With the 5th installment of the franchise mere hours away from the mass populace, it should really be no shock that Capcom is going to try and keep the Resident Evil steam roller going by announcing not one, not two, but three new games they plan to bring out to market before the end of the year. Looks like they want to make 2009 year of Umbrella. If only all three were actually original games.
Two of the announced here are games that have been placed out there before, Resident Evil Zero and the Original Resident Evil. But this time around exclusively on the Wii with new controls for the games as well. Which leads me to believe that we can see exactly what they did for the other games and the Game Cube not too far off. So if for some reason you missed out on these games before, and are still reading this bit of news on games you've never touched, you can look forward to trying them with all new Wii Motion controls. No word on if anything new will be added or if they are direct ports. Hey at least they will only be about $30 for the games and not full price.
Now the actual big news, that goers along with the screen shots below, is that Capcom has officially announced Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles. "What is that?" you may be thinking. Well it is a sequel to the hit game Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles. Well not really a sequel as story goes, but just a further look into the world of Resident Evil. Mostly within the second game in the franchise to try and fill in all the missing gaps left behind from the other.
As of right now it has only been stated that you will be playing as one of the main characters from RE2, Leon S Kenney and Claire Redfield, but this is also a first announcement that they are working on the game. But there is something interesting they are adding to this game that was not in the first, AI controlled partner if you are the only one around to play. Kind of a nice advantage for you solo players, unless the AI sucks. But at least they are thinking of you.
More details will come as I get them. Until then, take a look and read the official release below.

Sequel to Resident Evil®: The Umbrella Chronicles, joins Resident Evil Zero and the Nintendo Gamecube® remake of Resident Evil on the Wii Platform
SAN MATEO, Calif. – March 12, 2009 -- Capcom®, a leading worldwide developer and publisher of video games, today announced its plans for a big comeback of its multi-million-selling franchise, Resident Evil® to the Wii™ video game system this year. Resident Evil®: The Darkside Chronicles, the sequel to the highly successful Wii title Resident Evil®: The Umbrella Chronicles, is in development exclusively for the Wii and is set to hit North American retailers this winter. Capcom also introduced its plans for a new Resident Evil "Classics" line, which will bring the critically acclaimed Nintendo GameCube™ classics, Resident Evil® and Resident Evil® Zero exclusively to the Wii, allowing a whole new audience to experience the world of Resident Evil.
"We are very excited to be bringing the sequel to Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles to the Wii as it's the perfect fit for the platform," said Mona Hamilton, vice president, marketing, Capcom Entertainment. "We are always looking for new ways to give Capcom fans a chance to experience our games. Umbrella Chronicles was a huge success for us, Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles includes a more in-depth co-op experience, and we are excited to bring this exclusive content to the Wii audience."
Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles's story is based on Resident Evil 2 and includes the popular characters, Leon S Kenney and Claire Redfield. Its on-rails style gameplay and active camera will create a more immersive "Chronicles" survival experience. As in the last installment, this is a first-person game with extreme shooting gameplay and interactive pathways. Filling in many of the missing pieces of storyline that were not covered in the original "Umbrella Chronicles", Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles will give hardcore fans the chance to re-live some of the most classic moments of the Resident Evil franchise, while allowing new players to take advantage of the intense action-horror experience only possible on the Wii.
Gamers can choose to take on their enemies with the help of an A.I.-controlled character or enlist the help of a friend to fight via two-player co-op. Adding new dimension and strategy to the arcade-style gameplay in the "Chronicles" experience, the new Evade system will utilize the Wii Remote for a more intense experience when fighting enemies.
Capcom's new Resident Evil "Classics" line will allow the new audience who has embraced the Wii to experience some of the greatest games in the Resident Evil franchise for the value price of $29.99. Both set to launch this year, the remake of Resident Evil and Resident Evil Zero have been refitted to support the Wii Remote, giving the Wii audience easy access to the rich characters and in-depth storylines of the series and the chance to experience both games on a new platform.
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