We all know female gamers exist, especially with the recent rise of female voices in the gaming community, but many people I know claim they have never played a game with a female. I say poppycock; they just do not know how to spot a female in game. Here are a couple of ways to possibly sight a female playing.
1. The most obvious – Their Voice
Of course the high pitched voice on the other side of your headset that will not shut up is annoying you, so you might immediately think its an immature pre-pubecent boy, but do not be so hasty to make such a conclusion. On the other side of the headset could be a very sweet, talkative, intelligent female gamer. Be patient with the person. Instead of losing your temper and telling them to “stfu,” listen to them a bit and then decide what your opinion is of them.
2. Their Gamertag.
Some females just prefer using their real names, others want to be creative. Most of the time you can tell by the player’s name that they are female. Some names are completely obvious, but do not think that because they declare themselves female they are attention whores.
3. By the games they play.
No, girls do not always play “girly games,” but a lot of females tend to be partial to games like Viva Piñata and Beautiful Katamari, and sometimes girls prefer single-player games or MMORPGs. Not all girls play these kinds of games; so do not take their games too seriously because a hardcore Halo or Counterstrike player can be female too.
4. By the profile.
Most games now come with community settings and profiles. Research the person before thinking they are way too young to be playing the game; usually these profiles have pictures or a link to a social networking site.
5. The way they speak.
Female gamers tend to be intelligent, well-spoken people. If you listen to what words they say, you will easily be able to tell that they are not a 9 year-old-boy.
Simple things like these can introduce you to female gamers and possibly stop stupid in game fights. Sometimes people attempt to make friends and complement the player, but whatever you do, do not say, “you are good for a girl.”