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Evil Xbox Vs. Evil PS3
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 12th of January 2009 - 01:58 AM ]
Resident Evil 5 Comparison So while at the Consumers Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada over the weekend, I actually got to play Resident Evil 5 at the Capcom party. I did not get a chance to play it while displayed on the side of the Planet Hollywood, which was awesome although cold, but I did get to play it where they had the two versions running side by side. Exact same monitors and connections. The only difference is the systems they were running on. Read More...
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Killzone 2 at CES 2009
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 9th of January 2009 - 05:04 AM ]
Killzone 2 at CES 2009 Killzone 2 at CES 2009 So while palling around the Sony booth at this years CES, I stumbled upon the area where they had Killzone 2 set up. The display there was not all that stand out, but it was a great find to come across. While there, I figured I would take in some of the cinematics of the game. That was until I bumped into Kyle Shubel, Managing Producer for Killzone, and he offered up a taste of the game. So being me, I walked away with my head hung low startled that someone talked to me. Read More...
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In An Underwater City Far Far Away...
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 7th of January 2009 - 06:08 PM ]
Bioshock can 'do a Star Wars', says 2K boss So one thing I hate to see in a franchise, be it a Movie, TV, or Video Game one, is when they make such a huge hit with the first one that they turn around and churn out loads of crap to try and make a quick buck while the franchise is still in the height of popularity. I won't disagree that it isn't a bad way to make money. People will shell out for a sequel thinking it will be as good as the first. Read More...
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The Dead And The Inter-Space
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 2nd of January 2009 - 09:31 PM ]
Dead Space FULL ISSUE - Image Comics' 'Dead Space #1' A while back there was talk about a comic for EA's awesome game Dead Space. To go along with the animated film and game and the animated shorts. All of which to add to the over all experience of the game. More back story. More build up of the world. All in the works to get you more immersed into the game. Well today they released the first comic in the series online for all of our viewing pleasure. Read More...
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Top 10 Reasons To Be A Gamer in 2009
by Ben Brody [ Friday, 2nd of January 2009 - 08:53 AM ]
As we say goodbye to 2008, we also say goodbye to what was a great year for gamers. Games like GTA IV, Fallout 3, and Metal Gear Solid 4 invaded our consoles and also our hearts. Fear not, however, as 2009 will kick an equal if not higher amount of ass!So here are some reasons to love 2009Top 10 Reasons to Love Games in 200910. GhostBustersMany of us fell in love with the Ghostbusters as children and secretly wanted to be one. Well when June rolls around we can all live out our fantasies on the virtual screen when Atari releases Ghostbusters on the 360, PS3, PS2, Wii, PC, and DS9. Read More...
Tags: 2009, PS3, PSP, 360, XBOX,
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Awesome LBP That Will Most Likely Never Be
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 30th of December 2008 - 07:12 PM ]
Top 20 LittleBigPlanet Level Kit Predictions for 2009 It's the end of the year and it is time for all those absurd Top [Insert BS Here] lists to start hitting the interwebs. Because for some odd reason the American people and in turn some of the rest of the world give a flying gopher cheese donut about them. Mind you I did say some, not all. In any instance, I came across one that was totally awesome. Read More...
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[PS3 Review] Rise Of The Argonauts
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 29th of December 2008 - 09:02 PM ]
A Tale Of Greek Tragedy? The Good: One thing that I really loved about this game was the story telling of the game. First that it was very Greek and somewhat very close to something one would read in their Ancient Histories class. Second, the fact that you could choose your own adventure as you go a long, with choices based on one of the four patron gods of the game. And these choices are more than what other games allow for. Like if you chose to be a dick or a good follower of Ares, it gave a totally different outcome. Read More...
