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Final Fantasy XVI Has Us Ascending Up To A New Requiem Before Launch
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 14th of June 2023 - 05:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy See a little more for Final Fantasy XVI just before we see this new and gritty Final Fantasy title launch out there The hype train for Final Fantasy XVI is going and going still with June 22nd coming up for the PS5 release. It felt like it was getting swept under the rug with Square Enix dropping so much for the FFVII Remake during the Summer Game Fest out there. Since Final Fantasy XVI is dropping so soon, one would think that is where they would have been focusing, and here we go with a bit more. All of this out of a long four-hour stream that was to hype it all up felt a little out of place in general. Read More...
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Suffer For Your Salvation In The Latest For Final Fantasy XVI
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 1st of June 2023 - 05:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy More for Final Fantasy XVI is here to give off the darker tone that this Final Fantasy title will be going with Salvation seems like it is going to come in many forms out there for Final Fantasy XVI and not always the way that the populace is going to want it. That is the way the latest trailer that Square Enix has given us for the game definitely makes it all seem. Almost as if Clive and crew are going to be the bad guys in this new Final Fantasy and that might be the twist to it all. I guess, I will call it now so that when June 22nd rolls up and we are able to see it on the PS5, I will be able to say I said it first. Read More...
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Final Fantasy XVI Drops More Little Bits For Our Upcoming Story
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 16th of May 2023 - 09:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy New features for Final Fantasy XVI are on display to make this Final Fantasy title more inviting than before June 22nd is quickly approaching us all with Final Fantasy XVI hitting the PS5 on that date still. There is still a lot to learn and figure out for the game and to keep hidden before Square Enix drops it out there on us. I am guessing, this is why we have been hit up with a variety of new video clips to give us a little more to go on for the game as well as show us what will be changing in this Final Fantasy title from the past ones. Beyond the shift to the Western look of fantasy over the Eastern one we have had for quite a while now. Read More...
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Final Fantasy XVI Has A Whole Lot Of Exciting & New Features Coming
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 14th of April 2023 - 09:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy Things are getting shaken up in Final Fantasy XVI to give us all something new and old from the Final Fantasy IP Holy Hells! We have a whole lot to take in here for Final Fantasy XVI as we all gear up for the June 22nd release date that is on the way for the PS5. A whole new twenty-five minutes of footage that Square Enix put together for the most recent State of Play event that highlights so many different aspects of the game. The usual RPG elements and the fact that the combat will be closer to what we have seen in the recent Final Fantasy games is the starter and the basics. On top of the fact that we are going to be seeing a truly grittier world for the IP this time around all while keeping the usual no need to have played any others to be able to enjoy. Read More...
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Final Fantasy XVI Takes Us All Further Into The World Of Valisthea
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 3rd of April 2023 - 09:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy A new Final Fantasy world is on the way to us all here and we can have a look at what Final Fantasy XVI will have for us soon Before now, we all knew we were going to be seeing a new Final Fantasy with the next big addition to the IP. That has been the case with most of the iterations to the line that have had from Square Enix. This should come as no huge shocker to us all. That said, we now have a bit more of a look at the world we will be diving into when Final Fantasy XVI hits the PS5 on June 22nd here. Read More...
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Final Fantasy XVI Writes Our Fates In Fire This June
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 15th of December 2022 - 06:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy The release date for Final Fantasy XVI is now set to give us more revenge out there in the Final Fantasy universe Here we go with the release date set down for Final Fantasy XVI so we can all get ready. Another one of those big reveals during The Game Awards this year and Square Enix tried to hold it out until the end. A great little show-stopper for sure to get us all amped up to see where the Final Fantasy IP is going to go once again. Even if many of us are still waiting for another chapter to a different line we have been in love with it before now. Read More...
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Check Your Ambition As It Comes To Final Fantasy XVI
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 20th of October 2022 - 07:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy Final Fantasy XVI pushes things forward with a new trailer showing off the scale of this new Final Fantasy world There is a whole lot of ambition going into Final Fantasy XVI and that is more than just a cheeky statement based on the latest trailer we have to look at. We knew it was going to be massive when Square Enix made the announcement and showed off the basics of what was going to come to the PS5 in the Summer of 2023, but here we get a better look at a few things. That and a little more on the backstory in Final Fantasy XVI that will show that the characters have the same ambition out there as the team crafting all of this experience for us. Just based on the scale alone that we are seeing here, this could be the latest magnum opus that the studio could put out there. Read More...
