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Projekt Z: Beyond Order Unleashes The Undead Hordes Next Spring
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 25th of October 2024 - 07:00 PM ]
Projekt Z The release window for Projekt Z: Beyond Order is set up again with the Projekt Z kicking off in Spring 2025 It is the time of year when all of the undead and zombies start to roam, which is why we are back with an update for Projekt Z: Beyond Order. This would be the upcoming shooter from 314 Arts and Maximum Entertainment that we have had a little about before, but this one is one of the bigger updates for the game. Sadly, it does not look like the full game will be out for Halloween as it originally felt like it could be, but we do have the official release window for the game. We can all now look to Spring 2025 for Projekt Z: Beyond Order to take a bite out of us all on the PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. Read More...
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Things Are Getting Rolling With The Announcement For Metroid Prime 4: Beyond
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 19th of June 2024 - 07:00 PM ]
Metroid It is time to lose your mind Metroid fans with the recent announcement we have for Metroid Prime 4: Beyond coming in 2025 If there was any worry that Samus Aran was not going to be back at all, Metroid Prime 4: Beyond is now announced and heading out there for the Nintendo Switch in 2025. Okay, that is still a good bit to have to wait to get the next title out there, but that just means you can spend more time with the other titles that Retro Studios has out there for the Metroid Prime line already. That and watch a bit of the new gameplay that we were able to get our hands on for the game. Read More...
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Detroit: Become Human, Beyond: Two Souls, & Heavy Rain Heading To Steam In June
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 26th of May 2020 - 07:00 PM ]
Detroit More PC gamers will get a chance at Detroit: Become Human, Beyond: Two Souls, & Heavy Rain, as they head to Steam in June For some reason there are still a lot of gamers that skipped Detroit: Become Human, Beyond: Two Souls, and Heavy Rain when Quantic Dream brought them to the Epic Game store before. These all used to be PS3 and PS4 exclusives and when the option to bring it over for the PC master race, I would think that many would have jumped on it. I am guessing that so many are buying into all of the conspiracy stuff still even back when Detroit: Become Human made the jump. Read More...
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Concept Art A Plenty Is Here For Beyond Good & Evil 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 5th of June 2019 - 09:00 PM ]
Beyond Good & Evil More concept art for Beyond Good & Evil 2 is here to give us all a little taste of what we can expect in this Beyond Good & Evil a bit It was recently stated that Beyond Good & Evil 2 was going to be sitting this E3 out for the year, but that does not mean that we will not be getting some kind of updates for it at all. Sure, there are the Space Monkey reports out there that Ubisoft is placing out there and we may see a new trailer before or after the event. There is nothing specific set down as of yet, but we do have something new for Beyond Good & Evil 2. Read More...
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It Is Time To Dive Into Beyond Good & Evil 2’s Gameplay
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 12th of December 2018 - 08:00 PM ]
Beyond Good & Evil New gameplay for Beyond Good & Evil 2 is here and shows us what some may have missed a few months back when Beyond Good & Evil 2 had its showing So many of us have been waiting to see what Beyond Good & Evil 2 truly has in store for us and have been left out of the true loop for a while now. At least I know I have as I have only seen the small developer diaries and short videos that Ubisoft has shared out there to date. That is why I am glad to be back here to show off some of the new gameplay for Beyond Good & Evil 2 that was actually shown off back at E3. Read More...
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We Have More Of Beyond Good & Evil 2 In Motion Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 4th of May 2018 - 05:00 PM ]
Beyond Good & Evil New gameplay for Beyond Good & Evil 2 is here and it gives us a nice look at how we can navigate Beyond Good & Evil 2 as well as kick some ass with melee More gameplay for Beyond Good & Evil 2 is out there now after the most recent stream update that Ubisoft just held. Get those hype engines running as it gives us a better look at some of the traversal and navigation mechanics we will get you use in the game. Not only that, but we get to see some of the new melee mechanics coming to Beyond Good & Evil 2 and just how the team captured them and brought them into the game. All in a work-in-progress kind of way, but it is a way that all of the long-time fans can see a bit more of the game before E3 and get those motors running a bit longer. Read More...
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Free PlayStation & Xbox Video Games Coming May 2018
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 25th of April 2018 - 07:00 PM ]
Video Games The list of free video games hitting the PlayStation and Xbox systems in May has been released and there are some great video games included in the mix A new month is almost on us here with May and that means new video games that we are going to get for free. Well, video games that you will get for free if you are part of the PlayStation Plus or Xbox Gold services. If you are then you may be in for a treat as the list of titles going live starting next month is here and we have it for you. Again, we get to expand out titles on the Xbox One and PS4 without needing to make any extra spends at our local stores. Read More...
