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GameCube Making A Come Back...?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 9th of April 2008 - 05:06 PM ]
Wii Gets A New GameCube Controller Ok, I know my title was a little misleading, but it got you to look into the actual New bit. So Ha! It worked. :) The short and dirty of it is that Nintendo is releasing a GameCube Controller specifically for the Wii. It's not wireless or have motion controls. At least not from what I read. But it is the nice white color of the Wii and the controllers for it. Read More...
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GameStop Economy PWNAGE
by Alyssa Porter [ Tuesday, 8th of April 2008 - 11:13 PM ]
We all know that America’s financial situation is getting worse, especially with the gas prices rising, the housing market suffering, and the war in Iraq which has cost the United States an estimated $3 trillion. There is one thing in the American economy that is keeping afloat and growing, which is gaming, and the nations largest retailer of games and consoles is GameStop. "As we analyze our sales deployment, we can't find evidence of the economy affecting our business," GameStop company officials said recently. "In fact, like we did after 9/11, we're seeing [comparable] store growth as consumers travel less and stay at home more, as well as trade in more games on new game purchases. Read More...
Tags: GameStop,
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The Pokemon League
by [ Monday, 7th of April 2008 - 08:12 AM ]
As some of you may know Calamity, Clov3r, Riotmonster, and I are running something called The Pokemon League. And this Narticle is being written to reach the masses, and call all pokemon trainers to participate in our League. Allow me to tell you a little about this: What It Is: Pokemon, as I am sure you all know, is a game where you raise monsters to battle them against other trainers. To Participate in the tournament, you will need a Nintendo DS lite, a wireless internet connection, and either Pokemon Diamond or Pokemon Pearl. Starting on June 14th, we pair trainers up to battle (via drawing names from a hat randomly) and over the next several days or what could even be weeks, we do a bracket-style Battle Royale similar to the March Madness brackets for basketball: the winner from one match goes on to battle the winner from another and so on and so forth. Read More...
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$1 Million Intel Make Something Unreal Contest
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Friday, 4th of April 2008 - 01:59 AM ]
Epic Games has now launched their new "Make Something Unreal" PC game mod contest. Sponsored this time by Intel, the contest will give aspiring game creators a way to win cash and prizes for making mods based on Epic's Unreal Tournament 3. Over $1 million in cash and prizes will be given to the winners and just like the first "Make Something Unreal" contest (for mods made with UT 2003/2004) the new version will have a grand prize of a full Unreal Engine 3 license for the overall best mod. Last time the winner was Tripwire Interactive for their Red Orchestra mod; they later formed a full dev team and released the game as a stand alone commercial title. Judging will begin in June 2008 in the first phase of the contest; the final winners will be determined in fall 2009 after all four phases are complete. Read More...
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The Wait Will Soon Be Over...
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 3rd of April 2008 - 03:35 PM ]
Home Beta Going Public "Very Soon" Before I get into to my thoughts on all of this, I figured I would show you the small release that was posted about this. And by small, I do mean very small; like 10 words on this. Yes that's right, just 10 words. Not a very long one, but it is very exciting unless they are toying with our emotions again. Here it is: "We'll be opening up the Home beta to the public very soon and hope to see you there," said Susan Panico, senior director of PlayStation Network. Ok, so seeing that, I have come up with my own prognostication about this. Read More...
Tags: PS3, Home, PSN,
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Gamers PWN the US
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 2nd of April 2008 - 09:23 PM ]
72% Of U.S. Plays Games, Only 2-3% Own Multiple Consoles If you missed the heading, almost 3/4ths of the country plays games, to some extent at least. Not bad numbers when you look at them. That means there has got to be something to this whole thing right? I'd say so. Gamers are not a minority; we are a majority. And we have the NPD to prove this fact for us all. Oh, and just so ya know as well, this is up from last years survey that had only 64% of the US gaming. Read More...
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Going #1 on the Wii...
by Stephanie Naboshek [ Tuesday, 1st of April 2008 - 01:45 PM ]
So I normally don't write two articles in an hour, but I just checked my email, and this was featured in my Newsletter... SUPER Pii Pii brothers is a crazy, imported Japanese game for the Wii that requires you to... well... wee!! Complete loads of mini games by attaching your Wii-mote into the support harness provided and AIM AWAY!! Score extra points by tinkling on cats and other fun creates who pop out of the urinals and lose points for getting too much on the floor. Verse your friends in the fun multi-player mode and if the humiliation wasn't enough, just the mere ability to say you own Super Pii Pii Brothers is worth the $34. Read More...
