So while at the Consumers Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada over the weekend, I actually got to play Resident Evil 5 at the Capcom party. I did not get a chance to play it while displayed on the side of the Planet Hollywood, which was awesome although cold, but I did get to play it where they had the two versions running side by side. Exact same monitors and connections. The only difference is the systems they were running on.
After playing, I, as well as the people watching, were kind of surprised that many have said that the visuals are the same or even slightly better on the XBox over the PS3. This was not the case at all. There was a great difference to the visuals between the two, but in the favor of SOny over Microsoft. I'm not trying to be fan-boyish here, this is the honest truth. Had a large group, some even hardcore into XBox agreeing with me. This was just the demo of the game and not the full version so things might change in the final product, but as of right now, I would totally back that the PS3 has the visuals for now. As long as you can swing the high def. stuff that they recommend showing it on.
Below is a video that was spread around a while ago. The only thing is that it kind of shows a bit better on the XBox side. Very slightly. But actually playing and watching on both, it feels they might have had the logos switched or the PS3 only kicking out 720 to match the Xbox. Who knows.