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Here Is What Was Promised For Black Ops II Zombies Last Week
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 27th of September 2012 - 07:07 PM ]
So last week we were teased with a world premiere for the Zombies mode for Call Of Duty: Black Ops II. Teased and left waiting. Well the wait is now over. Below we have the "World Premiere" of Zombies mode for Black Ops II and, well, we are still left wondering what is going on with it. The two minute video below shows off some fun game play and cinematics for the mode, but now real details though. Outside of what looks like a campaign style progression map leading to new maps to kill the undead. If you want to call it that. Read More...
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Dead Island: Riptide Tries The Tearjerker Again
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 20th of September 2012 - 04:40 PM ]
I am sure we all remember back when Dead Island was first announced and the trailer that came with it. I am sure you do. It had people welling up with tears over a fictional family that was on the island of Banoi when the outbreak happened. Seems that Dead Island: Riptide is taking its turn at trying to hit you in the gut just like before. Below you can see the new CGI trailer for Riptide. While not an announcement trailer, as it has been announced already, it is the first promotional video showcasing the horrors that may lay in wait for us in the game. Read More...
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We Got Info On Call Of Duty: Black Ops II Zombies. Just Teasing!
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 19th of September 2012 - 08:43 PM ]
Don't you just love being teased? At least in this aspect you only have about a week before the details of Black Ops II Zombies will be let loose on the populace. I know this because the following teaser says so. Don't believe me, then go get teased as well. This is the mode that so many people have been begging for information for. Maybe the pre-rendered teaser gives up something. Well, nope it really doesn't now does it? Read More...
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Dead Island: Riptide Shows No Hope For The Survivors
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 12th of September 2012 - 04:31 PM ]
Just when you think things might be going well in the world of Dead Island you find out things just got worse. Recently there was a bit more revealed about the upcoming sequel, Dead Island: Riptide, including some screens. In this reveal we find out that all of the survivors, Playable Character, are on their way to safety and then thrust onto a new island of the dead. Ain't that some shit? What is fun to also find out is that there will be a few new survivors added to the mix for this new island. Read More...
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In Resident Evil 6 You Also Get To Play Ada Wong And B.O.W.s
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 3rd of August 2012 - 09:00 PM ]
The big news at E3 for Resident Evil 6 was that you were going to have a four play co-op mode in the game. Well it looks like that people who beat the game and wish to have a little more fun with the game, outside of re-playing the cross stories, will have two more options to look forward to. One will allow you to play as various B.O.W.s Read More...
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Here Comes A Whole Hoard Of New Resident Evil 6 Footage
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 30th of July 2012 - 09:07 PM ]
Some of you out there might have seen some of the new Resident Evil 6 footage and then again some of you might not have. If you fall into the former list then as the title suggest we have a whole slew of new things to show you for RE6. Things like still shots from the game and quite a bit of actual game play showing the different play styles and locations in the game. Also while it is not mentioned the bit that was used to show off the cross play feature before is what you are seeing in the Jake video. It isn't mentioned in the video, but you can see it so there is that too. Read More...
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Play The Walking Dead For Real At Comic Con
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 2nd of July 2012 - 08:37 PM ]
So by now you've most likely played Telltale's The Walking Dead, read the comic or seen the show. If anything you at least are interested in the zombie apocalypse scenario. Well here is something that those interested in any of those things mention will find pretty damn awesome. If you are at San Diego Comic Con next week you will have the chance to actually play "the game" for real. The game being that of surviving in a world where the dead have escaped the Underworld and are coming for your flesh. This isn't some small obstacle course set up as fun for promotions either. Read More...
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E3 2012 Hands On: Resident Evil 6
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 12th of June 2012 - 11:04 PM ]
Before I get in depth here for what I got to see and play for Resident Evil 6 I have to start off that this whole display was split more into two different parts. So that is kind of how I will break this down. The first part was focused more on the action and cross-story play and co-op of the campaign while the second part was some good old fashioned hands on time with a bit of Leon's story. Both of which were drastically different in style. Let me start with the Cross Story play first as it will help explain the four player co-op a bit better. Read More...
