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*The Last Guy
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 29th of August 2008 - 10:30 PM ]
*The Last Guy - In Review So North America finally got this game on their PSNs as of yesterday. To buy that is. Not a bad little $9.99 download for the console. But I'm sure most of you Sony fans have already heard enough about this game leading up to launch. Well I'm going on further and going to write a half assed review on it for ya. It's funny, but this game kind of reminds me of Infected for the PSP. Only not as blood filled. Read More...
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The Legend of Zelda and Philosophy
by Sam [ Thursday, 14th of August 2008 - 03:25 AM ]
Fans of The Legend of Zelda may like this. A philosophy coming out late this November on     With both young and adult gamers as loyal fans, The Legend of Zelda is one of the most beloved video game series ever created. The contributors to this volume consider the following questions and more: What is the nature of the gamer's connection to Link? Does Link have a will, or do gamers project their wills onto him? How does the gamer experience the game? Read More...
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GTA IV coming to PC this November
by Sam [ Wednesday, 6th of August 2008 - 03:44 PM ]
There have been on going rumors about GTA IV coming to the PC. Well today Rockstar officially announced that it will be coming to PC November 18th in North America and November 21st in Europe.     Rockstar Games Announces Grand Theft Auto IV for the PC New York, NY – August 6, 2008 – Rockstar Games, a publishing label of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTWO), is proud to announce that Grand Theft Auto IV will be arriving on the PC on November 18th and 21st in North America and Europe, respectively. "We are very excited to be releasing the PC version of Grand Theft Auto IV," said Sam Houser, Founder of Rockstar Games. Read More...
Tags: Grand, Theft, Auto, Four, PC,
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WoW And The Real Life
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 28th of July 2008 - 11:07 PM ]
The Guild: DVD Being a man of my word *best Joker Impression*, on two fronts, I had to post something about this great Web series as well as their new DVD on sale at Comic Con, or you can get as of 8/1. First, I got asked by people here to make sure that the actors of the show knew about our site here. After three days of stalking them (pics below), I was having issues getting proper representation for the site, but I hooked them up with a professional implementation of advertisement. The other part, I told Felicia, Vincent and Sandeep that I would give them some webtime. Read More...
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They Are Arising
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 28th of July 2008 - 08:19 PM ]
Rise Of The Argonauts First let me thank Mythicgriffon for hooking up this video as well as being there when we did our own little interview with this same guy. He was very knowledgeable about a lot of things and nice enough to entertain us for about an hour or so. No more gilding the lilly though. I brought this up a while back when I first heard about this game from Codemasters. It was so cool to see another of the few games out there that revolve around Greek religion and stories. Read More...
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Zombie Plan 101
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 22nd of July 2008 - 05:42 PM ]
The Last Guy Gameplay Video So at last week's E3 show, Sony announced a game called *The Last Guy. Pretty much a game a lot like Infected on the PSP. You run around and save people who are too stupid to save themselves and guide them to a secure location for evacuation. Good concept. Worked for me in the past. But then add on the fact they are going to be using Google Maps for the actual locations to guide people. So real locations will be used. Read More...
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WoW!  Achievements!
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 18th of July 2008 - 10:06 PM ]
The Achievements Window Ok, so the title wasn't as awesome as I would have liked, but I'm running off no sleep from watching Dark Knight last night and working today. Hence why I haven't been my normal reporty self. But that's not what you clicked in for. It would seem that the rumors from before about achievements with the new expansion for World of Warcraft are true. There is a new achievement setup that is also coming with the Death Knights. Things like "50 Quests Completed" and making it to "Level 10" will get you some of the achievements for the game. Read More...
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First Diablo III Now This
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 3rd of July 2008 - 09:33 PM ]
Wrath of the Lich King Beta Opt-In Now Open Not much to say about this except that they are now taking Opt-Ins for the Beta for Wrath of the Lich King. You just need to sign into their site and click the Opt-In button when they ask for you to. This will put you in the pool for the lucky people that will be able to help Blizzard with making this expansion just as strong as the one before. Go now to be sure to get in the pool of names. Read More...
