The next DLC for Darksiders III is here and it looks like it will add a whole lot more to Darksiders III than we may have thought
Here we go with more for Darksiders III as the Keepers of the Void DLC is here for the PS4, Xbox One, and PC versions of the game. At least for those who picked up the season pass of content in the multiple ways THQ Nordic made it available. It is still available in a solo price mode if this is all you were looking for too. All to make sure you have even more for Darksiders III to play and keep Gunfire Games making more for the franchise. Even if it does feel like the game came out a long time ago and some may have moved along from it all. Just know it is all here for us to enjoy right now so go out and download it.
As for what it brings, the usual new enemies, puzzles, weapons, and other basics that we should expect for Darksiders III. It also sounds like there will be a whole lot more story bits as Fury heads out to fix all of the serpent holes in the world. What that completely means is still to be determined, but I guess if we knew that then we would not truly need to download the DLC. That is unless you already paid for it all. That would be another of the determining factors here for Darksiders III too. I am sure you will know the best for you and your gaming habits. Have a look at the new trailer to see if this is going to be something that pulls you back in.
Darksiders III — Keepers Of The Void DLC
It is known that Vulgrim fulfills his profession as The Demon Merchant very well: He has a promising repertory of various items of dubious and mysterious origin if you can deliver him enough souls on exchange. This time, the rewards are tremendous and so is the price! Fight an ancient threat and deploy your Hollow skills to solve puzzles and defeat enemies for new weapons as well as one legendary reward: The Abyssal Armor. Darksiders III - Keepers of the Void is out now for PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
Have you been waiting for this Darksiders III DLC or did you forget that it was coming still? Did you expect more than the basics we are being told we are getting or does it fit with the game that we already know? Will this keep it all flowing longer or be something we finish quickly and move on again? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments and then discuss. If there is more for the Darksiders franchise at all, we will add it to the site. Be sure to keep checking in for all of that as we head onward and upward with all of our games out there.