Killzone 2 at CES 2009
So while palling around the Sony booth at this years CES, I stumbled upon the area where they had Killzone 2 set up. The display there was not all that stand out, but it was a great find to come across. While there, I figured I would take in some of the cinematics of the game. That was until I bumped into Kyle Shubel, Managing Producer for Killzone, and he offered up a taste of the game. So being me, I walked away with my head hung low startled that someone talked to me. Ok, well maybe in some bizarre-o-world that happened. I jumped at the chance, and totally spent 45 minutes on it. At least after watching some XBox fan boy come over and be the rudest assclown I've run into in a while. But I digress.
The visuals on this game would have made my jaw drop if I actually did that. In fact Mr. Shubel made mention that one Helghan has more polygons than an entire level in Killzone 1, and you can see it. It is more visually stunning than I was expecting. I will say that any doubts you may have on those should be put away and then forced into submission and tied to a furnace. The video below will most likely do it no justice.
The controls are very quick and mapped very well. Even with part of the HUD only being displayed by pressing a button on the D-Pad, mainly a mission objective reminder. But they were all very smooth and had very little learning curve out the gate. Which is good, no reason to fix something with FPS games that isn't broken.
With that, I will shut up and show you a video I took of the game and gameplay. I was not actually playing, forced to do the camera work, but I tried to get as much as I could.
Disclaimer: First let me say, sorry about the horrible camera work on my end. I am no camrea guy, but I figured I would try to catch some video of Killzone 2 for everyone. Also sorry that it is not edited at all, not to mention the only video I have placed up that I have. It was the best I had without clipping. Try to enjoy.