I'm sure you've heard of Activision's new game Prototype. Right? Well if not, then do I have a treat for you. And it is a very tasty one at that too. Full of Blood, Violence, Infections, and well what looks like a ton of fun. I do mean A LOT of fun. More of that below, but let me give you a quick recap of this game and what I was able to scrounge up at the THX booth at CES 2009.
There is a plethora of fun screen shots and video clips that I got for your viewing pleasure, but there is a bit more that you won't be able to take away from just those. Like for instance, why the hell was the only way to catch any of this at CES was to get into the THX booth? Well that will be because this will be the first game on the XBox that is actually going to run 7.1 Surround sound. What better than to show it off with the company that is the master of it right. It is very sweet and well done. So for you who have a system or are getting a system, this will be a true test to make sure you set it up right.
Another interesting thing about this game is the actual content of the game and that you can go out and search for more or just go the route the game requires. That is, you can blast through the game in around 12 hours or so, but doing so you will miss 2/3's of the game. Yea, there is 2/3's of the game that you have to go and seek. Things that will give you more of the story or more of the awesome powers you build up to get. Kind of an interesting thing to have that much extra content that is kind of outside of the base game. All of which is optional if you really don't want to spend the time to get the full experience. So while you may be able to beat it in a day, you will miss out so much.
One more thing I will leave you with so you can check what you really came here for, the visuals, is the few questions I had while at the presentation. Part and partial it was more of a challenge, but I had to take it. Trying to be funny and trying to get the PR guy with an off question, I thought I'd question the location of the game over the standards of release date, DLC, and online play. Summer '09, No comment yet, and we decided against it so we would not ship a lacking online function. Respectfully. But here's the questions I had and their answers, paraphrased. I'll leave you with that and the content.
Q: What was the choice behind using New York, Manhattan in particular, for the game?
A: We wanted to have a location that was vast and had elements that embody aspects of the game. New York is a very busy city. It is always moving. It is always changing. It can be beautifully violent, or just down right plain violet. It is also a place that has a lot of people always moving around and about, which is something that we actually have happening in the game.
Q: Do you foresee any backlash for having your main character running around destroying a city that has had the recent history of New York?
A: Surprisingly, we have not heard anything back on anything like that. Not saying that it wasn't something we thought about, but there has been no comments along those lines.
Game Trailer
Game play
Game play