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Comic Con Issue #2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 30th of July 2009 - 05:31 PM ]
Friday: XBox and PlayStation Day After fixing the few technical issues with Issue #1, we move onto the next day. A day dedicated primarily to what two of the largest companies and platforms brought to show off the gaming world. PlayStation and Xbox in case you couldn't figure it out. For some reason Nintendo was completely void of the con, outside of the companies showing off Wii and DS games they have coming out. But that's not the point here. We got to see a few things, meet a few celebrities, as well as end the night hanging with some of The Guild actors, Sony Hardware people, and the guys from the Totally Rad Show. Read More...
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A Guild In Real Life
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 16th of September 2008 - 09:50 PM ]
Cast Of The Guild At Blizzcon So by now you should know about The Guild. If not, you either need to get learned and PWNed for being here without knowing them or watch the show. Either way will work. But in any instance, for those of you lucky enough to have got your tickets to Blizzcon this year but not lucky enough to have picked up their DVD at Comicon, or be lucky in both aspects, you will be able to meet up with them at Blizzcon. Pick up the DVD and meet and greet with the cast. You lucky sons of bitches. Read More...
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WoW And The Real Life
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 28th of July 2008 - 11:07 PM ]
The Guild: DVD Being a man of my word *best Joker Impression*, on two fronts, I had to post something about this great Web series as well as their new DVD on sale at Comic Con, or you can get as of 8/1. First, I got asked by people here to make sure that the actors of the show knew about our site here. After three days of stalking them (pics below), I was having issues getting proper representation for the site, but I hooked them up with a professional implementation of advertisement. The other part, I told Felicia, Vincent and Sandeep that I would give them some webtime. Read More...
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