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They Got Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag In My Epic Rap Battles Of History
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 23rd of October 2013 - 10:33 PM ]
With Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag less than a week away from launch it's high time that the advertising and promotion trains get a rolling. Not that they haven't already with all the 'parkour' and free running videos abound as well as armor/weapon smithing of the in game items. Pretty much you don't need to look too far to find some kind of AC4 promotion. This brings me to the topic at hand. If you have been living without the internet for the last few years you may not be knowledgeable of the comedic we phenomenon of Epic Rap Battles Of History. Read More...
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Battlestar Galactica Online MMO teaser
by Corey Dockendorf [ Wednesday, 16th of June 2010 - 06:24 AM ]
The Cylons are coming to invade your web browser. Bigpoint, a developer of web browser games, are currently working with NBC Universal and SyFy to bring this new MMO to browsers everywhere - just in time for E3.  Not too long ago we heard that Bigpoint had just picked up the rights to build a Battlestar Galactica MMO, and now we have our first look. Below is only a teaser trailer, so it's hard to tell if we are watching some game play video or in-browser cinematic.  Either way, it looks pretty snazzy. Read More...
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Advertisement Pokemon League BEGINS!
by [ Saturday, 14th of June 2008 - 11:32 AM ]
Today the battles begin here on for our pokemon trainers! 15 people were paired up for the first round of ass-spanking competition. To follow this event, go to the league page Pwned Pokemon League . Read More...
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The Pokemon League
by [ Monday, 7th of April 2008 - 08:12 AM ]
As some of you may know Calamity, Clov3r, Riotmonster, and I are running something called The Pokemon League. And this Narticle is being written to reach the masses, and call all pokemon trainers to participate in our League. Allow me to tell you a little about this: What It Is: Pokemon, as I am sure you all know, is a game where you raise monsters to battle them against other trainers. To Participate in the tournament, you will need a Nintendo DS lite, a wireless internet connection, and either Pokemon Diamond or Pokemon Pearl. Starting on June 14th, we pair trainers up to battle (via drawing names from a hat randomly) and over the next several days or what could even be weeks, we do a bracket-style Battle Royale similar to the March Madness brackets for basketball: the winner from one match goes on to battle the winner from another and so on and so forth. Read More...
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