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Call Of Duty: Black Ops II Officially Announced Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 4th of May 2012 - 04:45 PM ]
When are publishers and studios going to realize that they cannot trust humans with sensitive information? Call Of Duty: Black Ops II was technically announced before the company made the announcement or gave us the announcement trailer. Retailers who got information early let things slip. Game sites that received information in terms to prep the news let things "leak." I swear if Treyarch and Activision ran things like the governments they make games for we'd be seeing quite a few unmarked graves around the globe. But I digress. Read More...
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Review: The Walking Dead: Episode 1
by Matt Waitt [ Thursday, 26th of April 2012 - 10:02 PM ]
Developed and Published by Telltale Games this episodic game takes place within The Walking Dead universe. While some characters share the names of those in the comic and TV show, it is a whole new story. The Walking Dead is a point and click game with "precision" quick-time events. Instead of simply hitting a button you have to aim in a specific spot and then hit a button. I sat down to play The Walking Dead expecting a quick little hour or so session but I soon found myself sucked in to the characters and their story. I actually finished the game in one session. Read More...
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Lollipop Chainsaw Has Some Crazy Threesome Action
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 25th of April 2012 - 10:04 PM ]
While I am sure all of your minds went straight to some crazy ass sex scene for Lollipop Chainsaw, I am talking about the threesome that is the Starling Sisters. Ok, well that also didn't come out sounding right either and you all probably went somewhere very twisted and pornographic again. For shame. But what I am talking about here is that a trailer for the game was just released and it showcases how the three sisters will interact in the game. Well kind of shows how they will interact in the story but not game play. Read More...
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Resident Evil 6's Release Date Pushed Forward
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 13th of April 2012 - 04:38 PM ]
It's not often that something like this happens, but it looks like we will be getting Resident Evil 6 over a month earlier than originally announced. Not only that, but recently at Captivate we also got a whole slew of new visuals and a bit more on the story of the game. Don't believe me? Look below and you will see an awesome new trailer for the game. You will also get to find out that Wesker is still kind of kicking it in the RE universe in the form all parents can be immortal. Yes, read that as you will meet his kid. Read More...
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PAX East Hands-On: Lollipop Chainsaw
by Matt Waitt [ Monday, 9th of April 2012 - 04:36 PM ]
During PAX East I got to get some playtime with Lollipop Chainsaw and interviewed the legendary Suda 51. Lollipop Chainsaw had some very smooth and tight controls, chaining attacks between kicking and swinging the chainsaw was simple enough to button mash if you wish, but at the same time complex enough to satisfy those who frown upon the mashing of buttons. The demo started off in a farm-like area, where some good ol' zombies popped up and begged for me to slay them (not really, but I could tell they were asking for it). Every time zombies pop up there is a counter on-screen that tells you exactly how many are there and need to kill. Read More...
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Finally Some Game Play For The Walking Dead Video Game
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Sunday, 25th of March 2012 - 06:29 PM ]
We recently were given a look at The Walking Dead's game play via Telltale's debut trailer but it wasn't much more than a few seconds. A few seconds of very little compared to what the latest episode of Playing Dead has to show us. While the episode is about 15 minutes long, if you jump to the 7 minute mark you will get a glimpse at about 3 minutes of the game. Spoiler, it looks like it handles just as one would expect from Telltale. Take a watch. Read More...
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Who Wants A Short View Of The Walking Dead Video Game?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 21st of March 2012 - 04:28 PM ]
You know you do. Don't lie. It's why you clicked in here. So by all means we have a new short trailer for The Walking Dead Video Game from Telltale. Even though the game is slated to come out in the next month or so, we are still a little sketchy on details and not to mention actual game play. But here is a look at what we can kind of look forward to for the game. Here take a look and enjoy. I am sure that it kind of leaves you wanting. Read More...
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