The demo started off in a farm-like area, where some good ol' zombies popped up and begged for me to slay them (not really, but I could tell they were asking for it). Every time zombies pop up there is a counter on-screen that tells you exactly how many are there and need to kill. After some rainbow and gore filled combos I moved on to the next area of the farm. Juliet and Nick found a headless body and Nick asked Juliet to stick his head on it. After doing so the perspective changed to Nick who you had to make dance/walk to a certain spot via quick time events and Juliet's cheering (Give me an "A" then push the A button etc etc). Nick then vaults Juliet over the obstacle blocking their path and continues on their journey.
Shooting in Lollipop Chainsaw felt weird for me, mainly because it was inverted and I didn't think to change it until after the demo was over. There are abilities that can be purchased to improve Juliet's health and damage as well as her armor (I didn't know a cheerleader outfit was so protective).
Juliet's light attacks are meant to herd your enemies together so you can finish them off with a heavy attack combo. Light attacks are acrobatic kicks and punches while Heavy attacks are the chainsaw. Saving classmates and killing zombies fills Juliet's star meter which is used to stylish "Super attacks."
Overall I really enjoyed the Lollipop Chainsaw demo. The story is like a hilarious "B Horror" movie. The controls are quick and responsive and don't forget about zombies. Lots and lots of zombies who are awaiting their second death.
My crew and I recorded the interview with Suda 51, but the audio was horrific and it was extremely hard to understand. Not to mention it was my first interview and I was extremely nervous with a lot of "Um's" and "Uh's." So here is a transcript:
AG: For those who have not heard of Lollipop Chainsaw could you please bring them up to speed?
S51: The main character is a cheerleader named Juliet who uses a chainsaw to kill zombies that have showed up at her school. There is also a love story between Juliet and Nick, who is a head that is hanging on Juliet's butt.
AG: What was the hardest part about making Lollipop Chainsaw?
S51: Making Juliet strong yet cute was definitely the hardest part and at the same time was the most fun part.
AG: Your last game was Shadows of the Damned, what did you learn from that game that you brought to Lollipop Chainsaw?
S51: We learned how to really use the Unreal Engine, and how to make a strong character such as Juliet.
AG: What are some of the weapons and abilities we can expect to see in Lollipop Chainsaw?
S51: There's Juliet's chainsaw which can also shoot bullets, and you can also ride the chainsaw like a skateboard. Nick can be used as a weapon as well.
AG: The demo reminded me a lot of The Evil Dead, how much influence did that have on you in making Lollipop Chainsaw?
S51: Yes, The Evil Dead did influence us a lot. Hopefully Lollipop Chainsaw will also remind you of other zombie movies.
AG: What was the best part about making Lollipop Chainsaw?
S51: Definitely the zombies. Everyone loves Zombies.
AG: How long can we expect Lollipop Chainsaw to be?
S51: On average, maybe ten hours. If you're really good and used to action games it may be a bit shorter.
AG: Any plans on a sequel?
S51: If the fans want one, then yeah. Maybe.
Lollipop Chainsaw is developed by Grasshopper Manufacture and Published by Kadokawa Games and Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment. Lollipop Chainsaw comes out for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 on June 12th, 2012.