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Gamescom 2010 Video Swarm [Part 1]
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 23rd of August 2010 - 03:34 PM ]
If you have been paying attention to the AggroGamer Twitter or AggroGamer YouTube accounts, you may have seen a flood of new videos and trailers for upcoming games. All of them pretty much flowing in from Gamescom 2010. There were so many of them that we knew you wouldn't be able to keep up if we posted each in their own article. So here is the first batch in case you've missed them or just want to watch them again. Isn't that nice of us? Read More...
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Do You Have What It Takes To Stop The Oil Spill?
by Corey Dockendorf [ Friday, 2nd of July 2010 - 03:41 PM ]
Haven't heard enough about the BP oil spill yet? Think you could handle it better? Well break out your controller and give it a shot. A new title called Crisis in the Gulf is available on XBox Live, and lets you take command of the situation and figure out a way to plug the oil spill. Of course this game is based around a "DP" oil leak and not actually THE BP oil leak. That's just a silly coincidence, right? Super Boise Games developed the title in an attempt to make light of a very sensitive subject in current events. Read More...
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It Is Official, LittleBigPlanet 2 Revealed
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 10th of May 2010 - 05:36 PM ]
It looks like the time has come. The time to wheel out the next big thing to come along with Sony's Move. No, not the ever-pushed-off US version of the Eye Pet, but the sequel to end all sequels, until another sequel comes out. Officially now, LittleBigPlanet 2 has been announced and with it came along with a little fun trailer. A trailer to show off some of the upgrades that have been done to their game platform and how a whole new generation of banned levels can look and feel. I will say that some of the promises shown and talked about in this reveal trailer are kind of interesting and all huge steps for those that dream to be level designers to show off their skills. Read More...
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LittleBigPlanet Release Date Is PSPGo!
by Corey Dockendorf [ Tuesday, 6th of October 2009 - 06:04 PM ]
Finally we get a release date! LittleBigPlanet will be released for PSP on November 17th 2009. As if the game on PS3 wasn't addictive enough, now its portable. Who knows what crazy levels people will come up with next! The PSP version will have most of the same functionality as it's PS3 counterpart, along with 35+ new developer created levels. So now when your sitting at the airport and you feel the need to make sack boy run through and amazingly complex level, the power will be at your fingertips. The Sharing and rating features will also be available. Read More...
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New LBP DLC Will Totally Get You Wet
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Thursday, 20th of August 2009 - 05:05 PM ]
Sack it to Me – the "Big Announcements" Edition You ever hop into the level creator for LittleBigPlanet and feel like there was something missing. Something that stopped you from being able to faithfully recreate the entire game of Super Mario Bros. using their sandbox. Something you couldn't quite place your finger on. Something you had to muddle around with the jet packs a bit to get to work correctly as well as run a blue tint over the entire screen for immersion's sake. Ok, enough of that and on to the point. Read More...
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by David 'Hades' Becker [ Tuesday, 18th of August 2009 - 06:31 PM ]
Announcing: LittleBigPlanet – Game of the Year edition If there is one thing I hate when I open up a new DVD or Blu-Ray case, it's when there is an ad for a Special Edition of the same film that I bought coming out in a few weeks/months. A new edition with all the crazy extra features and extras that I wanted in the one I just bought. The kicker is when they advertise this new version for the same price as the one I just bought. It always leaves me burned by the company. Read More...
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Looks Like They Were Called
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 13th of July 2009 - 03:22 PM ]
Ghostbusters LPB Costumes Last week one of the fun little things announced for LittleBigPlanet was the addition of a cool little Ghostbusters costume for the game. Well a few of them, but we only got a glimpse of one. You know, the ghost logo guy. look it up on your own time if you don't remember. Well this morning, from the official PlayStation blog, a screen of all four of the costumes you will be able to get this Thursday was just placed for our viewing pleasure. That and a few user created tributes to the film using existing stickers and creation tool stuff and the music video for Ghostbusters. A nice little fun tribute from them for the film too. Read More...
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Who Ya Gunna Call?
by David 'Hades' Becker [ Monday, 6th of July 2009 - 04:38 PM ]
LBP Ghostbusters So we all knew it was inevitable. With the new BluRay and video game out for the Ghostbusters franchise. Now they are invading the LittleBigPlanet world. Well at least we can assume that with the below image from the PlayStation Blog. No official word has been given about it yet, the blog post is just the image and the phrase "Who Ya Gunna Call?" on it. But it is probably safe to assume that we will be getting the close to racist looking Sack Boy in our LBP sometime in the not to distant future. Read More...
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Couple Engaged Through LPB - Exclusive interview.
by Stephanie Naboshek [ Friday, 17th of October 2008 - 02:41 AM ]
If you've been looking up Little Big Planet videos on Youtube the last few days, then odds are you might have spotted one titled Little Big Planet: Love and Marriage (Engagement Proposal). If not, then I suggest you look it up! Jed Whitaker and Andrea Wilson (soon to be Whitaker) got engaged this last Friday while playing LBP. Jed built the level, Love and Marriage, and had his girlfriend (now finance) play through it while he got the whole thing on video, resulting in a new Youtube favorite.I recently got the chance to interview Jed and Andrea and ask them about the experience. Read More...
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