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Have A Taste Of Beyond Good & Evil 2's In-Engine Tech Demo
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 22nd of June 2017 - 09:00 PM ]
Beyond Good & Evil At E3, Beyond Good & Evil 2 was officially announced and now we can see Beyond Good & Evil 2 running in-engine as well as some of the scale of the game's universe There has been one title on a lot of gamer's tongues and minds for quite some time now and with the rumors all over the place it was not that big of a shock that Ubisoft brought out the big guns at E3 and gave the world confirmation that Beyond Good & Evil 2 is going to be a thing. A big thing at that as they gave it a nice, long CG announcement trailer to build all of the hype. Hype that was built so much that I ran into quite a few people on the floor hoping to see some actual gameplay footage for Beyond Good & Evil 2 in some form or another. Read More...
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Even More Rumors About Beyond Good & Evil 2 Now & Claim It's A Switch Timed Exclusive
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 4th of January 2017 - 06:00 PM ]
Beyond Good & Evil More rumors for Beyond Good & Evil 2 have appeared and they claim that Beyond Good & Evil 2 will be a timed exclusive for Nintendo Switch This does seem like the year of the rumor as new rumors have cropped up around Beyond Good & Evil 2 and these ones point that the game will be a timed exclusive for the Nintendo Switch right from the game's launch. Don't get your nickers in a bunch just yet as this is all still rumor and nothing official from Ubisoft. It does come from someone who has had a solid track record with leaking Switch info in the past but the latest for Beyond Good & Evil 2 could seem like a little much here. Read More...
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The Next Beyond Good & Evil Title Is Officially In The Works Now
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 7th of October 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
Beyond Good & Evil The rumors from before about Beyond Good & Evil's next title being in the works as a new Beyond Good & Evil has been officially announced Just about a week ago we started to see rumors flying about a new Beyond Good & Evil title being in the works. All of this spawned from Michel Ancel, the IP's creator, starting to post concept art from his personal account and not one from Ubisoft. This is why a lot of the Beyond Good & Evil tidbits were filtered under rumor and speculation as he could have just been posting old bits of art for fun and nothing official. That was my original take on it all as I didn't want to get myself too hyped up for nothing in the end. Read More...
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A New Image Has Popped Up And With It Speculation For Beyond Good & Evil 2
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 27th of September 2016 - 07:00 PM ]
Beyond Good & Evil A new bit of art has popped up from the mind behind Beyond Good & Evil and it looks like it could be a tease for Beyond Good & Evil 2… or not… You know it's a slow news week when something like a possible tease for Beyond Good & Evil 2 can stir the pot so much. I'm not saying that it isn't a huge thing or that I don't care about this franchise but with all of the other things going on at Ubisoft you would think that we could see more out there. None the less though it does look like Beyond Good & Evil 2 may be getting a solid tease out there from the creator of the original as a new bit of art has popped up and it is causing all kinds of speculation. It makes sense as it has been aver a decade since the original landed and fans have been hopeful for something. Read More...
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Free PlayStation & Xbox Video Games Coming August 2016
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 29th of July 2016 - 05:00 PM ]
Video Games The list of free video games hitting the PlayStation and Xbox systems in August has been released and there are some great video games included in the mix A new month is almost on us here with August and that means new video games that we are going to get for free. Well video games that you will get for free if you are part of the PlayStation Plus or Xbox Gold services. If you are then you may be in for a treat as the list of titles going live starting next month is here and we have it for you. Again we get to expand out titles on the Xbox One and PS4 without needing to make any extra spends at our local stores. Read More...
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Review — The Minims: A New Beginning
by Dakota B. Johnson [ Monday, 28th of March 2016 - 09:00 PM ]
The Minims The Minims is an enjoyable point and click adventure and here is our review of The Minims The Minims is the debut, 3D point and click adventure game from Beyond Those Hills. A new indie development studio in Athens, Greece. The game opens on a stormy night, slowly panning up to a single tree located on the rocky cliff-side. Lightning flickered illuminating the scenery as dull orange text appeared at the bottom of my screen. The tutorial prompted me to hold shift to rotate the camera and left click to interact with the tree. Read More...
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Beyond: Two Souls To Explode On To The PS4 Next Week
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 19th of November 2015 - 08:00 PM ]
Beyond: Two Souls A release date for the PS4 version of Beyond: Two Souls has been unveiled as well as what goodies this version of Beyond: Two Souls will house We all knew that Beyond: Two Souls was heading to the PS4 via an HD upgrade. We just didn't know when we would be seeing this happen and it looks like it is next week. More like November 24th to see Beyond: Two Souls available digitally for the PS4 as Quantic Dream has just made the announcement that more of the world will get to experience this great title. Of course just giving us Beyond: Two Souls on the PS4 wouldn't be enough to generate sales so it looks like there is even more for us all to expect when it hits next week. Read More...
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Quantic Dream Is Announcing Something New On January 28th
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 21st of January 2015 - 10:00 PM ]
Quantic Dream has a new teaser site up and ominous Tweets about a possible new IP being announced on January 28th 2015 Quantic Dream has a nice little list of titles under their belt and it looks like there may be one more getting added into the mix. Most recently they have made huge splashes on the PS3 with Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls. Both great titles in my opinion even though most other outlets and gamers would greatly disagree. They've also made another title that was well received on the PS2, Xbox, and PC called Indigo Prophecy if you are still here trying to find a reason to care about this new little tease from Quantic Dream. Read More...
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