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Aggrocast Episode Ninety: Skyrim, Sequels And Series
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 28th of November 2011 - 10:14 PM ]
Matt joins Brian and Corey again for Aggrocast hijinks, including being completely disconnected from the call. The format jumps around as Brian and Corey wax poetic on The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim as they wait for Matt to return and they generally talk about what they've been playing including Batman: Arkham Asylum, WoW, Braid and Fusion: Sentient. We may have bounced around a bit, but your favorite features are still there. Care / Don't Care has the guys hitting up another eight topics and Community Spotlight shines on the Ghoul Girls. Read More...
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FEAR 2 Review
by Ben Brody [ Tuesday, 17th of February 2009 - 02:28 AM ]
What's scarier than a little 7 year old girl just absolutely tearing people apart? Nothing, that's what. FEAR 2, the true sequel to FEAR, comes to us from Monolith and is hands down one of the scariest games ever. Dead Space, Silent Hill, and Condemned are given a run for their money with Alma, the girl previously mentioned.The game starts out about 30 minutes prior to the ending of the first game and puts you in the shoes of Sgt. Michael Becket, a Delta Force member who was mentioned in the first game as apart of a team assigned to bring Genevieve Aristide and put her into protective custody, which is the first mission of the game. Read More...
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Something Familiar At Blizzcon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 30th of September 2008 - 03:03 PM ]
DirectTV's new host for Blizzcon 08! - Becky 'Aktrez' Young! If you were not able to snag up a Blizzcon ticket in the first go around, you were most likely sad. Then there came the second boost of tickets that flooded the market and got snagged up in mere minutes. So I bet you were sad again. Then Blizzard responded with, "Well if you can't be there in person, then we will televise it for you, for a small fee." So then you could be a bit happier. But then they just announced something that should make this site a bit happier about that. Read More...
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We're In Ur Tree Fort.....
by [ Tuesday, 11th of March 2008 - 12:20 PM ]
A recent survey done by the ESA (Entertainment Software Association) boasts that a staggering 38% of all gamers are female! Spending an average 7 hours a week playing games. According to, 30% of all online gamers are women, with the catagory of "women 40 and over" making up the largest percentage of online gamers across all online games.< In a separate survey, Sony Online Entertainment found that 60% of all females in the gaming industry found the male dominance in the field off-putting in their career making decisions. Sadly, only 12% of the gaming industry workforce is female. Read More...
Tags: girls, games,
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Study Reveals Gamer Age, Gender Surprises
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Tuesday, 4th of March 2008 - 01:21 AM ]
A new study shows that 38 percent of gamers are women Study Reveals Gamer Age, Gender Surprises Source: Wired A recent list of facts published by the Entertainment Software Association reveals that 38 percent of gamers are women, despite common stereotypes that say otherwise. Read More...
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