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Play How You Want To Play
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 8th of April 2009 - 10:22 PM ]
More Details On The Secret World Wow that didn't take long for Funcom at all. Just yesterday I brought you a debut trailer for this new MMO stating that there wasn't much else stated about this game outside of the teaser trailer. That and a website that just pretty much showed off said video, and a couple of grayed out images, and a weird countdown in a weird font. But that changes just a bit today. Just released are those images in a color and clearer shot as well as a small overview/fact sheet for the game. Read More...
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Dark Days Are Coming
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 7th of April 2009 - 08:34 PM ]
The Secret World Trailer Some of you may have forgotten all about this game. Hell it was announced a little under 2 years ago. Thrown to the side to make way for other Funcom products, at least as it comes to the marketing stand point of things. Like I said, heard nothing about this MMO for some time. Well that is until just recently. A teaser video has been sprouting up for this game. Read More...
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Get Your Groove Back
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 23rd of March 2009 - 05:43 PM ]
Scratch: The Ultimate DJ Game Trailer Now that we have all had a chance to perfect Guitar Hero or Rock Band, here starts the next new wave of at home rhythm games to get us all itching to be the best. Also to hit that market that has yet to be tapped, those people that prefer rap and hip hop over rock and metal. Or just hook us weirdoes up with all genres, 'cause that is just how some of us elite rhythm gamers roll. And keep rollin' rollin' rollin'. Read More...
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Talk About Being Effed Out
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 16th of March 2009 - 10:46 PM ]
HOUSE OF THE DEAD: OVERKILL BREAKS [AN EFFIN'] RECORD FOR THE GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS GAMER'S EDITION Now this is a feat if I say so myself. Not the getting into the Guinness World Records book, especially since there is the Gamer's Edition. That would make it kind of moot to say that a game made it in. But in this instance, it isn't just making it in, it is the reason behind getting listed in the book. It is an effing awesome reason too. Read More...
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The Chronicle Continues
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 12th of March 2009 - 04:04 PM ]
Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles Announced With the 5th installment of the franchise mere hours away from the mass populace, it should really be no shock that Capcom is going to try and keep the Resident Evil steam roller going by announcing not one, not two, but three new games they plan to bring out to market before the end of the year. Looks like they want to make 2009 year of Umbrella. If only all three were actually original games. Read More...
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Here Comes The Walrus
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 5th of March 2009 - 04:28 PM ]
THE BEATLES: ROCK BAND WORLDWIDE RELEASE SET FOR 9/9/09 I guess all of the talks have finalized and all of the licensing is settled for today they announced when we can all look forward to playing the collective works of The Beatles in a Rock Band type arena. That would be the 9th of September this year. Oh, and get this, it will be available worldwide and on all three of the major next gen consoles all at the same time. Let that set in for a second because I know that is some shocking news given the staggered releases from before, both location-wise and platform-wise. Read More...
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Hey! Wanna Play?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 3rd of March 2009 - 05:47 PM ]
Screen Shots of Dexter The Game Yes the title sounds like more news on the Saw game that may or may not have been canceled, but it is not. It's about Dexter The Game. Yes a game based on the Showtime show about a serial killer of killers. Let your mind wrap around that for a second. Got it? Good. Even though they might not look all that graphically impressive or even look to be a killer game, pun intended, one thing to keep in mind, this is an iPhone app game. So these visuals are from "cell phone." But some cool things to keep in mind about this is that the developers are trying to keep some of the tech in mind. Read More...
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Stein of Warcraft
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 26th of February 2009 - 05:33 PM ]
Lich King Hand Crafted Beer Steins When it comes to World of Warcraft, every NerdHard-core player likes to try and one up each other by getting some of the coolest gear, drops, pets, or whatever. Something to gloat over each other and say look how awesome I am in this virtual world. Don't deny it WoW addicts. You know you've done it. You most likely even went as far as getting armor and/or weapons that look like your toon's. Read More...
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Play GTA: Chinatown Wars Early and Win Free Stuff
by Sam [ Thursday, 26th of February 2009 - 05:17 AM ]
I'm sure you've all heard about the new upcoming Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars for the Nintendo DS which hits stores March 17th. If you wanna get a taste of GTA: Chinatown Wars before it's release, some of you will be in luck.There will be three vans that will be touring 52 cities in six weeks, giving you a chance to try GTA: Chinatown Wars before making any sudden purchases. If your state happens to show up on this list then you are in fact one of the lucky ones and can win free limited edition Rockstar appeal. Sadly it won't be happening here in Michigan. Read More...
