Beyond Good & Evil
More rumors for Beyond Good & Evil 2 have appeared and they claim that Beyond Good & Evil 2 will be a timed exclusive for Nintendo Switch
This does seem like the year of the rumor as new rumors have cropped up around Beyond Good & Evil 2 and these ones point that the game will be a timed exclusive for the Nintendo Switch right from the game's launch. Don't get your nickers in a bunch just yet as this is all still rumor and nothing official from Ubisoft. It does come from someone who has had a solid track record with leaking Switch info in the past but the latest for Beyond Good & Evil 2 could seem like a little much here. Especially as it states the long-awaited game wouldn't see the PS4, Xbox One, or PC for at least a year after hitting the market and only in digital form after that.
This of course wouldn't be the first time that the publisher and developer has done something like this but it has generally been on titles that haven't been anticipated as Beyond Good & Evil 2 has for some time. Titles like ZombiU and Rayman Legends spring to mind here with both hitting the Wii U well before making the jump over the other systems but this one just seems very odd. None the less it is out there and causing some to question things so I figured it needed to be brought here. At least for the time being.
Thankfully, these rumors should be put to rest soon, unless Ubisoft has already done that by the time you are reading this. The rest of the rumors state that we should see a trailer for Beyond Good & Evil 2 during the Switch event on January 12th which would be both the time it would get the platform announcement as well as any exclusivity that comes with it. Hopefully if the rumor pans out, they won't leave it as vague as Microsoft did when announcing Rise Of The Tomb Raider which caused a lot more fan uproar than love. At least as memory serves.

BGE2 codename is Odyssey. Exclusive to Switch for 12 months only, retail and digital versions. after 12 months digital on PS4 and XB1.
— Laura Kate Dale (@LaurakBuzz) January 3, 2017
BGE2 Odyssey teaser is done. Likely to be at the end of the end of Jan 12 event.
— Laura Kate Dale (@LaurakBuzz) January 3, 2017
PC Port after 12 months too, sorry about forgetting to add this.
— Laura Kate Dale (@LaurakBuzz) January 3, 2017
What are your thoughts on the latest Beyond Good & Evil 2 rumor here? Do you think that they would make this a timed exclusive for some reason or do you think it is all just random murmurs? If the game is held off for an extra year would it be a good selling point for the Switch in your eyes? Let us know and feel free to discuss it all down in the comments below. As more on Beyond Good & Evil 2 becomes available or rumors, we will have it here for you. Be sure to keep checking in as I am sure you'll want to know everything going on with this title as we head to the rumored announcement.