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Fury Is Heading To The Switch With Darksiders III Soon
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 9th of August 2021 - 05:00 PM ]
Darksiders Darksiders III will be hitting the Switch here soon with the core game and all the DLC that hit Darksiders III up to now It only took a bit of time, but it looks like Darksiders III will finally be hitting the Switch here. Well, there is a little bit more of a wait, as it will be hitting the console on September 30th but it has been close to three years since it first dropped so it is a shorter time to wait. That way we can have all of the Darksiders fun from THQ Nordic to experience out there. It still holds up quite a bit for me and it does look like a whole new generation will be able to get into it all. Read More...
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The Keepers Of The Void DLC Is Here For Darksiders III
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 17th of July 2019 - 09:00 PM ]
Darksiders The next DLC for Darksiders III is here and it looks like it will add a whole lot more to Darksiders III than we may have thought Here we go with more for Darksiders III as the Keepers of the Void DLC is here for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC versions of the game. At least for those who picked up the season pass of content in the multiple ways THQ Nordic made it available. It is still available in a solo price mode if this is all you were looking for too. All to make sure you have even more for Darksiders III to play and keep Gunfire Games making more for the franchise. Read More...
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Meet A Few More Of The Sins Just Before The Launch Of Darksiders III
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 26th of November 2018 - 08:00 PM ]
Darksiders On the verge of the release of Darksiders III, we have a look at more of the bosses we will be facing in Darksiders III with a few more of their tricks November 27th will mark the day that Fury rides on with Darksiders III, but that does not mean we all have to wait to be able to check out more of the game as well as a look at the Seven Sins. That is at least if you want to throw away quite a bit of the parts of the game that should be considered spoilers. I am going to guess that Gunfire Games and THQ Nordic just want us all to see more and ignore that side of things, but do take notice of that before you press on. Read More...
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Get Ready To Rampage On A Horse With No Name In Darksiders III
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 23rd of November 2018 - 06:00 PM ]
Darksiders We finally have a look at the next horse for Darksiders as well as a new recap on some of the lore just before Darksiders III launches It seemed to take some time but now we have a look at Fury and Rampage for Darksiders III now. Rampage being her horse that she will be riding and having all kinds of fun within the game. I know I was starting to worry that Gunfire Games was going to leave the horse out of the game, but knew it would not actually happen. It would have been odd, for sure, but the black horse is now here and it looks to be a more playful one than we have seen in the past Darksiders titles. Read More...
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Learn The Basics Of The Riddle Of Sorrows For Darksiders III
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 19th of November 2018 - 06:00 PM ]
Darksiders We have a new look at the intro to Darksiders III as well as a bit more of the Darksiders lore we will be diving into with the game Just one more week and we will be diving into the new adventures of Darksiders III on the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. At least for those who have been interested and hopefully all caught up on the story thus far. Also, I guess, those who are diehard fans of Gunfire Games and will dive into whatever they are pumping out there. Not that Darksiders III does not look amazing and we should be excited in general, it is one of my favorite franchises, but there is a lot of lore and backstory to catch up on for those who may have missed out so far. Read More...
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Fury’s Apocalypse Is About To Kick Off In Darksiders III
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 16th of November 2018 - 08:00 PM ]
Darksiders Fury is back with more story for Darksiders III as a new trailer that shows where it will all go and how it ties into the rest of Darksiders It is crazy to think about how fast the release of Darksiders III is coming upon us here as we only have a few more weeks until we are back in the saddle and joining Fury on her quest. It truly does feel like it was not too long ago that Gunfire Games announced it all and now we are just over ten days out from launch. This is not what we are going to focus on here, though, as we do have a new trailer for Darksiders III to dive into as we wait until THQ Nordic gets all of those copies of the game shipping out there. Read More...
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Welcome To The Serpent Holes With Darksiders III’s Planned DLC
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 12th of October 2018 - 05:00 PM ]
Darksiders Two new bits of DLC for Darksiders III have been confirmed and we can look forward to diving into Darksiders III’s serpent holes The curtain has been pulled back a bit more for Darksiders III as we now have word on two bits of DLC heading to the game post-launch. Why Gunfire Games will not be able to get them in before November 27th is still to be a mystery, but now we know there will be more for the game once you have played and beaten the core experience. I just hope that nothing opts to overshadow Darksiders III after launch to make anyone forget to go back and experience the extras that are now coming. So many other things will dictate that, but for now, we can sit back and now they are coming. Read More...
