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Aggrocast Episode Eighty-Six: The One Where Brian Hates Everything
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 29th of August 2011 - 03:40 PM ]
Brian simply hates everything in this podcast - from Game Stop to analog sticks to Kotaku. Well, maybe not everything, but just about. Listen to Corey, David and Brian talk over what exactly is games journalism and whether we consider ourselves to be a part of that group. You'll also hear us touch on the Game Stop / Deus Ex debacle and its affect on our lives. As always, we hit up the Community Spotlight as it once again hits close to home, we carefully dissect eight topics on Care / Don't Care and What You've Been Playing brings you closer with talk on League of Legends, Assassins Creed: Brotherhood and Deus Ex: Human Revolution. Vote for David in Sony PlayStation's The Tester! Read More...
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Violent Game "Journalism"
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Monday, 31st of March 2008 - 03:26 PM ]
Newspaper offers cash for anti-games story on MCV reports a new high-water mark for British journalism, as relates an offer from "a national newspaper" to pay someone who is willing to blame their crimes on video games, with the offer of money sure to make this quite the legit bit of journalism: A national newspaper wants your story and will pay hundreds of pounds to the right person. Write a few lines about how computer games turned you to crime and if it's something we like, we'll call you straight back. Read More...
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