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by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Wednesday, 19th of March 2008 - 07:56 AM ]
    This work by Marques Cannon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License   I wanted to point out that I KILL PXLS has released his latest work and if you like music and video games you can't go wrong with this. It is fresh and hip and if I tell you to like it you will enjoy it. Margues put some awesome effort into this and I asked him to make a song for Read More...
Tags: Music, Kill, PXLS, Gamers,
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Court upholds ban on Minnesota video game law
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Tuesday, 18th of March 2008 - 03:04 AM ]
So just to update you Minnesota attempted to get a law passed and it failed.  So they thought "hey" lets appeal and well that failed to. The Minnesota law would have imposed up to a $25 fine on minors younger than 17 caught buying or renting video games rated "M" for mature or "AO" for adults-only, under the video game industry's rating system. You would think other states and cities would pay attention to this but "this week, a committee in Massachusetts is planning to consider a bill, endorsed by Boston Mayor Thomas Menino, that would--you guessed it--restrict violent video game sales to minors" source:  News. Read More...
Tags: Game, Law,
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Premature Game Betalation...
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 17th of March 2008 - 04:00 PM ]
Metal Gear Online beta test schedule changed to April 14 I go away for a few days and the interwebs blow up on me and now I'm back logged. But that's...ok... That just means I get to come back and bring some fun good news with me. Like say for instance, the previously announced Metal Gear Online beta test is now scheduled for a week earlier. Awesome right? So now it will be out come the 14th of April now instead of the 21st. Read More...
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Game Crazy holding Fundraiser for ill children
by Trina [ Friday, 14th of March 2008 - 08:13 PM ]
This month Game Crazy will be offerring "Game Stars" for a minimum donation of $1. All the proceeds will go to the Starlight Starbright Children's Foundation. Game Crazy will also match all customer donations with hopes of raising enough funds to provide 12 new Fun Centers to hospitals. Each Fun Center costs about $4,250 per setup and has a LCD flat panel tv, dvd player and Nintendo Wii. Of course games and movies are included also. According to CEO of Starlight Starbright Children�s Foundation, Paula Van Ness, Fun Centers give children and their families a sense of normalcy during what is an emotionally and physically difficult time. Read More...
Tags: game crazy,
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Hopefully Uwe Boll Doesn't Touch It
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 14th of March 2008 - 04:19 PM ]
Metal Gear Movie Like the title says, lets try to keep it hush hush from him. We don't need him taking this and turning out crap with it. So far he doesn't score to well with Game movies. But that is not the point of this little snippet of information. It is to talk about a movie that could be pretty F*cking cool. So far it has been just a big bag of rumor, but it looks like the rumor might become total truth. Columbia Pictures looks to actually go through with this whole thing. Read More...
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The Road Warrior Said It, So It Must Be True
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 13th of March 2008 - 09:31 PM ]
George Miller, Cory Barlog Working On Mad Max Game Maybe it is just me, but I think this is awesome. Mad Max the game. I mean come on. If you haven't seen the film, I recommend picking it up for at least a rent. NetFlix == Friend. For those who do know what I am talking about, here's the skinny. Writer/Director/Producer George Miller has gotten balls deep in Video Games. And he thought, "Hey there is some stuff I could do with digital media that I couldn't with film. Read More...
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Totally Unreal
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 13th of March 2008 - 03:58 PM ]
Unreal Engine 4 Targeting Consoles As I am sure a lot of you are, you have seen or played with the Unreal 3 Engine. I know I got overly excited when I first saw it back in my college days, not too long ago but still. Needless to say, but I'm still going to say it, it was beautiful and I couldn't look more forward to it. Now this drops out there in cyber land and I am actually curious to see it. That and it will go mainly toward Consoles instead of for PC games, at first. Read More...
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Momma I'm Coming Home...
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 12th of March 2008 - 03:51 PM ]
Viacom withdraws 'Guitar' suit Just goes to show you that when things look down, something good comes along to pick ya back up. And for any PS3 owner, here is a good one for ya. It looks that Sony is sending out e-mails to people who have registered their unit (Heh, I said unit.), that they can register in for the open beta for their new social network Home. So far, this e-mail has only been seen by members of the Official European PlayStation Forums. The report makes it seem like there is more than just one person stating this, at least out of Europe. Read More...
