There is no doubt that LittleBigPlanet, which will from here on be referred to as LBP, was a huge game for the PS3. There are almost 2 million copies out there in the wild currently. Why is that? Well if you haven't seen or played it, it is part and partial to the fact that their sandbox word that lets players build their own levels. It is very robust and hundreds of thousands of custom levels already built. But this is not what this is about. It's about a few cool things that the Designers where talking about at this years Consumer Electronics Show.
What this is about is how impressed the people behind the game are with the users of the game. Like the fact that if one person were to try and play at least 3 minutes of every level out there, it would take over 6 years to play. Yes they actually did the math and got it broken down to the minute, but I am lazy so I won't give the exacts. What else they seemed to be impressed with is just how some of the levels are built. Which of course they wanted to show off to me. One of which something I would have thought to be something that would have been moderated off the servers, but it is still there.
One of the favorites they showed was a full tribute to the Silent Hill franchise. Which is very well done. Pyramid Head and Faceless nurses and all. But that is not the full reason they love it so much. What they love is the fact that at the end of the level, it scores you on each portion of the level and gives you an overall grade based on how long it took you to pass them. Outside of the regular LBP score at the end of levels. Below is a two part video of this level.
LittleBigHill [Part1]
LittleBigHill [Part2]
Then there is the marvel of the below two levels. They may not look like much when playing them, but there is a very fun fact about them. That is, the Designers have no clue how the user did some of the effects in the level. Yes, read that again. The makers of the tools have no clue how they were used to do the silhouette effect across the entire level. They said they are going to have to dissect it to figure it out, but they were honestly stumped. Kudos to the user on that one. It always makes me happy when I hear things like that. Below are the videos for the first and second versions of the stumping levels.
Anti-Color II