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Play God And Win Prizes
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 3rd of July 2008 - 04:39 PM ]
Spore Creator Contest Do you like creating new creatures with Spore? I'm sure most of you do. If not, then where is your god complex? Everyone needs one of those. Here is you chance to get the complex together and win a few great prizes. At least if you are a competent god, instead of a just god. Remember to have a sense of humor about things. Watch Dogma if you need to see why. Read More...
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Limbo of the Lost
by Nicki [ Sunday, 22nd of June 2008 - 03:04 PM ]
If you have yet to hear about Limbo of the Lost, chances are you've been living under a rock for the past month or so. This game is one of the most lulz-worthy thing I've seen in a very long time. From the horrible CGI models, to the fact that almost everything in the game has been plagiarized... it's hard not to find yourself giggling at the sheer STUPIDITY of it all. Someone put the two ending videos of this game on YouTube yesterday, so I thought I'd post them here to share with all of you.       Limbo of the Lost - Ending 1 Limbo of the Lost - Ending 2   If you are interested in reading more about LotL, visit these following Kotaku articles: Cheeky Pc Adventure Game Accused of Grand Theft Assets, LotL creators made it themselves, So what else did LotL steal from? Read More...
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Team Fortress 2 - updates that are Hot hot HOT!
by Stephanie Naboshek [ Wednesday, 18th of June 2008 - 10:50 PM ]
Today, Valve released a whole bunch of updates for Team Fortress 2. Of the updates come 2 (not so new) maps. Valve has been keeping a close eye on it's servers and it seems that it picked it's 2 favorite user-created maps and stuffed them into today's TF2 Update. CP_Fastlane and CTF_Turbine are now available to you - so you can join these servers without having to wait to download them.On another note, Valve's second installment of the TF2 Achievement updates has also been released today. The Pryo's achievment pack and 3 new unlockable weapons are yours for the taking. Read More...
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Mythic Videos
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 16th of May 2008 - 03:59 PM ]
Rise of the Argonauts So I swear I heard about this over a year ago. I could be wrong. Or I could be right. In either instance, this game looks like it could be epic. Pun intended as always. This game is suppose to be a pretty close telling of the Greek Legends of yore, with a little new world twist to get a broader audience than freaks like me who are all about the Greek stories. Not too sure why they are making a god, Pan, into a lowly mortal magician. There could be more going on, but from has been released here, it doesn't look that way. Read More...
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Unleash The Fury!
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 5th of May 2008 - 08:29 PM ]
X-Play Exclusive: Star Wars: The Force Unleashed for Wii So a while back I posted a Narticle about this game. Please check it out and then I will continue. 3... 2... 1... Ok, welcome back. So continuing forward, G4 just got a bit of game play action of this game on the Wii. The system this game was made for. At least in my opinion. They show how the Wii Mote will be used and how it will effect everything. Read More...
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MADD Wants GTAIV To Have ESRB Rating Boosted to AO
by Michael Camacho [ Wednesday, 30th of April 2008 - 09:05 PM ]
So here we go with Mass Effect style slander, but this time instead of Fox News, we get it from MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving).  Most likely without ever playing GTA IV, which is reflected in their statement below "where players have to drive drunk", MADD demands the ESRB to raise the game's rating to AO (Adults Only) and requests Rockstar cease publishing of the game. Read the statement below. "Each year nearly 13,500 people die in drunk driving crashes and another half a million are injured in alcohol-related traffic crashes. Read More...
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Cell Phones PWN WoW Expansion
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 22nd of April 2008 - 03:28 PM ]
Wrath Of The Lich King Leaked Screens So I promised a friend on PWNed I would do a Narticle about the new WoW Expansion. I was looking for more than just some information and then I check my inbox and find these little gems. A bunch of screen shots from the Alpha test of the new expansion. They have been confirmed by the site listed below, so it should be pretty solid. Just kind of wish I knew what I was looking at when they popped up. There are no descriptions to go with them. Read More...
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