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You Can Binge Watch Mortal Kombat Legacy Season 2, But Do You Want To?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 2nd of October 2013 - 03:52 PM ]
Earlier this year we got a trailer and a few details about the second season of Mortal Kombat: Legacy. I was not overly impressed. Now the time has come and we have the full season available to watch. I have and am still not impressed at all. Again this feels like a simple milking of the franchise and nothing more. If you don't believe me or think you might have a different opinion on the quality of the web series you can watch all ten episodes below. It makes me sad to know that an original idea that happened three years ago spawned just another telling of the same story we have heard a hundred and one times already. Read More...
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What Have They Done To Mortal Kombat: Legacy?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 18th of February 2013 - 10:21 PM ]
Remember about two years ago when Mortal Kombat: Legacy made a huge splash on the internet? I do as I wrote a small review about each episode that came out. With each review came more and more disappointment as the story and whole concept moved back into video game cannon from the original concept that re-sparked the whole project. If you are not sure what I am talking about still, look to the very bottom to see the original video. Well now that we've taken that walk down memory lane let's move forward. Read More...
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Did Twig Just Get His Nuka Break?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 30th of September 2011 - 08:46 PM ]
It's been two weeks again so it is time for the new episode of Fallout: Nuka Break. It is also time to see how the cliff hanger from last episode is going to work itself out. You know the one where the whole crew was ambushed in the middle of town. Crazy guy in a huge top hat? You know and if not go watch the last episode. Without giving too much away, it does look like the whole premise of the series has come to a close. Or at least the basic one. Read More...
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Knuckle Bumps To The Gamers Behind Fallout: Nuka Break
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 30th of August 2011 - 05:28 PM ]
So there was that abomination that occurred with Mortal Kombat's web series. I've all but given up on trying to care about any web series that are based on popular video game franchises. That is until I caught Wayside Creations' rendition of Fallout, aptly titled Fallout: Nuka Break. Before you ask, this was created by fans of Fallout for fans of Fallout. The creator's being a small independent production company. The same company that released the virally popular short film with the same title. Read More...
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Mortal Kombat: Legacy Episode 8 - Same Old Story
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 1st of June 2011 - 10:28 PM ]
What a twist! Who knew that Quan Chi was the master mind behind the whole Sub Zero/Scorpion plot? My mind is blown! Completely didn't expect this "reimagining" to go there. Madness! Wait… What…? That is the basic canon of the Mortal Kombat universe? It wasn't something amazingly awesome thought up by the people who wrote something amazing to get the WB behind this little web series? Damn… I was really hoping for something here. Now that my sarcasm has been given the chance to be out in the open for the day, let's move on. Read More...
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Mortal Kombat: Legacy Episode 7 - Scorpion The Family Man
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 25th of May 2011 - 08:55 PM ]
That didn't last long. The awesome reimagining of the Mortal Kombat franchise that was shown in episode 6 seems to be thrown to the side as we are back on the path of the stories we already know. Oh, and just like the Kitana/Mileena story, this one is set up the same way only with franchise favorites Scorpion and Sub Zero. That includes the "To Be Continued" at the end of the episode. I will give the episode a bit of credit as it does expand on the whole rivalry story between the two characters. Read More...
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Mortal Kombat: Legacy Episode 6 - Raiden's Gone Crazy
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 19th of May 2011 - 09:59 PM ]
Finally we get something that was originally pitched way back when. It only took six episodes before we got another gritty take on the Mortal Kombat universe. While it was nothing as insane as how Baraka or Scorpion were presented, it does ask the question of "What would happen if a god fell in the modern age?" It also answers it pretty accurately too boot. This week's episode features Raiden who seems to have fallen out of power and into the grounds of a mental institution. Read More...
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Mortal Kombat: Legacy Episode 5 - Sibling Rivalry...Kind Of
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Wednesday, 11th of May 2011 - 09:02 PM ]
The latest episode of Mortal Kombat: Legacy has hit the web and it continues down the path of just retelling the story from the game. I have given up hope that they would begin to go back to the "reality based" version. So I am going to try and approach this from a different angle as my original excitement was for something that seems will never be. Anyway, this episode continues the animatic and story of Kitana and Mileena that was approached in last week's episode. It has the girls vying for their "father's" approval by fighting each other and following out assassination plots. Read More...
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Mortal Kombat: Legacy Episode 4 - Let's Go To Outworld
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 9th of May 2011 - 03:48 PM ]
Um…I really don't know what to say this time. Other than it looks like the previously mentioned boat has now brought that jumper to the ramp before the shark. This new episode has completely deviated from the original pitch from last year. It reeks of either studio demands or that the production team stopped caring about bring what was originally hyped. I knew Baraka was going to be grossly different than the "real world" rendition, but they went all fantasy on it. Outside of fully deviating from the original gritty real world feel, most of this week's episode is also done in an animatic format. Read More...
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Mortal Kombat: Legacy Episode 3 - You Got Caged!
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 28th of April 2011 - 04:36 PM ]
Now here is a gross deviation from everything that was going on with Mortal Kombat: Legacy. First Johnny Cage isn't killed outright and he is actually failing as the actor he claims to be. A show called "You Got Caged." Really? All I could think about was the first line of from one of my favorite web shows. It's silly yet fun. I would love to know why the dirty, realistic gritty version of MK:L seems to have been abandoned though. Read More...
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