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Review: PDP's Collector's Edition Tron Wii Remote
by Corey Dockendorf [ Monday, 17th of January 2011 - 09:46 PM ]
By Matthew Dockendorf I recently received an awesome piece of equipment from the company PDP gaming. Many out there know them as the creators of Afterglow controllers. I got a chance to test one of their newer products, the Collector's Edition Light up Tron Wii remote. First of all, everything about it looks fantastic. The sleek black blue and white remote came with an easy open magnetic black collectors box, complete with rainbow holographic certificate of authenticity on the inside lid. I won't lie. Read More...
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Activision To Put Gold In Your Hands
by Brian Bentley [ Thursday, 12th of August 2010 - 09:19 PM ]
Yesterday, Activision announced a new hardware bundle for Goldeneye 007 on the Nintendo Wii. Goldeneye 007 is a polished up remake of the Nintendo 64 game of the same name. Revered by many, the original Goldeneye is widely considered the pioneer of console shooters and the harbinger of competitive multiplayer on consoles. Along with the game's November release on the Wii, consumers will also be purchase the game bundle with a Classic Controller Pro - a gold Classic Controller Pro. You know, if having a golden gun in the game wasn't enough for you, you can now add a gaudy gold-colored controller. Read More...
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Guitar Hero Warriors Of Rock Separates Your Reality
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 7th of June 2010 - 08:47 PM ]
After the reveal for Guitar Hero: Warriors Of Rock and the awesome new tracks, you may be thinking it may have been after E3 that we would hear or see anything further about this next Guitar Hero installment. Well since you are reading this, it is obvious that is not the case. There are still no further details on the game itself, but we do have a look at the next set of plastic guitars we will all be forced to pick up for Guitar Hero: Warriors Of Rock. Although forced might be a little harsh to say after looking at the new redesigns. Also keeping us interested in the new peripherals is finding out that they are interchangeable, which will lead to some epic custom plastic guitars. Read More...
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Monsters, Controllers & Previews, Oh My!
by Brian Bentley [ Friday, 12th of February 2010 - 05:44 PM ]
Skepticism reigned as I sat down to play Monster Hunter Tri, but it began to dispel as I took the new Wii Classic Controller Pro in my hands and looked across the table at Binh, who was joining me for some co-operative hunting on another Wii. Capcom is breaking ground bringing the immensely popular Monster Hunter series to the Nintendo Wii along with this brand new controller. Though the franchise is huge in Japan, but not nearly as well known here in Europe and North America, Capcom looks to indoctrinate a new audience. If what I played at CES is any indicator, they are off to a good start. Read More...
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Rocker's Rejoice
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 18th of August 2008 - 07:18 PM ]
PS3 Music Peripheral Compatibility Update So the Rock Band/Guitar Hero debate will never end. The one where no one wants to say they are equal. Think about it, I'm sure you know a fan boy for one format or the other. I know I do. Well soon, Sony will be taking steps to bring these two giants together. Well a bit. Even include for some of their other less know or popular music titles coming out. Read More...
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More Peripherals Than You Can Shake A Drum Stick At
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 19th of June 2008 - 08:50 PM ]
Mad Catz Rock Band Instruments Releasing Next Week I found this while surfing around for news on one of my favorite games. I'm not going to go all fan boy on the RB vs. GH thing. Honestly I don't care that much about fanboyism to do so. But I digress. Looks like there are some new official controllers coming out, some of which with things I wish would have been included in the first place. Let me list them with pictures below. Check It Out Mad Catz Dual-Strummer Release: XBox - 6/22, PS3 - 7/15, Wii - 8/1 Price: $69. Read More...
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GameCube Making A Come Back...?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 9th of April 2008 - 05:06 PM ]
Wii Gets A New GameCube Controller Ok, I know my title was a little misleading, but it got you to look into the actual New bit. So Ha! It worked. :) The short and dirty of it is that Nintendo is releasing a GameCube Controller specifically for the Wii. It's not wireless or have motion controls. At least not from what I read. But it is the nice white color of the Wii and the controllers for it. Read More...
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Brainscan 2.0 (Am I The Only One Who Saw That Film?)
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 4th of March 2008 - 05:56 AM ]
Emotiv EPOC™ Needs Beta Tester So I posted before about how Emotiv was bringing a controller onto the market that used brain waves to control the game. It was in the old news section before you start searching for it. There were a few videos of other reporters using the device to lift in game items or make them vanish. The ultimate Jedi training simulator. Well now it looks like they are ready to push forward with the whole thing and push it into closed beta. Read More...
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