Tags: PS3, Home, Beta Test,
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We're In Ur Tree Fort.....
by [ Tuesday, 11th of March 2008 - 12:20 PM ]
A recent survey done by the ESA (Entertainment Software Association) boasts that a staggering 38% of all gamers are female! Spending an average 7 hours a week playing games. According to, 30% of all online gamers are women, with the catagory of "women 40 and over" making up the largest percentage of online gamers across all online games.< In a separate survey, Sony Online Entertainment found that 60% of all females in the gaming industry found the male dominance in the field off-putting in their career making decisions. Sadly, only 12% of the gaming industry workforce is female. Read More...
Tags: girls, games,
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UFC Nintendo Style Continues
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 10th of March 2008 - 10:33 PM ]
My Experience At The Gamestop Release. Yes, I know there were a few about this already here, but this is an actual event that I thought needed to be out there. So please bare with me, it is a fun story that needs telling. So myself and a friend of mine, Mythicgriffon, went to the release of Smash Bro's last Saturday night. It was kind of a cool event. For the most part. Read More...
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A Great Day In Video Game Land
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Monday, 10th of March 2008 - 07:44 PM ]
My favorite site besides has a awesome story about the New York Gov. Eliott Spitzer (D) was apparently known as Client 9 to an upscale prostitution ring.  Spitzer was opposed to violent video games like Hitman: Codename 47.  The irony and hypocrisy of this man let alone that he is a politician.   Source - During the 2006 campaign Spitzer called out the video game industry for excessive violence and, ironically, sexual content in its products: Like all parents, I know it is increasingly difficult to protect our children from negative influences… we have learned that when self-regulation fails, government must step in… we must do more to protect our children from excessive sex and violence in the media… Media content has gotten more graphic, more violent and more sex-based… Currently, nothing under New York State law prohibits a fourteen-year old from walking into a video store and buying… a game like ‘Grand Theft Auto,’ which rewards a player for stealing cars and beating people up. Read More...
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The Garage Opens Up
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 10th of March 2008 - 05:36 PM ]
GarageGames Places Into Open Beta So I have been puttering around on this since it was in Closed Beta. Now I bet you are wondering,"Hades, what is InstantAction?" Well here's what I got for ya. It is a website that uses a mixture of flash and a new engine that the people at Garage Games have put together to do some pretty cool applications and games on the interwebs. is the site where it can all be checked out and enjoyed. Read More...
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FC Twin: Almost Perfect
by Alyssa Porter [ Monday, 10th of March 2008 - 05:33 PM ]
FC Twin: Almost Perfect for Classic Gamers. The FC Twin is a video gaming system by Famiclone that allows you to play Nintendo Entertainment System and Super Nintendo Entertainment System. The FC Twin has separate circuitry and card slots allowing it to play for both game systems. The switch can be set to on/off, NES, or SNES. This system is almost perfect for lovers of classic Nintendo games. The only down side is that it is not compatible with 10-15% of the NES and SNES games and not compatible with the NES Zapper. Read More...
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The Nintendo DS and YOU!
by [ Monday, 10th of March 2008 - 05:26 PM ]
When browsing through the various console sections at the local Best Buy, a gamer is likely to pass up the Nintendo DS, chalking it up to child's play given the exorbitant amount of games based on children's movies for the system. And after all, who can really trust the credibility of a handheld that comes in PINK? However, this fangirl is about to tell you exactly why the DS is the most multi-faceted system available on the market, and one of the best investments you can make with your hard earned gaming allowance. To me, the Nintendo DS (and when I say that, I mean my DS Lite) is like my Ipod. Read More...
Tags: DS, Games, Fun,
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 10th of March 2008 - 04:36 PM ]
Information on the Zerg from Startcraft II Starcraft is another one of those games that is anticipated in the coming times. I've been looking forward to it ever since I saw it at the blizzard booth at Comic-Con 2007. I know I'm chomping at the bit to get more and more on it. But any ways, this may not be the best thing ever. It also might not be 100% true. But here is what was leaked out onto the net. Read More...
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