic trailer for Star Wars: Squadrons give us a feel for how these dogfights might feel in this slice of Star Wars The war is still on in Star Wars: Squadrons and we have a little more proof of it all with the latest video we have today. A nice new look at how some of the dogfights will flow in our minds and not truly in the gameplay of it all. Not that Motive Studios is not going to be making it as fun as possible, but there will be a lot missed in the mix of it all given how games usually go. That all said, we do get a new slice of the Star Wars fun here with how things can feel in it all. Read More...
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Take Off To New Heights In Star Wars: Squadrons
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 2nd of September 2020 - 09:00 PM ]
Star Wars New gameplay for Star Wars: Squadrons is out there with a new look at one of the missions that will expand on the Star Wars saga to come We wanted more gameplay for Star Wars: Squadrons and now we have it with our first look at how some of the single-player is going to flow in the game. It should not be a huge mystery that it is going to flow about as much as expected here as Motive Studios is making a space dogfighting game set in the Star Wars universe. The bigger sell is going to be the fact that we will get to play on both sides of the conflict to see who really is the bad guy out there or why some of the choices were made along the way. Read More...
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Star Wars: Squadrons Gameplay Offers Up A Look At How We Will Save The Galaxy
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 19th of June 2020 - 05:00 PM ]
Star Wars The first real gameplay for Star Wars: Squadrons is here to give us a solid taste of what is going to come in this upcoming Star Wars title Not long after we had the announcement for Star Wars: Squadrons, we now have a look at the gameplay we are going to get to experience in the game here. Why EA did not just give this to us in the first place is beyond me, but now we can see how the game is going to flow for us on October 2nd this year. Motive Studios has obviously put a whole lot into this Star Wars title and now we can get a good look at it all. Read More...
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Star Wars: Squadrons Will Bring Us Those Space Dogfights We’ve Wanted
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 15th of June 2020 - 07:00 PM ]
Star Wars Star Wars: Squadrons is revealed to be the next big title in the Star Wars line of games and aims to bring us some sweet space dogfighting action Here we go with the official announcement for Star Wars: Squadrons. This would be the next title in the franchise that EA and Motive Studios is pumping out there for us that has just been announced. Before you start groaning that we have another Star Wars to have to buy, this one might be giving fans of the franchise just what they have been looking for. That being the 5v5 space dogfighting action that we get to see in the films and have had a long gap in time since the last time we had it. Read More...
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