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Get To Know More Of The Charred Council Before Playing Darksiders III
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 9th of October 2018 - 07:00 PM ]
Darksiders New lore videos for Darksiders III are coming and the first one out gives us a recap and look at The Charred Council that governs Darksiders thus far It feels strange to me to know that Darksiders III is going to be some gamer's first introduction to the franchise on November 27th. Some due to age and not being able to fully enjoy the titles since THQ Nordic was even around and others who have only started to pay attention since Gunfire Games took over. No matter the case, there are some new gamers coming in and they most likely missed out on the story from before. They need to be brought up to speed on just what is going on in Darksiders III before they set out to save the world with Fury. Read More...
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New Darksiders III Gameplay Shows Off Why Laziness Will Not Win
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 5th of October 2018 - 09:00 PM ]
Darksiders More footage of Darksiders III’s Sloth is here to show off more of the story leading up to the fight and just how it can go down in Darksiders III We have even more gameplay for Darksiders III here to share this week and it may seem a bit familiar. We get to see that good old fight between Fury and Sloth again, but this time without the skipping and obfuscation that Gunfire Games put on the first time. You know, the stuff that keeps story spoilers away from Darksiders fans who want to experience the game completely the first time. Take that as your first "spoiler alert" here as this does show off a bit of the game's story and other bits that THQ Nordic should have held back on. Read More...
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Fury Will Be A Force To Recon With In Darksiders III
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 3rd of October 2018 - 05:00 PM ]
Darksiders Another Hollow for Darksiders III is shown off for Fury and it changes a few other things for Darksiders III than just her flame color It looks like the next Hollow that Fury will have imbued upon her is here for Darksiders III and this one is all about Force. That is what it is called as we watch as Gunfire Games mixes in its own version of the Infinity Stones into the franchise here. No, they are not really doing that, but it looks that way as we get different extra abilities to use in Darksiders III to help take down all of those deadly sins in the new world here. The world that War has brought us here. Read More...
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Darksiders III Will Bring The Original Crew Back Together Somehow
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 21st of August 2018 - 05:00 PM ]
Darksiders New gameplay for Darksiders III is here from Gamescom as well as a new cinematic that brings the last two Darksiders protagonists back As was to be expected, Darksiders III has a whole lot more to show off out at Gamescom and one of the bigger things has to be a look at Death and War as they will be making a showing in Fury's story here. If you have been a fan of the franchise thus far, it does not come as a huge surprise that Gunfire Games would be adding the characters into the mix here as THQ Nordic did it in the last title too. Granted, they did it in a way where Death had to fight an incarnation of War in Darksiders II and not as a much more. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 7/30/18 — 8/3/18
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 3rd of August 2018 - 11:00 PM ]
Video Games A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week This week is now over and we can go back to focusing on playing our video games instead of hunting down for any new tidbit for them. At least on our side of the screen here. Not that it has not been exciting hearing more about The Walking Dead and Darksiders III, but it is finally time to let loose. How else are we supposed to get up to date with our South Park DLC and hammering out more for Shadow Of War? Read More...
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The Environmental Puzzles Of Darksiders III Have Been Evolving
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 31st of July 2018 - 07:00 PM ]
Darksiders Another new look at Darksiders III is here to show us how the puzzles of Darksiders III will feel the same but play out very different It looks as if we all have time for one more video for Darksiders III here and this one takes us into the world of puzzles. Not an actual world in the game, but a look at how the team over at Gunfire Games has been slowly changing and evolving the puzzles in the world for us to try to figure out. Given that the franchise has never been a puzzle only title, it may sound a bit off to here, but in Darksiders III it looks like things have evolved to make more sense in the game world as well as add a new challenge to what we already know. They would need to do this in some way or the franchise would fizzle out before THQ Nordic can get to the fabled fourth chapter of the story… Anyways, we get a new commentary view of some of the old footage we have seen for Darksiders III already. Read More...
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This Week In Video Games 7/23/18 — 7/27/18
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 27th of July 2018 - 11:00 PM ]
Video Games A lot has gone on this week in video games. Here is a recap of what we covered in the world of video games on the site this week We are back on schedule with yet another week of video games to have gone through and completed. It was a rough one last week with so much going on and the few missed marks we had. We are sorry about that, but at least we had another Darksiders III dominated week and more for the Spider-Man PS4 game to look at. Not to mention all of the stuff we had to cover out at SDCC this year that we will bring you next week as well. Read More...
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Fury Flames Out In The Latest Footage For Darksiders III
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 27th of July 2018 - 05:00 PM ]
Darksiders A new video for Darksiders III is here to show us how Fury gets her flame from in the usual Darksiders manner We have seen a bit of Fury's Flame Form in the past for Darksiders III, but now it seems like it is time to spoil how she earns it in the game and it plays out much like you think. That is most likely why Gunfire Games was okay with sharing it as it lets us see how much more of a badass Fury will be in the game and also keep us engaged with THQ Nordic until November 27th when it launches. You know, because we would forget about Darksiders III before then and move on to the many other games out there for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC. Read More...
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