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Drop A Deuce As Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour Is Announced
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 6th of September 2016 - 09:00 PM ]
Duke Nukem It looks like Duke Nukem 3D is coming back as Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour has just been announced for the current gen consoles and PC It looks like you can't keep a good Duke down as Duke Nukem 3D: 20th Anniversary World Tour has just been announced for us and the classic title from twenty years ago is now heading to the PS4, Xbox One, and PC on October 11th. Yes, Gearbox Software is resurrecting this title and giving it the old remaster treatment for a whole new generation of gamers to enjoy. But for all of those who loved it back when it was just Duke Nukem 3D back in 1996 then you'll be in for a little extra treat you wouldn't have been able to get until this version. Read More...
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Operation Wildfire - Counter Strike: Global Offensive
by Dakota B. Johnson [ Saturday, 20th of February 2016 - 01:00 AM ]
Wildfire A short rundown of the new operation wildfire Operation Wildfire is spreading like wildfire through the Counter Strike community. Pun intended. After a long drought and the disaster of the winter update, which caused Valve to undo the changes from all the backlash it was receiving, we are finally getting a new operation, case, many needed game changes, and perhaps most importantly the return of Nuke. I'll get into all that in detail in just a moment. Let’s start off with the operation itself. Read More...
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Serious Sam 3 Hypefest
by Matt Waitt [ Wednesday, 14th of September 2011 - 04:05 PM ]
Well, Serious Sam 3: BFE comes out in about a month and I feel it is my duty as a gamer to spread a little hype about one of my favorite game franchises. Serious Sam 3 takes place before the first Serious Sam game, dropping you in the story right as Mental's unending legion of aliens attack Earth. Croteam, the guys behind the franchise never tried to do something they didn't think fit the "serious" formula: Run and Gun. Their slogan for the game sums up the entire Serious Sam franchise; "No Cover. All Man. Read More...
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Review: Duke Nukem Forever
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 28th of June 2011 - 08:55 PM ]
Nearly 14 years in the making, Duke Nukem is back in action in Duke Nukem Forever. It was shaky and seemed like it was never going to hit shelves, but Gearbox and 2K Games proved most of us wrong. But is the FPS any good or at least been worth the wait? Welcome as always to where I come in. The Story Twelve years after the events of Duke Nukem 3D, Duke is living the high life as a national hero/treasure in Las Vegas. All seems well. That is until the aliens that he took care of so long ago decide to attack instead of finish the peace talks they are currently working on. Read More...
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Aggrocast Episode Eighty-Three: E3 2011 Special
by Brian Bentley [ Monday, 20th of June 2011 - 04:37 PM ]
David, Corey and Brian are back at it to talk about this year's Electronic Entertainment Expo. First, they wrap up what they've been playing outside of the show floor - including Dungeon Siege III, Dungeons And Dragons: Daggerdale, Alice: The Madness Returns, Duke Nukem Forever, Final Fantasy III, 4 Elements and of course, Brian's update on how many hours he's put into Persona 4. Our Care/Don't Care segment goes commando with an all-E3 focus, which is also our main topic.  I will say that our talk went on a bit with the sheer number of topics that presented themselves from E3. Read More...
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Duke Nukem Delayed Again: Much Shorter This Time
by Brian Bentley [ Thursday, 24th of March 2011 - 09:51 PM ]
Duke Nukem Forever being delayed again is like a nerd with a pocket protector - you know the joke, everyone knows the joke and the best you can muster is a half-hearted smile in one corner of your mouth in recognition the joke even existed. So, the fact 2K and Gearbox went with a more tongue-in-cheek approach to the announcement shows a true effort in good faith to the game and the franchise as a whole. June 14th is not that much longer to wait and I'm certain the extra time will be used wisely. Duke Nukem Forever will be released on XBox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC. Read More...
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Seems Like Forever Since The Last Duke Nukem'
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 25th of January 2011 - 05:54 PM ]
Almost like it has been twelve years or something and a lot of attempts and such downs but at least it is still on. On and launching on May 3rd here in the US. It is almost too hard to believe, but the below screen shots and trailer for the game are below and I don't think that Gearbox would be that cruel to tease us with a fake video and shots. At least I am hoping not. All kidding aside, it is true that this is no hoax and everything you are about to see is real and we'll get to play it here in a few months. Read More...
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Valve Announces Portal For Free
by Brian Goodman [ Friday, 14th of May 2010 - 04:40 PM ]
In celebration of the delayed release of Valve's popular digital distribution platform on the Mac, it has been announced that until May 24th you can download the 2007 cult hit Portal for free on either PC or Mac. If you're like me and refused to buy the Orange Box when it came out because it forced you to buy two games you already bought, but STILL love the brilliant blend of flawless mechanics, dark humor, and perfect pacing of Portal, this is great news. If you are one of the three people reading this who haven't played through arguably the best three-plus hours of gaming ever, now you have no excuse. Also posted is this hilarious ad (seen below) to promote the free release. Read More...
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Say goodnight Duke
by Corey Dockendorf [ Thursday, 7th of May 2009 - 09:24 PM ]
3D Realms, the developers of Duke Nukem Forever has shut down.  Due to a cut off of funding from Take Two studios, 3D realms employees have already been let go. Take Two is keeping the publishing rights to Duke Nukem Forever, and Apogee Software have just confirmed that the situation at 3D Realms has not affected the development for the new handheld titles for PSP and Nintendo DS. The handheld will be developed by Frontline Games'. Duke Nukem Forever has been trying to release for almost 12 years, and even a short teaser was released in late 2007 (Seen Below). Read More...
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Duke Nukem hits XBLA the 24th!
by Sam [ Sunday, 21st of September 2008 - 05:15 AM ]
Everyones favorite badass is now making his way onto the Xbox Live Marketplace for 800 microsoft points. The game will feature 8 player co-op and "dukematch" over xbox live, User Clips where you can share, upload and post clips to the leaderboards, rewind time on death, unlockable concept art and more. Read More...
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Duke Nukem 3D for XBLA Completed & Passed Final Certification
by Michael Camacho [ Tuesday, 19th of August 2008 - 12:15 AM ]
It is official guys, Duke Nukem 3D will be hitting your 360 very soon as a XBLA title.  3DRealms has officially announced that it has been completed for some time and passed final certification with Microsoft as of August 15th. The game will feature online co-op and multiplayer deathmatches and will have 12 achievement points (9 offline, 3 online).  There is no scheduled release date for the game as of yet, but 3DRealms said to expect game previews to pop up online by August 26th.  Price has also not been announced, but you can expect it to be between 800 ($10) and 1200 ($15) Microsoft Points, which falls in line with most XBLA releases. Read More...
Tags: duke, nukem, 3d, xbla, xbox, 360,
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