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Violent Game "Journalism"
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Monday, 31st of March 2008 - 03:26 PM ]
Newspaper offers cash for anti-games story on MCV reports a new high-water mark for British journalism, as relates an offer from "a national newspaper" to pay someone who is willing to blame their crimes on video games, with the offer of money sure to make this quite the legit bit of journalism: A national newspaper wants your story and will pay hundreds of pounds to the right person. Write a few lines about how computer games turned you to crime and if it's something we like, we'll call you straight back. Read More...
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How to Tell You're Playing a Game with a Female
by Alyssa Porter [ Friday, 28th of March 2008 - 05:20 AM ]
We all know female gamers exist, especially with the recent rise of female voices in the gaming community, but many people I know claim they have never played a game with a female. I say poppycock; they just do not know how to spot a female in game. Here are a couple of ways to possibly sight a female playing.1. The most obvious – Their VoiceOf course the high pitched voice on the other side of your headset that will not shut up is annoying you, so you might immediately think its an immature pre-pubecent boy, but do not be so hasty to make such a conclusion. Read More...
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Rockstar Games Announces Rockstar Social Club!
by Alyssa Porter [ Thursday, 27th of March 2008 - 09:14 PM ]
One of the most anticipated games of the year, Grand Theft Auto IV, is finally making its grand debut this April and Rockstar Games is making sure that this Grand Theft Auto experience is like no other! In addition to the game, Rockstar is also launching a website to make Grand Theft Auto more competitive, community based, and statistical. In Rockstar’s press release today: “The Rockstar Social Club is more than just a standard gaming site. It features all of the statistical leaderboards that gamers have come to expect, and combines them with performance-based competitions and awards. Read More...
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$10,000 And A Trip To Liberty City
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 26th of March 2008 - 05:03 PM ]
GameStop's Grand Theft Auto IV Contest Could you use 10K? I know I could. I could also take a trip to NY again. You can get in on possibly getting this just by going to the GameStop site, link below, and either entering in via their web site or by texting your answer to the question they have on the site. Either will get you into the running. You can also pre-order the game if you haven't already. Read More...
Tags: GTAIV, GameStop,
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An $85 Dollar Bill
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 25th of March 2008 - 07:46 PM ]
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots Limited Edition So, once again, I'm trolling through the interwebs again and find another fun tidbit to share with my friends here. EB Games is, of course, taking Pre-orders for the new MGS game. We all knew it. But we all might not have known is what comes in the limited bundle. Well here ya go. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots PS3 in collectible metal box. Read More...
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Nerd Up Your Cellphone!
by [ Friday, 21st of March 2008 - 10:31 AM ]
Maybe not quite a news article, but I recently got my new motorola razr and instantly knew what I wanted to do: nerdy themes. But I couldn't pick just one aspect of nerdom to apply to my phone! So, I made a few different themes and thought I'd share them with the community to use as well. I have no idea how to package themes for download, so below are the images I made/resized for wallpaper and screensaver usage and the links to free mp3 shorts that can be used as ringtones. Enjoy! Read More...
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Privileges For Those Who...
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 20th of March 2008 - 05:50 PM ]
Pre-Register with Squenix Members This is for all you die hard Squenix fans. Looks like they are opening up their Member program in the States next week. On the 24th to be exact. As of right now, they are letting those in the know to register their names and accounts to this service. Kind of to let those fans get first crack at their Usernames and such before it goes fully live. Already snagged up Hades on there if anyone was thinking of sniping it from me. :) There is no full word on what exactly will be coming with the Membership program. Read More...
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by [ Wednesday, 19th of March 2008 - 09:46 PM ]
    Mario. You say the name and almost anyone will instantly associate it with what is arguably the most recognizable character to ever hit the videogame world. The theme song is iconic, his features are undeniable, and slap the name on any product almost guarantees instant success. But how much do we know about the man besides his love for a variety of colourful mushrooms and blondes in dresses (hey, sounds like a great Friday night, yaaaamean?? *wink wink*)? Read More...
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