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Detroit: Become Human, Beyond: Two Souls, & Heavy Rain Heading To Steam In June
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 26th of May 2020 - 07:00 PM ]
Detroit More PC gamers will get a chance at Detroit: Become Human, Beyond: Two Souls, & Heavy Rain, as they head to Steam in June For some reason there are still a lot of gamers that skipped Detroit: Become Human, Beyond: Two Souls, and Heavy Rain when Quantic Dream brought them to the Epic Game store before. These all used to be PS3 and PS4 exclusives and when the option to bring it over for the PC master race, I would think that many would have jumped on it. I am guessing that so many are buying into all of the conspiracy stuff still even back when Detroit: Become Human made the jump. Read More...
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Beyond: Two Souls To Explode On To The PS4 Next Week
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 19th of November 2015 - 08:00 PM ]
Beyond: Two Souls A release date for the PS4 version of Beyond: Two Souls has been unveiled as well as what goodies this version of Beyond: Two Souls will house We all knew that Beyond: Two Souls was heading to the PS4 via an HD upgrade. We just didn't know when we would be seeing this happen and it looks like it is next week. More like November 24th to see Beyond: Two Souls available digitally for the PS4 as Quantic Dream has just made the announcement that more of the world will get to experience this great title. Of course just giving us Beyond: Two Souls on the PS4 wouldn't be enough to generate sales so it looks like there is even more for us all to expect when it hits next week. Read More...
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Quantic Dream Is Announcing Something New On January 28th
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 21st of January 2015 - 10:00 PM ]
Quantic Dream has a new teaser site up and ominous Tweets about a possible new IP being announced on January 28th 2015 Quantic Dream has a nice little list of titles under their belt and it looks like there may be one more getting added into the mix. Most recently they have made huge splashes on the PS3 with Heavy Rain and Beyond: Two Souls. Both great titles in my opinion even though most other outlets and gamers would greatly disagree. They've also made another title that was well received on the PS2, Xbox, and PC called Indigo Prophecy if you are still here trying to find a reason to care about this new little tease from Quantic Dream. Read More...
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Review: Beyond: Two Souls
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 15th of October 2013 - 09:10 PM ]
Beyond: Two Souls has finally come out and worked its way into our gaming world. If you've been hiding under a rock and just stumbled upon this review by accident, this is the new title written and directed by David Cage of Heavy Rain fame. Quantic Dream being the developer in case you are in from that angle. Either way, in case you are on the fence about giving Beyond: Two Souls a play or a purchase, I am here again to help you make an informed-ish decision. The Story This is a story about a girl, Ellen Page Jodie Holmes, who is 'different' and refuses to use lip balm that also happens to have been born with an 'entity' or ghost attached to her. Read More...
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A Closer Look At The Special Edition Of Beyond: Two Souls
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 30th of September 2013 - 09:35 PM ]
If you are like me then you are overly excited to get your hands on Beyond: Two Souls next week (10/8/13). Also if you are like me then you also have the Special Edition of the game pre-ordered and set to be opened on the same date. That means that you also know that the below are included in this edition, but I'm still listing them for people who still may be on the fence about pre-ordering and getting the free upgrade. Exclusive Steel Book Packaging 30 minutes extra game play Behind the scenes videos Game soundtrack PS3 Dynamic Theme PSN Avatar Bundle Now I know what you are thinking, "How is this really anything new?" Well it's not. Read More...
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Let's Take Another Look Behind Beyond: Two Souls
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 24th of July 2013 - 09:46 PM ]
I swear if there ends up being more "behind the scenes" than actual game play for Beyond: Two Souls I will start a riot. I'm talking a full scale riot where we end up with a plethora of ghost wandering around attaching themselves to little kids so they can make the experience we should have received. Now that's a riot. Let us hope that things don't need to progress to that point and let us place our hope that the game will be long and awesome enough to have necessitated all these behind the scenes video. Read More...
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Who Wants To See The Game Play Of Beyond: Two Souls?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 3rd of May 2013 - 06:16 PM ]
Did you missed the Tribeca Film Festival, and in turn the new footage for Beyond: Two Souls? This is most likely the case if you clicked in here to see the new trailer and about 35 minutes of the actual game play. If the reports of Beyond only being an average of ten hours long, that's about 1/20 of the actual game. Isn't that lovely? In the instance that you are one of those "don't want to spoil anything" people, I'll give you a run down on what is touched on in the longer video besides a bit of the story. Read More...
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Willem Dafoe Now Listed Among Beyond: Two Souls Cast
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 6th of March 2013 - 07:19 PM ]
We all know from last year's E3, one of the big calls to Beyond: Two Souls was the fact that Ellen Page was lending her voice and physical acting skills. How this was biggest news that Sony and Quantic Dream wanted to push is still beyond me, but it was. It seems like instead of trying to focus on what the actual game play will handle like, they just want to point to star power. Again this is the case, but at least we get a little bit more as to what is going on. Willem Dafoe, of Speed 2 fame, is now in the mix of names to lend voice and acting skill to B: TS. Read More...
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Beyond: Two Souls Game Play Kind Of Revealed
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 22nd of August 2012 - 09:45 PM ]
Beyond: Two Souls was announced at E3 2012. This is the new game from Quantic Dream (Heavy Rain, Indigo Prophecy) that features Ellen Page as the main protagonist. Hopefully you remember that being the big news and then they didn't show anything more than her character sitting in a room silent and motionless. Go ahead and look that up, it will be a little important to the rest of this here. If you are in the know already, then let's move on. Read More...
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