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Learn More About The Dominance Coming In Final Fantasy XVI
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 3rd of June 2022 - 07:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy Next summer will give us Final Fantasy XVI but we also have a look at those classic Final Fantasy summons right now We have all been waiting for something major to come out for Final Fantasy XVI since it was listed as delayed not too long ago. A delay that left many wondering when Square Enix might be able to give us this title, among others we are waiting on. The wait is still going to continue for Final Fantasy XVI, for now, but we have a solid timeline listed for when we should expect the game to hit the PS5. That being the Summer of 2023 now. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 12/27/21 — 12/31/21
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Saturday, 1st of January 2022 - 12:00 AM ]
Video Games A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week And thus…brings us all to the end of not only the week, but year and all of the news we had for all of those various video games out there. It was another rough one with the world being in the state that it is, but with the New Year about to ring in, maybe we will see some better things rise up. We are already starting it off with video games like Evil Dead and Horizon Forbidden West coming out right out of the gate. Not to mention all of the Final Fantasy titles and news we know will be popping off shortly after the ball drops. Read More...
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Final Fantasy XVI Has Been Delayed A Bit Longer Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 27th of December 2021 - 08:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy Final Fantasy fans will have to wait a bit longer now to get their hands on the upcoming Final Fantasy XVI The end of the year news does not seem to be going out on a high note, as we sadly have a new delay for Final Fantasy XVI. Not that we had much for the game before now since Square Enix first announced it, but now we are going to have to wait another six months to add it to the list of PS5 games we have. I can already hear the collective Final Fantasy fanbase cry out in pain for it all. More so when you find out that it is all linked to the struggles everyone has been having due to the pandemic safety concerns. Read More...
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Final Fantasy XVI Is Officially Coming To Us All Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 18th of September 2020 - 07:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy The next Final Fantasy game has been announced and it looks like we will be seeing a Final Fantasy XVI in the near future It looks like Square Enix is already gearing up for the future of the PS5, as we now have the announcement for Final Fantasy XVI coming to the system. It is not clear if it will be a 100% console exclusive, but given how the companies play together, I will not be surprised if it is that way. What I am a bit surprised on is that this was not the Final Fantasy I was hoping to see get the announcement as some of us are still waiting on the second episode of the other huge title that they put out and left us hanging on so far. I am looking at you FF7 Remake. Read More...
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Final Fantasy XV Mobile MMO Is In Development Now
by Duke Searles [ Wednesday, 8th of January 2020 - 08:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy An MMO for Final Fantasy XV is in development for mobile to have yet another MMORPG set around the events of Final Fantasy XV There has to have been some of you out there that were hoping to get a new MMO set in the Final Fantasy XV universe and for mobile. I would have to believe this as it looks like that is something that is in development right now with images and everything. Not directly from Square Enix this time, but something that will be following the main story from Final Fantasy XV that will try to expand on the Noctis story and add a few new regions we have not played in the original title. It is an odd thing to find out, but it is something to take note of. Read More...
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Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remasters Have One More Trailer To Take In
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 8th of April 2019 - 09:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy A new trailer is here for the Final Fantasy X and Final Fantasy X-2 remasters to get you excited for their re-release in a week In just over a week the remaster for Final Fantasy X/X-2 will be out there for the Xbox One and Switch. Yet one more of the Square Enix titles that did not show on the platforms the first few times around, but now that we have the technology and exclusivities gone they can. That would, at least, be the thought behind this as the PlayStation fans have been hogging all of the Final Fantasy goodness for a while now. The same can be said for other entries into their other franchises. Read More...
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Final Fantasy X/X-2 & XII The Zodiac Age Hitting New Consoles
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 25th of February 2019 - 08:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy The Xbox One and Switch will be gaining Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age and the Final Fantasy X X/X-2 HD Remasters this coming April Get ready to live more of the past as it looks like a few more Final Fantasy titles will be making the jump over to the Xbox One and Switch systems now. It used to be that Square Enix held these aside just for the PlayStation consoles but that time has ended it would seem. That or the company wants to rake in more of that sweet money from fans willing to throw it down. Read More...
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Ardyn Is Coming Back In Full Force In Final Fantasy XV
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 19th of February 2019 - 08:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy The release date for the next DLC for Final Fantasy XV is set and we will get to experience things from the point of view of Final Fantasy XV’s villain You may have missed it in the past or just have been occupied by other games as of late, but a new DLC episode for Final Fantasy XV is on the way and now we have a date for it. As a quick recap for those who have forgotten, a full episode for Ardyn, the main villain of the game, was announced to be on its way and play much like the other character-driven DLC we have had in the past. All so we can get more story for it all and put a bit more Gil in the pockets of Square Enix. Read More...
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