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Final Fantasy X/X-2 & XII The Zodiac Age Hitting New Consoles
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 25th of February 2019 - 08:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy The Xbox One and Switch will be gaining Final Fantasy XII The Zodiac Age and the Final Fantasy X X/X-2 HD Remasters this coming April Get ready to live more of the past as it looks like a few more Final Fantasy titles will be making the jump over to the Xbox One and Switch systems now. It used to be that Square Enix held these aside just for the PlayStation consoles but that time has ended it would seem. That or the company wants to rake in more of that sweet money from fans willing to throw it down. Read More...
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Final Fantasy XII Is Getting An Upgrade With The Zodiac Age
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 6th of June 2016 - 09:00 PM ]
Final Fantasy Final Fantasy XII is getting a remastered edition which will add a new job system to Final Fantasy XII from the International Zodiac Job System If you had hopes that Final Fantasy XII was also going to be landing an upgraded version to the PS4 here soon then your prayers are being answered. We are getting just that out of Square Enix here in 2017 as it looks like all of their past titles in the franchise are going to be getting the HD upgrade. This one just happens to be Final Fantasy XII and some of the upgrades that are coming are not just in the visual and audio department. Read More...
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