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Darkness Creeps Into The Void
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 23rd of January 2009 - 10:04 PM ]
Dark Void Game Play Videos Not much to really report on here. The short and skinny of it is that Capcom has brought out some more game play videos for their new Sci-Fi Action-Adventure game. All of which are videos that got glanced over by all the other big things that Capcom was bringing out at CES. But what kind of a news guy would I be if I let something like this fall to the curbside. So with no further gilding the lilly, such a great phase, I will give you some more footage of Dark Void. Read More...
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CES 2009 Wrap Up
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 20th of January 2009 - 06:48 PM ]
Miragel Interviews Hades On CES So there was a lot that happened at this year's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, NV. Quite a bit if you kept up with my articles and updates while the event was going on. More than I could make words work for. At least typed words. In that instance, Miragel, seen here on pwned, decided to conduct a small interview on the going ons of CES. We cover everything from the lack of a real gaming section at the show to some of the cool little things I saw. Check it out. Read More...
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What Lies Beyond The Edge Of Evolution?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 15th of January 2009 - 09:48 PM ]
New Information For Activision's Prototype I'm sure you've heard of Activision's new game Prototype. Right? Well if not, then do I have a treat for you. And it is a very tasty one at that too. Full of Blood, Violence, Infections, and well what looks like a ton of fun. I do mean A LOT of fun. More of that below, but let me give you a quick recap of this game and what I was able to scrounge up at the THX booth at CES 2009. There is a plethora of fun screen shots and video clips that I got for your viewing pleasure, but there is a bit more that you won't be able to take away from just those. Like for instance, why the hell was the only way to catch any of this at CES was to get into the THX booth? Read More...
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Home Is Complex
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 12th of January 2009 - 06:35 PM ]
Home Details From CES 2009 Those of you who are not all that thrilled with Home as of yet, I have some good news. Lets just hope it stays that way. One of the things I had to ask the Sony and in turn the Home people was about the content of Home. They didn't want to comment much on the failed release time frames, but that's ok. What they did have to show as well as inform me on. First, the long awaited Helghast skin for your Home toon to wear. Read More...
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RB2 San Disk Debate Solved
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 12th of January 2009 - 05:58 PM ]
Finally Some Straight Answers So last week I brought the news about a San Disk that was made for Rock Band 2 on the Wii. Check it here. It raised some questions about the need to have it and if you had to actually buy this one to use it to get some great DLC for the Wii version of the game. Well after trying to track someone down at CES that knew the answers, I finally got them near the end of the show on Sunday. Yes 4 days of tracking for you guys. I hope you appreciate it. Read More...
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How'd They Do That?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 12th of January 2009 - 05:22 PM ]
Commentary On LittleBigPlanet From Some Of The Design Team There is no doubt that LittleBigPlanet, which will from here on be referred to as LBP, was a huge game for the PS3. There are almost 2 million copies out there in the wild currently. Why is that? Well if you haven't seen or played it, it is part and partial to the fact that their sandbox word that lets players build their own levels. It is very robust and hundreds of thousands of custom levels already built. But this is not what this is about. Read More...
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Living In A 3D World
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 12th of January 2009 - 04:38 PM ]
3D Vision With NVidia and Panasonic So you think that the games and movies you watch are 3D. Well at least rendered that way. They are, but your eyes of course still only process it still in 2D. Meaning you don't get any depth processed into your brain. That is where the two above companies stepped up and said "Hey! Lets go one step further." After playing around and testing out these systems, the future of gaming, not to mention just home entertainment will be changing. Read More...
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Evil Xbox Vs. Evil PS3
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 12th of January 2009 - 01:58 AM ]
Resident Evil 5 Comparison So while at the Consumers Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada over the weekend, I actually got to play Resident Evil 5 at the Capcom party. I did not get a chance to play it while displayed on the side of the Planet Hollywood, which was awesome although cold, but I did get to play it where they had the two versions running side by side. Exact same monitors and connections. The only difference is the systems they were running on. Read More...
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New Window To The World
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 9th of January 2009 - 07:45 PM ]
Windows 7 Beta Download So for those of you that enjoy having the latest and greatest of Microsoft, they literally just announce that you can download Windows 7 direct from their website. Link Below. So if you want to give it a whirl, go ahead and download the new beta for Microsoft's operating system. I know I'll be checking it out when I get home from CES tonight. On another fun side note, Totally got to play like 2 minutes of Halo Wars... Read More...
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Firebird And VooDoo
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 9th of January 2009 - 05:58 AM ]
HP Firebird 803 tower So when I first heard about this little marvel, I was a little skeptical. It just did not look like ti would have the power behind what was claimed. I mean, look at the picture there and tell me it does not look like it is something like an E-Machine. But it packs a serious punch. I mean look at the specs below. Those are the ones for the $1800 version. Read More...
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Killzone 2 at CES 2009
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 9th of January 2009 - 05:04 AM ]
Killzone 2 at CES 2009 Killzone 2 at CES 2009 So while palling around the Sony booth at this years CES, I stumbled upon the area where they had Killzone 2 set up. The display there was not all that stand out, but it was a great find to come across. While there, I figured I would take in some of the cinematics of the game. That was until I bumped into Kyle Shubel, Managing Producer for Killzone, and he offered up a taste of the game. So being me, I walked away with my head hung low startled that someone talked to me. Read More...
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