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GameStop Harasses Former Employee & Gets Them Fired
by Dakota B. Johnson [ Thursday, 25th of July 2019 - 05:00 PM ]
GameStop YouTube personality and former GameStop employee, CAMELOT331, gets fired because GameStop just can’t stop doing evil things I have seen many wild things happen in the games industry. Every field of business has its ups and downs but I would argue very few could be as topsy-turvy as the games industry. One of the key aspects of this is how predicated on the combination of new ideas and technology to push the medium forward as an entertainment platform. Those two ideas may produce more convenient avenues for a consumer to access the things they want but it can leave more brick and mortar institutions in the dust. Read More...
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Fan Made BioShock Movie Teaser
by Matt Waitt [ Friday, 2nd of December 2011 - 05:29 PM ]
In my long and weary travels through the harsh and sometimes beautiful lands of the internet, I have come across a video on YouTube by the username of "TheBioshockMovie" which only has one upload which was about a week ago. The upload is titled "BioShock Movie (2013) - Trailer". While it's more of a teaser, this fan-made video has definitely impressed me. The teaser starts off with some junk on a beach as the camera pans to the right we see a wallet, a shoe and then a man. A man who just happens to be holding a Big Daddy doll, then a sharp cut to a real life big daddy, a man screaming and what seems to be the man holding the doll getting swept away from a surge of water. Read More...
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Nuka Break: Behind The Scenes
by Matt Waitt [ Thursday, 15th of September 2011 - 04:49 PM ]
Well, seeing as Hades loves himself some Fallout: Nuka Break and so do all of you, I felt it would be good to show you guys some "behind the scenes." I've been following the creators of Fallout: Nuka Break long before they made the fan film. The guy who plays Twig (Zack Finfrock) is the creator and the main guy behind Wayside Creations (the company that made the web series). Zack first started off on a now cancelled (sadly) show called "Backyard FX" where he was made the host. Zack and Wayside Creations have made dozens of helpful props and tutorials for DIY Film making. Read More...
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Serious Sam 3 Hypefest
by Matt Waitt [ Wednesday, 14th of September 2011 - 04:05 PM ]
Well, Serious Sam 3: BFE comes out in about a month and I feel it is my duty as a gamer to spread a little hype about one of my favorite game franchises. Serious Sam 3 takes place before the first Serious Sam game, dropping you in the story right as Mental's unending legion of aliens attack Earth. Croteam, the guys behind the franchise never tried to do something they didn't think fit the "serious" formula: Run and Gun. Their slogan for the game sums up the entire Serious Sam franchise; "No Cover. All Man. Read More...
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Real Life Metal Slug
by Matt Waitt [ Tuesday, 6th of September 2011 - 10:11 PM ]
Again in my travels across the lush open world of YouTube I have come across a golden gem; A short little film by Andrewfilms of how awesome it would be to play Metal Slug via Augmented reality. A great show of post editing skills, makes this a must see viral video. The short captures the good old nostalgia of Metal Slug, a truly epic series of running and gunning. Sit back and enjoy this Nazi stomping, Zombie blasting good time Leave your thoughts and opinions below. I'd personally love if they threw in a boss fight at the end. Read More...
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Borderlands 2 Game Play Footage
by Matt Waitt [ Tuesday, 6th of September 2011 - 04:14 PM ]
So I was surfing around YouTube and came across this amazing fourteen minute long sneak peak of Borderlands 2. Just watching the first five minutes I was blown away by the unprecedented amount of changes to the game; Completely revamped menu system that is all in-world and amazing improvements of enemy AI, they actually climb walls and jump over gaps to get to you. The character animations are impressive as well. Watching Psychos flail their arms, dodge bullets and leap at you is jaw dropping. Read More...
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Gears Of War 3 Beta Death Montage
by Matt Waitt [ Monday, 25th of April 2011 - 09:34 PM ]
YouTube user "Doominated" was kind enough to capture all the executions found in the Gears of War 3 Multiplayer Beta. The below highlight reel showcases some brutal, visceral and outright over the top executions ranging from brutal beat downs with bare hands to decapitations via a shield. As I watched this video, I cringed a lot. Not to mention some "OH, THAT'S MEAN!" and other screams of torment mixed in. Read More...
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Rainbow Farting Unicorn, Yea That Was Said...
by Matt Waitt [ Monday, 25th of April 2011 - 07:04 PM ]
A new video has been posted on YouTube celebrity Freddie Wong's page, featuring a very gaseous little unicorn. Although at first it seems to be a normal humorous YouTube video, the credits point us in another direction. The video starts off with Freddie surfing the internet and getting a pop-up add claiming he has won something. Being slightly more curious than normal, he clicks on the ad and suddenly there are screeches in and out of existence dropping off what sounds like a heavy package. Freddie goes outside to see what it is. Read More...
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8 Teens Convicted as Adults for Beating Girl Over Myspace Feud
by Alyssa Porter [ Friday, 11th of April 2008 - 09:04 AM ]
Eight teenagers have been arrested for brutally beating a fellow teen and putting the tape on Youtube. Victoria Lindsay was attacked on March 30 by six teenage girls when she arrived at a friend's home, the Polk County Sheriff's Office said. Two girls confronted Lindsay when she walked in, yelling and threatening her, an arrest report showed. Another girl struck her in the head several times and then slammed her head into the bedroom wall, knocking her unconscious. "That is animalistic behavior. Read More...
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Top 10 Funniest Gaming Related Videos IMO!
by Alyssa Porter [ Thursday, 20th of March 2008 - 10:39 AM ]
Over the years I have found myself delving deep into Youtube, finding the most hilarious gaming videos, and even though some of these videos were proven “fake”, I still find them just as funny. Here are the top 10 most hilarious gaming-related video IN MY OPINION! 10. Teh n00b song 9. WoW Nerd 8. Kid Freaks! Read More...
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