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Rockstar Releases 2nd Trailer for The Lost and Damned
by Brian Bentley [ Friday, 13th of February 2009 - 08:11 PM ]
The long-awaited Grand Theft Auto IV DLC exclusive to Xbox Live is arriving on February 17th at 3AM EST.  Coinciding with six free days of Xbox Live, Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned will be retailing for 1600 Microsoft points (which magically translates to $19.99 apparently).  To whet the appetites of Xbox 360 gamers everywhere, Rockstar Games released a second trailer featuring their new protagonist Johnny, who I am sure is to become the sweetheart of every GTAIV fan on the 360.  Watch now and get ready for the action early next Tuesday morning! The Debut of Trailer #2 For The Lost and DamnedToday's official site update features the final official trailer before release for Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost and Damned, which will be available exclusively on Xbox LIVE on February 17th. Read More...
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Xbox Live Goes Free
by Alex [ Thursday, 12th of February 2009 - 04:44 AM ]
Microsoft recently announced that Xbox Live will be free of charge on February 17 to February 22nd. Now you may all think has Microsoft gone crazy, Xbox live free? No they have only given us this reward to celebrate the launch of Grand Theft Auto 4 Lost and Damned. For 5 days you will be able to play the multiplayer mode on GTAIV for free. Im Looking forward to participating in this event and think Microsoft will attract alot of gamers to GTAIV because of this i believe. I only hope that in the future they do this for more popular games such as Call of Duty, Halo, and Rainbow Six Vegas maybe. Read More...
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13 Days of Gears of War 2
by Sam [ Monday, 26th of January 2009 - 06:59 PM ]
With the new Friday the 13th movie coming in just a few weeks, the Gears team is hosting nearly 2 weeks of giveaways on Xbox Live starting February 1st. That's 65 daily prize packages and 13 grand prize packages.The daily packs come with: * Gears of War 2 video game soundtrack * Gears of War Aspho Fields novel * A 12" x 18" Gears of War 2 promotional poster autographed by members of the Epic development team * An in-game Golden Hammerburst and Lancer weapon The grand prize packs come with: * A Samsung 40-inch 1080p flat panel LCD HDTV * A Locust Bust * A red Xbox 360 Wireless Controller * A Marcus Fenix bronze statue * Gears of War 2 video game soundtrack * Gears of War Aspho Fields novel * A 12" x 18" Gears of War 2 promotional poster autographed by members of the Epic development team * An in-game Golden Hammerburst and Lancer weaponTo register, you either need to go on or download the 13 Days of Gears Registration Gamer Picture from the Marketplace. The rest of the info can be found here. Read More...
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Sega Launches New Site For House Of The Dead: Overkill
by Michael Camacho [ Monday, 12th of January 2009 - 06:15 PM ]
Got a twitter announcement today from Sega Of America letting everyone know they have launched a brand new site for House Of The Dead: Overkill.  The game is the latest in the series, due out on the Wii in February of this year.  Overkill brings a new style to the game series, which is more of a retro 70s style B-Movie. You and a friend take control of Agent G&Agent Washington while investigating disappearances in a Louisiana town. The site currently features the game's story, features, a couple trailers and some of thecharacters from the game. Read More...
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[PS3 Review] Rise Of The Argonauts
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 29th of December 2008 - 09:02 PM ]
A Tale Of Greek Tragedy? The Good: One thing that I really loved about this game was the story telling of the game. First that it was very Greek and somewhat very close to something one would read in their Ancient Histories class. Second, the fact that you could choose your own adventure as you go a long, with choices based on one of the four patron gods of the game. And these choices are more than what other games allow for. Like if you chose to be a dick or a good follower of Ares, it gave a totally different outcome. Read More...
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[NDS Review] From The Abyss
by Michael Camacho [ Saturday, 29th of November 2008 - 08:03 AM ]
Dungeon Crawler Hack & Slash RPG games are starting to become a regular genre on the Nintendo DS, so does Aksys Games' set itself apart with From The Abyss? Unfortunately the game doesn't do much to stand out amongst its peers, but it is still a fun time for J-RPG fans. From The Abyss takes place in Rubenhaut where the kingdom has been overrun by monsters flowing through the Abyss Gate. You choose your hero from four possible choices, two male and two female, and then answer a short series of questions to give your character a sense of background. You arrive in Rubenhaut and meet with the queen, whom enlists your help to rid the land of monsters, and thus your journey to free the kingdom begins. Read More...
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