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Classic PS1 J-RPG Suikoden Hits PSN
by Michael Camacho [ Wednesday, 24th of December 2008 - 03:46 PM ]
Finally Sony puts out a good Classic PS1 game onto the Playstation Store. As of Monday, December 12th, you can now download the classic J-RPG, Suikoden. Suikoden is a standout title that all J-RPG fans must play. Now it's readily available for PS3 owners, and if you have a PSP as well, you can freely transfer the game to your PSP for play on the go.  Suikoden 1 is rare title that you would have to pay from $40 to $75 depending on the condition and if it is complete or not. Brand new, the game can run you over $200. Read More...
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Only A Year Late...
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 8th of December 2008 - 06:32 PM ]
PlayStation fiends finally get a second life One of the big rumors and let downs, so far, for Sony has been their new "Social Network" program, Home. It has had so many rumors about when the mass populace will be able to get their hands on it, it has made a lot of people stop caring about it. To top that off, Sony's very limited "Beta" for the program has also left a lot feeling left out. Don't worry you people, there isn't much that you are missing. Just having the early download. Read More...
Tags: Sony, PS3, Home, Rumor,
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More LittleBigNews
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 3rd of December 2008 - 05:06 PM ]
"SACK IT TO ME"...Weekly Answers to the LBP Community's Questions As has been the buzz around the net and the PS Forum boards, moderation on user created levels has been out of control on the LBP servers. Like crazy to the point where some levels that have no offensive materials or copy written materials have been removed. With no explanation as well. To me this is really hampering one of the best features of this game. Read More...
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[PS3 Review] Mortal Kombat vs. DC Universe
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 25th of November 2008 - 07:13 PM ]
The Worlds Collide This game has been a huge one on a lot of people's radars since it was first announced. It has been looked to as a way to reinvigorate the franchise into what it once was. Trying to help fans forget the films and lack luster games that have been placed out there on the market. Here's what I have to say. The Premise: At the end of a great battle against Darkseid and Shao Kahn, each in their own universes, something goes awry and begins the merging of the two universes. Through confusion or just trying to find answers to end this universe ending event, both sides fight through to find a way to end it. Read More...
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Review — Quantum Of Solace
by [ Monday, 24th of November 2008 - 03:40 AM ]
Quantum Of Solace The latest James Bond adventure is actually fun As evidenced in previous James Bond video games, it’s a pure rush of adrenaline to step into the shoes of the debonair agent. From GoldenEye to Everything or Nothing, the Bond games have usually been faithful recreations of the films or entirely new adventures to embark on. With Quantum Of Solace, the newest addition to the Bond game library, the total immersion of being Bond is alive and well. With much owed to the Call Of Duty 4 engine, this is a fast-paced, fun FPS with elements of third-person shooters. Read More...
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Dead Space DLC
by Jesse [ Friday, 21st of November 2008 - 08:20 PM ]
Dead Space Space just got a little…deader It seems like all I can talk about these days is downloadable content and alternate skins and EA is going to keep me talking for a little while longer with their DLC release for Dead Space. A variety of downloadable packs have been released this week on the PlayStation Store, each ranging from $0.99 - $3.99. Read More...
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Prince of Persia Skins
by Jesse [ Friday, 21st of November 2008 - 04:55 AM ]
Prince Of Persia With a little under two weeks until the release of Prince Of Persia on the PS3, PC, and Xbox 360, Ubisoft has announced several alternate skins that will be available for the game. The first two revealed are Altair from Assassin’s Creed and the classic Prince from the Sand’s Of Time. In order to unlock the Altair skin, players will have to register at Read More...
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Challenging BioShock
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 19th of November 2008 - 10:10 PM ]
BioShock PS3 DLC Surfaces Tomorrow So tomorrow, November 20th, those of us that have picked up the PS3 version of BioShock are getting a nice little treat. Exclusive added content for the game on the PSN. The add on is listed below. But there is one thing I find a little off, at least for me, the price point for PS3 users to get this new content. While PS3 BioShock owners will get access to the stuff that was given away to PC and XBox players, these 3 new challenge rooms come for a $10 fee. Might not sound too high, but it is only three new little sections for the game. Read More...
Tags: BioShock, PSN, PS3, DLC,
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