So you think that the games and movies you watch are 3D. Well at least rendered that way. They are, but your eyes of course still only process it still in 2D. Meaning you don't get any depth processed into your brain. That is where the two above companies stepped up and said "Hey! Lets go one step further." After playing around and testing out these systems, the future of gaming, not to mention just home entertainment will be changing. For the better.
First off, we have the NVidia 3D Vision set. This gave me a new love for how to play Left 4 Dead. I am not kidding. I slipped on the glasses and it immersed me into the game like I never though possible. It actually looked like I was walking through a building or sewer system. I moved in crazy close to the screen to block out the rest of the world and it felt like I was moving through a real environment. It is hard to explain with words and I only wish there was a way to show it through a video, but you need the below specifics to actually enjoy this.
What you need to run this system is thus. A middle quality level NVidia card already installed. The glasses and adapter, pictured below. Also you need a monitor or TV that will display with a true 120hz. Having all this will let you experience something that will totally rock your socks off. Bonus part is, it will work with any game that uses DirectX right out of the box. The video I saw had everything from Spore to Left 4 Dead to World of Warcraft. Yes, Arthas in 3D swinging a sword at you. It was Legendary.
But, unfortunately, there are a few snags in this. First is that there are so few monitors on market that actually do the 120hz. Those that do also don't produce them in the way the system requires. This is something that will change with the new wave of monitors coming out, but as of right now there are few that do and you will need to buy a new monitor in the future to have the fun with this. Second, even though they state you can watch films in 3D with this system, you have the same problem with monitors as in there are no titles on shelves right now that were filmed or placed on disk in the format that the system requires. Once again, something that will change as technology spreads.
So all in due time will this awesomeness be a standard for gaming and then computer films. Check out the link below for more on this cool product.

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The other great technologic advancement to 3D viewing, true 3D viewing, was done by the great minds over at Panasonic. It was similar to the technology that NVidia did. As in that it uses glasses that have a shutter for both eyes to filter out how the images are beamed into your eyes, but the interesting this is that it is actually the TV itself that does the processing and not the video card and adapter. Like I said above, it is hard to explain with words. Which is unfortunate because it is something everyone should enjoy at some point.
While watching this experience there were clips from sporting events and the olympics as well as a few film clips. For the most part, it was the sporting stuff that blew my mind. No exaggeration here, but I felt like I was watching the shows live. The only thing missing was the physical elements behind it all, but my eyes were completely tricked into seeing such depth that we are all use to living in the real 3D world. Words just can't be used to describe.
No for the unfortunate side of things. Which is mainly the fact that this set up will be pricey for a while. For a long while I would think. They were there only showing the system working on a 103" 1080p full HD TV while there and I heard no information on it being in any other system as of yet. It was almost like they were testing waters before they try to make it available to everyone but the rich, especially during a recession. I don't think it will be too far off that it can be a reality for everyone, but like I said, downside for a good chunk of the world.
Also on a side not, they also did not show if it worked for games at all. Which I can understand, given the fact that most games don't actually pump out at the 1080p that would be required for this system. But like everything, it is only a matter of time before that. I can't wait to totally have a crazy 3D Gaming party when these come to general consumer market.
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