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Review — Maize
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 12th of September 2017 - 07:00 PM ]
Night Trap We sit down and review Maize. An adventure game all about surviving a bunker full of sentient corn. Here is our review of this Maize Late last year we saw Maize release out there for the PC world and only had glimmers of hope for when it would be making its way over to the PS4 and Xbox One. We all knew it was coming but it wasn't until September 12th that Finish Line Games was able to get the game to make the leap on over. Or the crawl. Read More...
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It Is Time To Get Lost In The Absurdity Of Maize
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 1st of December 2016 - 08:00 PM ]
Maize A new trailer for Maize has been released just for the game's launch and it looks to show off some of Maize's gameplay and humor in the mix Today marks the day that Maize is released to the joy or dismay of those PC gamers out there. I say dismay not because I think that Finish Line Games isn't going to deliver something fun and entertaining but because there are so many other video games out there right now that we are all sinking our time into. I can easily see Maize getting picked up and forgotten because of this and the lack of gameplay footage and details that we've seen to keep it well in our view. That is all going to change though as he I am talking about this PC game again to get your attention and the fact that there is now a solid trailer for the game that shows off just how it plays. Read More...
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We'll Be Finding Our Way Into The Maize Come This December
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 3rd of November 2016 - 09:00 PM ]
Maize The release date for Maize has been set and we also have a look at another character joining us in Maize with Vladdy With all of the serious titles coming out here in the next few months it is nice to see something like Maize finally get its time in the sun as it is poised to release on December 1st now. It's been a while since Finish Line Games first showed off anything for the game and now we are set to see it hit the light of day. Originally it was stated as Harvest of 2016 but since the harvest has come and gone it looks like Maize is settling in for a solid Winter release instead. Read More...
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Did Twig Just Get His Nuka Break?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Friday, 30th of September 2011 - 08:46 PM ]
It's been two weeks again so it is time for the new episode of Fallout: Nuka Break. It is also time to see how the cliff hanger from last episode is going to work itself out. You know the one where the whole crew was ambushed in the middle of town. Crazy guy in a huge top hat? You know and if not go watch the last episode. Without giving too much away, it does look like the whole premise of the series has come to a close. Or at least the basic one. Read More...
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Knuckle Bumps To The Gamers Behind Fallout: Nuka Break
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 30th of August 2011 - 05:28 PM ]
So there was that abomination that occurred with Mortal Kombat's web series. I've all but given up on trying to care about any web series that are based on popular video game franchises. That is until I caught Wayside Creations' rendition of Fallout, aptly titled Fallout: Nuka Break. Before you ask, this was created by fans of Fallout for fans of Fallout. The creator's being a small independent production company. The same company that released the virally popular short film with the same title. Read More...
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Do You Have What It Takes To Stop The Oil Spill?
by Corey Dockendorf [ Friday, 2nd of July 2010 - 03:41 PM ]
Haven't heard enough about the BP oil spill yet? Think you could handle it better? Well break out your controller and give it a shot. A new title called Crisis in the Gulf is available on XBox Live, and lets you take command of the situation and figure out a way to plug the oil spill. Of course this game is based around a "DP" oil leak and not actually THE BP oil leak. That's just a silly coincidence, right? Super Boise Games developed the title in an attempt to make light of a very sensitive subject in current events. Read More...
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Battlefield Heroes UPDATE
by Taylor Rose [ Friday, 2nd of May 2008 - 08:43 PM ]
      This may be fairly old news to any of you hardcore Battlefield fans, but for those of you who haven't heard, the EAD.I.C.E. team behind Battlefield 1942™ and Battlefield 2™ has developed a new cartoon shooter: Battlefie ld Heroes. Set to be released for XP/Vista users this summer, Battlefield Heroes is EA's first title that's completely free to download and play. It will be funded through advertisements on the game's website and on the start menu of the game; no longer will we be bothered with obnoxious in-game ads! Every map will be ad-free. Read More...
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Release Date for POSTAL Movie: May 23, 2008
by Aaron BlueWolf72 Molloy [ Tuesday, 11th of March 2008 - 09:13 AM ]
  Press release from Vince Desi from the upcoming Postal movie. I for one will be happy to watch this movie! Tucson, AZ: After a year of touring the world via film festivals and preview screenings, the film version of Running With Scissors’cult video game franchise POSTAL now has a firm release date. Moreover, Postal: The Movie will make its big screen bow on May 23rd, in direct competition with the first weekend in release for the latest Lucas/Spielberg Indiana Jones flick. “We will go out and destroy Indiana Jones at the box office! Read More...
Tags: Postal, Movie, Humor,
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